Obama shielding more than 80% of illegals from deportation...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Obama actions shield most illegal immigrants from deportation even as court stalls amnesty - Washington Times

Obama actions shield most illegals from deportation even as courts stall amnesty

"President Obama’s marquee deportation amnesty has been stalled by the courts, but the rest of his executive actions on immigration, announced exactly a year ago, are moving forward — including his move protecting more than 80 percent of illegal immigrants from any danger of deportation.

The amnesty, dubbed Deferred Action for Parental Accountability was supposed to grant full tentative legal status — including work permits, Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses — to more than 4 million illegal immigrants. It has been halted by a federal appeals court, and its fate will soon rest with the Supreme Court.

But the rest of the dozen actions Mr. Obama announced on Nov. 20, 2014, are still advancing, including a far-reaching set of priorities that effectively orders agents not to bother deporting nearly all illegal immigrants

The actions — often mislabeled by the press as executive orders — also included changes to the legal immigration system, such as making it easier for spouses of guest workers to also find jobs; allowing foreigners who study science and technology at U.S. universities to remain and work in the country longer; pushing legal immigrants to apply for citizenship; and waiving the penalty on illegal immigrant spouses or children of legal permanent residents so they no longer have to go to their home countries to await legal status."


So he has 'made changes to the immigration system'...which is completely UN-CONSTITUTIONAL. He has the discretion regarding how to enforce laws but NOT to by-pass Congress and arbitrarily make whatever changes he wants to make. And he's not even bothering with Executive Orders anymore - he is just doing whatever the hell he wants.

Over 93 million Americans NOT in the work force / not working, unable to find jobs, Over half a million Americans homeless, to include Vets who are still not getting healthcare they need as the broken VA has not been fixed yet.... Yet Barry is brining in / protecting / helping millions of Illegals who have broken our laws to come here. Barry is not only refusing to ENFORCE 'the Law', he is violating the Constitution and breaking the law to put Illegals and 'refugee's ahead of American citizens. (So much for his oath of office which included his vow to protect and defend the Constitution and to enforce the rule of Law!)

Barry does love him some illegals and Islamic Extremists / terrorists while constantly showing his disdain for the American citizens he is SUPPOSED to be representing.

What a PO$! This is only one of the many reasons Barry will go down as the WORST PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY!
LINK: Obama actions shield most illegal immigrants from deportation even as court stalls amnesty - Washington Times

Obama actions shield most illegals from deportation even as courts stall amnesty

"President Obama’s marquee deportation amnesty has been stalled by the courts, but the rest of his executive actions on immigration, announced exactly a year ago, are moving forward — including his move protecting more than 80 percent of illegal immigrants from any danger of deportation.

The amnesty, dubbed Deferred Action for Parental Accountability was supposed to grant full tentative legal status — including work permits, Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses — to more than 4 million illegal immigrants. It has been halted by a federal appeals court, and its fate will soon rest with the Supreme Court.

But the rest of the dozen actions Mr. Obama announced on Nov. 20, 2014, are still advancing, including a far-reaching set of priorities that effectively orders agents not to bother deporting nearly all illegal immigrants

The actions — often mislabeled by the press as executive orders — also included changes to the legal immigration system, such as making it easier for spouses of guest workers to also find jobs; allowing foreigners who study science and technology at U.S. universities to remain and work in the country longer; pushing legal immigrants to apply for citizenship; and waiving the penalty on illegal immigrant spouses or children of legal permanent residents so they no longer have to go to their home countries to await legal status."


So he has 'made changes to the immigration system'...which is completely UN-CONSTITUTIONAL. He has the discretion regarding how to enforce laws but NOT to by-pass Congress and arbitrarily make whatever changes he wants to make. And he's not even bothering with Executive Orders anymore - he is just doing whatever the hell he wants.

Over 93 million Americans NOT in the work force / not working, unable to find jobs, Over half a million Americans homeless, to include Vets who are still not getting healthcare they need as the broken VA has not been fixed yet.... Yet Barry is brining in / protecting / helping millions of Illegals who have broken our laws to come here. Barry is not only refusing to ENFORCE 'the Law', he is violating the Constitution and breaking the law to put Illegals and 'refugee's ahead of American citizens. (So much for his oath of office which included his vow to protect and defend the Constitution and to enforce the rule of Law!)

Barry does love him some illegals and Islamic Extremists / terrorists while constantly showing his disdain for the American citizens he is SUPPOSED to be representing.

What a PO$! This is only one of the many reasons Barry will go down as the WORST PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY!

Yes, I read about this also.

I might have actually bought into another Democrat if the left would have thrown Obysmal under the bus for circumventing the constitution. They didn't, so the only way to vote is GOP.
... making it easier for spouses of guest workers to also find jobs; allowing foreigners who study science and technology at U.S. universities to remain and work in the country longer...

I might support these two specific ideas if they were presented, debated, and voted on in Congress per the US Constitution.

What a PO$! This is only one of the many reasons Barry will go down as the WORST PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY!

obama is a horrible President, but he still has a way to go to catch up to fd-fucking-r.
obama is a horrible President, but he still has a way to go to catch up to fd-fucking-r.

Dunno....FDR never armed our enemies and terrorists, allowed Americans to be murdered / assassinated, mocked citizens from abroad....
All we need is an american patriot in office who will declare illegal immigrants AND ANY "fast tracked", undocumented "refugees" as undesirables and a threat to the foundations of U.S. Constitutional order and national security risk.

Simple as that.

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