Obama Says He Could Win Again - True or False?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Well Barry, you nasty little narcissistic megalomaniac... not so fast...

Friday, July 31, 2015

In a recent speech criticizing African political leaders who stay too long in office, President Obama said he could win a third term if he ran for president again but acknowledged that U.S. law does not allow it. Could Obama win again?

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% of Likely U.S. Voters say they would vote for the president if he ran for a third term. Sixty-three percent (63%) would not. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Obama Says He Could Win Again - True or False - Rasmussen Reports
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Anybody could win against the Republican clown car. But yes if he campaigned he could win.
Anybody could win against the Republican clown car. But yes if he campaigned he could win.
You wish, blindly devoted Maobamaite

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You remember, they were saying the same thing before. No way he can win a second term.
Sadly, I confess, America was more distracted & caught up in the race hype than I thought. This thin-skinned narcissist would not even have been in Congress if his weasel fixer, Axelrod, had not gotten his opponent's divorce case papers unsealed SOMEHOW. His opponent dropped out.

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Of course he could win. Of course he could loose. Fortunately, no third term go Obama.
Anybody could win against the Republican clown car. But yes if he campaigned he could win.
You wish, blindly devoted Maobamaite

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You remember, they were saying the same thing before. No way he can win a second term.
Sadly, I confess, America was more distracted & caught up in the race hype than I thought. This thin-skinned narcissist would not even have been in Congress if his weasel fixer, Axelrod, had not gotten his opponent's divorce case papers unsealed SOMEHOW. His opponent dropped out.

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Interesting the party of Lee Atwater complaining about Axelrod
Well Barry, you nasty little narcissistic megalomaniac... not so fast...

Friday, July 31, 2015

In a recent speech criticizing African political leaders who stay too long in office, President Obama said he could win a third term if he ran for president again but acknowledged that U.S. law does not allow it. Could Obama win again?

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% of Likely U.S. Voters say they would vote for the president if he ran for a third term. Sixty-three percent (63%) would not. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Obama Says He Could Win Again - True or False - Rasmussen Reports

The uninformed I know and live around ( dark blue state ) would vote for him again but the entrepreneurs ( job creators ) would not. Many of them voted for him the first time but not the second. They were sorry and humiliated for that first vote.

There are more uninformed than informed, so "yes" I think he would win a third term if he could get them off the couch to vote. He is supporting them all with our tax dollars and they aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them.
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Poor little odumbobots... they just can't seem accept the truth... but sorry, NO, your nasty little kenyan fraud messiah could NOT win another term...

... the FACTS are hard to accept I know, but you poor little progtards are just going to have to find a way to deal with them...

Obama Said America Wants Him Back For A Third Term... Here s How America Replied
Just who would beat him?
Blindly devoted morons always miss the point. He may be our punishment, our sentence for a multitude of sins. Only God can say. But the objective common sense observer can see: Obama is a judgement; he is no messiah, no broadminded deliverer. He is no leader, he merely mimics the mannerisms of a leader. Badly. The apologists WANT to see more in him. His handlers(Soros etc.) chose this present-voting community organizer for reasons we may know one day. They have money enough not to have to worry about his part in the climate change scam, causing our electricity rates to "necessarily skyrocket" (QUOTING OBAMA).

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So sad for you as Obama is going down in history as one of our greatest Presidents. Rarely has a President had so much success amid so much obstruction.
So sad for you as Obama is going down in history as one of our greatest Presidents. Rarely has a President had so much success amid so much obstruction.
Lol. In your mind. I find your blindly devoted kind at all message boards and forums. But no dispute to my claims can be found.

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So sad for you as Obama is going down in history as one of our greatest Presidents. Rarely has a President had so much success amid so much obstruction.
Rarely has a president told so many lies and perpetuated so much hype

Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
Poor little odumbobots... they just can't seem accept the truth... but sorry, NO, your nasty little kenyan fraud messiah could NOT win another term...

... the FACTS are hard to accept I know, but you poor little progtards are just going to have to find a way to deal with them...

Obama Said America Wants Him Back For A Third Term... Here s How America Replied
Just who would beat him?
Blindly devoted morons always miss the point. He may be our punishment, our sentence for a multitude of sins. Only God can say. But the objective common sense observer can see: Obama is a judgement; he is no messiah, no broadminded deliverer. He is no leader, he merely mimics the mannerisms of a leader. Badly. The apologists WANT to see more in him. His handlers(Soros etc.) chose this present-voting community organizer for reasons we may know one day. They have money enough not to have to worry about his part in the climate change scam, causing our electricity rates to "necessarily skyrocket" (QUOTING OBAMA).

Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
Well Barry, you nasty little narcissistic megalomaniac... not so fast...

Friday, July 31, 2015

In a recent speech criticizing African political leaders who stay too long in office, President Obama said he could win a third term if he ran for president again but acknowledged that U.S. law does not allow it. Could Obama win again?

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% of Likely U.S. Voters say they would vote for the president if he ran for a third term. Sixty-three percent (63%) would not. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Obama Says He Could Win Again - True or False - Rasmussen Reports
Sadly he could.

Dependent class and their enablers are now the majority.

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