Obama repackages stimulus plans with old promises

he didn't save jack shit as far as jobs go,, it's like somebody just mentioned on the tee vee,, the stimulus package is turning out to be nothing more than politcal payoff for getting him elected. top beneficiary uaw....
Obama is claiming he has "saved or created" 150,000 jobs. By year's end he says he will
"save or create" 600,000 jobs. The WSJ is laughing at the White House press corps for just reporting such BS and not asking questions. When the press corps show up for a press conference they all bring candy and their shoe shine kits. When the media turns against Obama that will be his end, and it will happen.

The key phrase is "saved" , how exactly do you quantify "saved" ? I mean I know how the White House plans to do it, they'll just find the most dismal projections then can get their hands on, fudge them to make it a bit worse and then pronounce "See we'd have lost 6.6 million jobs without the stimulus package but instead we only lost 6 million this year" ..... I'm just wondering how any significant portion of the citizenry can keep falling for this type of statist nonsense.
Bottom line is the unemployment number is 9.4% Eventually as this number creeps up the followers will began to understand, especially if they are one of the unemployed.

Yep--the "saved" jobs has already started to "crash" around this administrations head. No one can quantify how many jobs that they have saved. It's a ridiculous notion. We are still bleeding private sector jobs in this country. The recent "only" 350K job loss versus the 650k jobs lost the previous month are due only to normal economic hightened summer employment. No reason to "brag" about it.

My experience in the economy--& having my own business for the last 30 years--tells me we are going to hit bottom & STAY there for quite some time to come.

Interest rates are already going UP--meaning less borrowing--less economic activity, etc. etc. Gasoline prices are going UP--meaning less consumer spending. Taxes will be going UP to pay for all this government spending--meaning less consumer spending. "It's really not rocket science."

BTW--JUST OUT--President Bush created or saved over 32 MILLION jobs over his 8 years--by giving TAX CUTS. This "after" the recession he inherited, 9/11 & Hurricane Katrina. Obama is talking about saving 150,000 jobs, while we're still hemorraging private sector jobs--what a laugh!

This is a great example of "Reaganomics versus Obamanomics"
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BTW--JUST OUT--President Bush created our saved over 32 MILLION jobs over his 8 years--by giving TAX CUTS. This "after" the recession he inherited, 9/11 & Hurricane Katrina. Obama is talking about saving 150,000 jobs--what a laugh!

Bring Bush back :clap2:
With $5 billion in stimulus money going to weatherize homes, The New York Times is asking how much of that is pork.

Since the 1970s, the federal government has provided funding to help low-income residents keep heating bills down by plugging holes and beefing up insulation. The winterizing program makes both economic and ecological sense, considering that heating an average house costs $1,188 per year and, nationwide, heating sends 358 million metric tons of climate-warming carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere.
Should we spend stimulus money keeping Florida cool?: Scientific American Blog

This is just one project in a number of projects like the wetlands mouse study and we are asking how many jobs this created? Well I sure hope no one is really under the impression this was actually going to create any jobs? It is what it is a massive, spending bill meant to reward all the loyal supporters of the administration deficit and economy be damned. Thats why the whole Change mantra makes me laugh everytime I hear it.
With $5 billion in stimulus money going to weatherize homes, The New York Times is asking how much of that is pork.

Since the 1970s, the federal government has provided funding to help low-income residents keep heating bills down by plugging holes and beefing up insulation. The winterizing program makes both economic and ecological sense, considering that heating an average house costs $1,188 per year and, nationwide, heating sends 358 million metric tons of climate-warming carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere.
Should we spend stimulus money keeping Florida cool?: Scientific American Blog

This is just one project in a number of projects like the wetlands mouse study and we are asking how many jobs this created? Well I sure hope no one is really under the impression this was actually going to create any jobs? It is what it is a massive, spending bill meant to reward all the loyal supporters of the administration deficit and economy be damned. Thats why the whole Change mantra makes me laugh everytime I hear it.

All of the savings of winterizing homes will be wiped out with this new "cap & trade" bill that is due to pass--adding an additional $2000--$4000 per year to the average home. Business will be paying much more for electricity--again meaning job lay-offs.

As far as the Global warming: We are the only country in the entire WORLD that will be doing this. Now if Obama & Al Gore can figure out a way to keep our ultra clean air over our country--versus wandering off to others--maybe mother nature will decide not to do a global melt around our shores?:clap2:
oreo, exactly and still proves my point that the only thing the stimulus is stimulating are the people who supported the Obama campaign and this was the payback so to speak. I do like the marketing campaign though, sort of neatly packaged to make it appear like it will create jobs. I wonder how many jobs the stimulus package would have created if they would have just divided that money up and sent it to the taxpayers? Now theres a novel idea huh?, let people decide their own fate and financial future.
I believe a 59 percent approval rating gives you the obvious answer to the bolded question. I don't believe in/approve of hiim, but it's clear many do.

You're watching his poll numbers DROP. Originally his "popularity" opinion poll based on "likeability" alone was in the high 70's. When pollsters are asked about his "policies" versus his "likeability"--it's a much different story.

In fact right now 51% of Americans do not like his handeling of the budget deficit--& all this government spending. That's a negative for him.

Wait until they get their tax bill to pay for all of this spending. It's coming--NO ONE is going to escape higher taxes.

there certainly is a deficit between what he does and "who he is." If he increases taxes, he will wait until his second term, but not necessarily by percentage, but rather additional taxes. I have heard horror stories like taxing your 401k every year and getting rid of the interest tax write-off on mortgages.

Obama is defintely following the Carter administration. Jimmy promised no higher taxes too. What he did was dramactically lower the amount of mortgage interest that "everyone" could deduct from their mortgages resulting in HUGE tax hike to middle & lower income earners.

The massive spending the government is doing right now--actually borrowing 50 cents on every dollar they spends dictates that Obama is going to do much more to raise taxes that Carter did.

The democrat party will go after everything--with the exception of raising income taxes on lower incomes. This so Obama can come back in 4 years & state he kept his promise. But in reality--there is no doubt in my mind that if these idiots that voted for him--add up all their tax liability--these dummies will eventually realise that they are paying much more in taxes overall--that they ever did previously. The Bush tax cuts are to expire next year--which will be a major slam to the middle class.

It's the old "bait & switch" routine that the Democrat party has done for decades. The only democrat President that gave a massive tax cut was JFK. Ever since then they are the party of big pork, big earmarks, big spending & big taxes.
You're watching his poll numbers DROP. Originally his "popularity" opinion poll based on "likeability" alone was in the high 70's. When pollsters are asked about his "policies" versus his "likeability"--it's a much different story.

In fact right now 51% of Americans do not like his handeling of the budget deficit--& all this government spending. That's a negative for him.

Wait until they get their tax bill to pay for all of this spending. It's coming--NO ONE is going to escape higher taxes.

there certainly is a deficit between what he does and "who he is." If he increases taxes, he will wait until his second term, but not necessarily by percentage, but rather additional taxes. I have heard horror stories like taxing your 401k every year and getting rid of the interest tax write-off on mortgages.

Obama is defintely following the Carter administration. Jimmy promised no higher taxes too. What he did was dramactically lower the amount of mortgage interest that "everyone" could deduct from their mortgages resulting in HUGE tax hike to middle & lower income earners.

The massive spending the government is doing right now--actually borrowing 50 cents on every dollar they spends dictates that Obama is going to do much more to raise taxes that Carter did.

The democrat party will go after everything--with the exception of raising income taxes on lower incomes. This so Obama can come back in 4 years & state he kept his promise. But in reality--there is no doubt in my mind that if these idiots that voted for him--add up all their tax liability--these dummies will eventually realise that they are paying much more in taxes overall--that they ever did previously. The Bush tax cuts are to expire next year--which will be a major slam to the middle class.

It's the old "bait & switch" routine that the Democrat party has done for decades. The only democrat President that gave a massive tax cut was JFK. Ever since then they are the party of big pork, big earmarks, big spending & big taxes.

I'm gonna have to owe you rep. that is perfect.
Does anyone believe this guy anymore?

We had to rush the spending/stimulus bill into signing even though 100% of Congress had not read the whole thing and only 5% has has been spent.... WTF? If it was such an emergency why isn't the money being spent????:cuckoo:

My Way News - Obama repackages stimulus plans with old promises

I believe a 59 percent approval rating gives you the obvious answer to the bolded question. I don't believe in/approve of hiim, but it's clear many do.

Hmm.. Sort of makes you wonder if they're doing their polling at ACORN headquarters.
oreo, exactly and still proves my point that the only thing the stimulus is stimulating are the people who supported the Obama campaign and this was the payback so to speak. I do like the marketing campaign though, sort of neatly packaged to make it appear like it will create jobs. I wonder how many jobs the stimulus package would have created if they would have just divided that money up and sent it to the taxpayers? Now theres a novel idea huh?, let people decide their own fate and financial future.

AGREED--right now with all these-bail-outs--the stimulus bill they're spending. If they would have given that back to to the taxpayers of this country--estimates are that we as Americans--would have been able to pay off 90% of the mortgages in this country.

The banks would have gotten their money--freeing up lots of cash for them to loan out. Business would have expanded OVERNIGHT--This economy would be sky-rocketing right now.

No--with democrats in total control--they act as though it's "their money"--& by golly their going to spend it the way they want too. For political pay-backs--pork & earmarks to insure that they get re-elected AGAIN. Too add--they're the ones that created this screwed up mess in the first place, & we get to pay for it!
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Does anyone believe this guy anymore?

We had to rush the spending/stimulus bill into signing even though 100% of Congress had not read the whole thing and only 5% has has been spent.... WTF? If it was such an emergency why isn't the money being spent????:cuckoo:

My Way News - Obama repackages stimulus plans with old promises

I believe a 59 percent approval rating gives you the obvious answer to the bolded question. I don't believe in/approve of hiim, but it's clear many do.

Hmm.. Sort of makes you wonder if they're doing their polling at ACORN headquarters.

I don't think so. I think the country is satisfied with HIM. You don't see it that way?
I believe a 59 percent approval rating gives you the obvious answer to the bolded question. I don't believe in/approve of hiim, but it's clear many do.

Hmm.. Sort of makes you wonder if they're doing their polling at ACORN headquarters.

I don't think so. I think the country is satisfied with HIM. You don't see it that way?

I don't know. I really don't personally know anyone that really likes the guy, but my area of Tennessee tends to be very conservative.
elvis, I honestly think that the gap between those that agree with him and those that disagree is getting wider. However, from a domestic point of view it sort of reminds me of Jimmy Carter a little, he had many fervent followers as well, and as time passed fewer and fewer but the most loyal followers could be found. This was due to the trainwreck the economy was in after the end of his first term. I personally don't care how appealing he his, if the economy is a disaster after his first term he will have a hard time getting a second term.
elvis, I personally don't care how appealing he his, if the economy is a disaster after his first term he will have a hard time getting a second term.

His policies will ensure a bad economy. He's an intelligent man but very ignorant. Yep, just like Gimmy Karter, but there we had double digit interest rates and Obama will give us double digit unemployment. That is OK with him in his socialist mind as he will keep "helping" people. When the media turns on him it will be sad.

BTW -- I'm Navy 1957-60 Silent Service. Go Navy!
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elvis, I honestly think that the gap between those that agree with him and those that disagree is getting wider. However, from a domestic point of view it sort of reminds me of Jimmy Carter a little, he had many fervent followers as well, and as time passed fewer and fewer but the most loyal followers could be found. This was due to the trainwreck the economy was in after the end of his first term. I personally don't care how appealing he his, if the economy is a disaster after his first term he will have a hard time getting a second term.

Navy, There is a difference between Carter and Obama. In Carter's case, while you might not have agreed with his policies, you could always tell that Carter truly believed in them. When he told America to conserve energy, he put on a sweater and turned the Whitehouse thermostat down. Obama has shown much more of a "do as I say not as I do" mentality. The hypocrisy I think has started to reduce Obama's ability to charm much of the public.
Barack Obama's poll numbers are dropping. From the high 70's into the 60's. Some polls are already showing him in the 50's. This is his "likeabiliy" rating--when his policies are asked about they show a much different trend--Downward Look at the poll--Americans are not liking all this government spending & run away deficit--& they are blaming Obama for it.


Obama Rated Highest as Person, Lowest on Deficit, Spending

If this economy does not pick up & I mean very quickly--I don't see him stand a chance of winning a second term. By August this year--if we're still loosing jobs in this country--it will be Martha bar the Gates on his public opinion polls. He may even beat Gimmy Karter's record before this is all said & done.
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A Bubblehead! well Naval Aviation a lifer I'm afraid, retired in 99, Go Navy! which I'm sure just made every Marine on here suddenly have a headache. I remember Jimmy Carter very well and was just a small side by side if you will. While I'm sure they are different in many way's, from a social point of view they are very similar and from an economic one the situations are both bad.

The Independent writes, "Carter is widely considered a better man than he was a president."[41] While he began his term with a 66% approval rating,[42] this had dropped to 34% approval by the time he left office, with 55% disapproving.
Jimmy Carter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well Vel you do have to give the man Credit for that and as I recall, I think Jimmy Carter actually added Solar to the White House at some point , but I could be mistaken.
Well Vel you do have to give the man Credit for that and as I recall, I think Jimmy Carter actually added Solar to the White House at some point , but I could be mistaken.

Jimmy Carter never added solar to the White House--where did you come up with that one?

However the irony is. Al Gore lives in an old mansion that expenses $6000.00 per month in electricity bills along. He flys around the country in his private jet that spews carbon all over the place--while making millions on his GLobal warming hype.

President Bush--back on his ranch uses wind--solar & in floor radiant heating (the most efficient btw) to keep bills down & reduce carbon immissions.

Who would have guessed?
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