Obama revamp of federal bureaucracy created 'widespread' security policies violations


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama Administration "Biggest National Security Threat 'EVUH'"?!

Obama revamp of federal bureaucracy created 'widespread' security policies violations, watchdog says

One of former President Barack Obama’s pet projects -- to drag federal bureaucracy into the digital age -- morphed into a rogue operation that disregarded information security policies, used unauthorized software and information systems on government networks, and exposed sensitive information to potential hackers, according to a watchdog report.

Many of the most egregious security violations took place long after the Obama administration’s 2014 admission of one of the worst cyber-security losses in history: the theft by China-based intruders of 4.2 million personnel files from its Office of Personnel Management --
a revelation that set off a wide-ranging review of all federal cybersecurity.

The Obama administration turned out to be THE biggest National Security Threatening Administrations and biggest CyberSecurity FAILURES in US History!

Wide-spread Security Violations - criminal activity: Intentional disregard of both policies and laws - were found throughout the Obama administration:
- Failure to comply with Administration / Federal Rules / Regulations / Laws

- Failure to complete required training

- Un-Authorized servers and e-mails designed to by-pass the FOIA and Federal Records Act in order to keep federal agency and personal activity hidden (State Department, EPA, DHS, etc...)

- Use of Un-Authorized software / systems

- Poor CyberSecurity practices

- Providing access to highly classified information to persons who either did not have a security clearance or to those whose clearance was insufficient to have access to the material:
--- Giving Lawyers, MAIDS, and IT Tech companies access to highly classified information though they had no clearances.

- HIRING SPIES, like the 3 Pakistani Brothers - 1 with a criminal record, to work on Congressional records and files, giving them un-authorized access to highly classified government files

The failures and intentional criminal activity regarding improper and illegal safeguarding of classified information impacting our National Security was wide-spread and RAMPANT within the Obama administration. Even President Obama was caught lying and using - like several of his agency heads/leads - an 'alias' to e-mail Hillary Clinton using her UN-Authorized personal e-mail and server.

These oversights and intentional acts, perpetrated in order to DO WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO despite the risks to our National security, exposed the United States' most secret information / files to foreign threats.

While Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton were financing, supplying, arming, training, and defending terrorists abroad and Mexican Drug Cartels, they were also weakening our nation's national security, making us vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Both the Obama administration's ineptitude and disregard for Security Policy / Law not only jeopardized / compromised National Security but resulted in criminals preying on American citizens - such as in the case of the disastrous ACA Web Site. The web site is STILL 'infested' with hackers / scammers / etc..., as the Obama administration failed to fix the site meant to help people obtain insurance but instead resulted in a hacker's/scammer's 'paradise'.

Both unintentionally, due to incompetence and bad decisions, as well as BY CHOICE, the Obama administration jeopardized and damaged our National Security on a wide scale, further aiding our enemies abroad.

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