Obama slams columbus day. Europe brought "disease, devastation, and violence"

No mention of all the welfare and affirmative action programs america gives to indians. They have a better life now than they would if the europeans never came. Until europe came to the NA continent, no indian tribe even had a written language. They were just savages living in trees and eating bugs and dying at 32.

Obama Celebrates Columbus Day: Ushered in ‘Disease, Devastation, and Violence’ - Breitbart

oct 12 2015 In his proclamation for Columbus Day, President Obama said Friday that European explorers to the New World ushered “previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence” into the lives of Native Americans.

The president continued:

Though these early travels expanded the realm of European exploration, to many they also marked a time that forever changed the world for the indigenous peoples of North America. Previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence were introduced to their lives — and as we pay tribute to the ways in which Columbus pursued ambitious goals — we also recognize the suffering inflicted upon Native Americans and we recommit to strengthening tribal sovereignty and maintaining our strong ties.
I've challenged several who make the claim about how Europeans destroyed their ancestor's culture to start living like their ancestors did prior to European exploration. In return, I would go to one of the many countries in Europe where my family came from. Since I'm here, that should tell you how many have accepted the challenge.

There we were, being all peaceful like...
No mention of all the welfare and affirmative action programs america gives to indians. They have a better life now than they would if the europeans never came. Until europe came to the NA continent, no indian tribe even had a written language. They were just savages living in trees and eating bugs and dying at 32.

Well I know you will ignore anything other than your own fantasies but yes- Columbus's voyage did indeed bring disease, devistation and violence to the Americas.

Violence was already here- but European technology brought it to an entirely new level.

And as for 'savages', hell they were more civilized than you are.
The disease thing was not deliberate genocide. Europeans had built up immunities which the New World inhabitants had not.
If you palefaces don't start subscribing to the legend of the noble, civilized indigenous peoples, I am going to have to start scalping some of you.
Pretending Indians were not the same as every other human on Earth is just a way of backing into racism.

Idealizing a people is going to snap back into your face every time.

The reality is Indians were just as ugly and violent as everyone else on Earth. They just didn't have the tools of war the Europeans did, so they were fucked. The biggest domestic animal in the Americas was the fricking llama, for chrissakes. A llama doesn't stand a chance against a horse. So you're done for.

Thanks for the tobacco and high fructose corn syrup. You got even by giving Europeans high cholesterol and lung cancer. So there's that.
No mention of all the welfare and affirmative action programs america gives to indians. They have a better life now than they would if the europeans never came. Until europe came to the NA continent, no indian tribe even had a written language. They were just savages living in trees and eating bugs and dying at 32.

Obama Celebrates Columbus Day: Ushered in ‘Disease, Devastation, and Violence’ - Breitbart

oct 12 2015 In his proclamation for Columbus Day, President Obama said Friday that European explorers to the New World ushered “previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence” into the lives of Native Americans.

The president continued:

Though these early travels expanded the realm of European exploration, to many they also marked a time that forever changed the world for the indigenous peoples of North America. Previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence were introduced to their lives — and as we pay tribute to the ways in which Columbus pursued ambitious goals — we also recognize the suffering inflicted upon Native Americans and we recommit to strengthening tribal sovereignty and maintaining our strong ties.

When you run out of people to hate, do you just go back around to the beginning and start over?
If the Indians (i.e. the original IMMIGRANTS from Asia) had had the know-how and the courage they would have traveled to Europe, conquer, pillage and kill.

While Europeans may have been the cause of death to many Indians, the Indians gave the world TOBACCO, which kills millions of people all over the world to this very day and, predictably, in the future..

On the other hand Indians also gave the world potatoes, tomatoes and bell pepper.

On the other hand, Europeans gave Indians fire water.

All in all the Indians got the better of the deal. So, stop bitching Lakhota.
The Great Lakes indians were pretty sophisticated, no, I don't think they lived in trees. A lot of em had a pretty good life

Did they have a written language?

Their verbal/oral history is worth the paper it is written on.,
And as for 'savages', hell they were more civilized than you are.



And what did the explores do the Indians . Killed a shitload and stole their gold.

Columbus didn't even land in America . He was running round the Caribeean .

The disease thing was not deliberate genocide. Europeans had built up immunities which the New World inhabitants had not.

In my experience when there are discussions on this subject, no one wants nuance- only who to blame.

  • From what accounts I have read- Columbus himself was both dishonest and brutal.
  • But his efforts did result in the European expansion into the Americas- for which I have every reason to be grateful- since here I am.
  • European diseases were the primary cause of the decimation of native Americans and that was not normally intentional- though there were intentional incidents of attempts to spread disease also.
  • That doesn't change the fact that millions of native Americans did indeed die as a result of not just European contact- but diseases encountered through attempts at conquering the native Americans.
  • However, it was the subsequent invasions and conquests which destroyed native American civlizations in Meso-America and South America. The great Mound builder civilization of the Mississippi Valley appears to have been totally destroyed by disease.
America was neither the 'uncivilized savagery' that some want to portray it, nor was it filled full of 'noble savages' as others want to portray it.

Our European ancestors came, and they took the land of those who lived here, destroying their civilizations. We can't change that reality, nor should we deny it, anymore than denying that it resulted in who we are in the U.S. today.
You'll find conservatives love to blame the victims .

"Africans had slaves ! Slavery really was no big deal. "
America was neither the 'uncivilized savagery' that some want to portray it, nor was it filled full of 'noble savages' as others want to portray it.

Our European ancestors came, and they took the land of those who lived here, destroying their civilizations. We can't change that reality, nor should we deny it, anymore than denying that it resulted in who we are in the U.S. today.

This. It is what it is.
Columbus was the first terrorist to hit America.
You'd still be living in whatever screwed up country your ancestors came from if not for Columbus. Find out what it is and go back there.
I've no doubt that a bloodthirsty and rapacious paedophile and slaver suits you as an iconic role model.
what hasn't that puke of a President not slammed about us? he hated us so bad why did he run so he could spew his hate all over us? what a lowlife of a man and disgusting human being.
Only Obama could find a way to celebrate the holiday.....
Then shit all over it.....

What a joke....
So happy he's on the way out....

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