Obama Remorse


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
I’ve talked with several people who voted for Obama who told me they made a mistake and now they wish they had their vote back.
I would like to know if there are any remorseful Democrats on USMB. Any Democrats wish you could change your vote?
I’ve talked with several people who voted for Obama who told me they made a mistake and now they wish they had their vote back.
I would like to know if there are any remorseful Democrats on USMB. Any Democrats wish you could change your vote?

Welcome to that club. I have friends that voted for this guy, in fact they couldn't wait to vote for OL'BO. They teased the heck out of me because I voted for McCain.

Shoes on the other foot now. These friends, one a Reg Dem the other a left leaning INdi are not happy with the way OL'BO is running his show. They can see their money taking a hike with BO's agenda. If you want to get someones attention, try for their wallets. I wonder how many others are way, way disappointed wit Barry boy???

Nope. My one friend said she would vote for the garbage man rather than BO. In fact, she thinkg the GM looks pretty damned good in comparison. LOL
Looking like Obama will win by an even larger margin in 2012

Says a lot for voter remorse
I’ve talked with several people who voted for Obama who told me they made a mistake and now they wish they had their vote back.
I would like to know if there are any remorseful Democrats on USMB. Any Democrats wish you could change your vote?
I voted for Obama and am not a Democrat. I have no regrets at all about my vote.

Here's why: If McCain's campaign was any indicator of his administrative talents, I don't want him anywhere near the Oval Office.

By the way, Obama and his sycophants out there all blab about the "inherited mess" when the fact is, by far the worst thing the President inherited was the very same Congress.

That's not the President's fault, and we'll be rectifying that, come November.

So no, no regrets here on my Obama vote. And as I've said previously, right now I would vote for him again.

Your problem is a common one. Far too many people put too much importance on the President, when they should be focusing on Congress, who really has all the power and controls the purse strings.
Somehow I ain't buyin that one RW.

Lots will depend on the economy and if OL'BO can figure out how to get companies hiring. If things are going good, he may very well get re-elected. If not. I really don't think so. A lot will also depend on who the Reps field against him in 2012.

Time will tell but I don't believe Barry's a shoe in for 2012.
I’ve talked with several people who voted for Obama who told me they made a mistake and now they wish they had their vote back.
I would like to know if there are any remorseful Democrats on USMB. Any Democrats wish you could change your vote?
I voted for Obama and am not a Democrat. I have no regrets at all about my vote.

Here's why: If McCain's campaign was any indicator of his administrative talents, I don't want him anywhere near the Oval Office.

By the way, Obama and his sycophants out there all blab about the "inherited mess" when the fact is, by far the worst thing the President inherited was the very same Congress.

That's not the President's fault, and we'll be rectifying that, come November.

So no, no regrets here on my Obama vote. And as I've said previously, right now I would vote for him again.

Your problem is a common one. Far too many people put too much importance on the President, when they should be focusing on Congress, who really has all the power and controls the purse strings.

Your right on that one M. The Prez gets the kudo's if things are gong good and blame if they ain't. This Congress, the same one Bush had, sucks. These guys all need to take a hike. The Congress has control of the purse strings, not the Prez. He can submit a budget but nothing says Congress has to approve it.

I don't like OL'B. I never bought into his Hope and Change BS. I don't trust this guy and probably never will. I didn't care for McCain either but voted for him as the lesser of two evils.

Its a long wait to see who the Reps field against him. Will just have to wait and see.
I know quite a few who are disappointed, but none have stated they would have given their vote to someone else.
Somehow I ain't buyin that one RW.

Lots will depend on the economy and if OL'BO can figure out how to get companies hiring. If things are going good, he may very well get re-elected. If not. I really don't think so. A lot will also depend on who the Reps field against him in 2012.

Time will tell but I don't believe Barry's a shoe in for 2012.

A lot will depend on the economy in 2012

If his first year trends are any indicator, the economy will be on solid footing in 2012. This will mean doom for the "Party of No". All of their predictions of economic gloom will have been proven false.

The biggest problem with the Republicans is that Obama is still personally well liked. The current crop of Republican stiffs do not have a chance head to head against the President.
Looking like Obama will win by an even larger margin in 2012

Says a lot for voter remorse

No. It says a lot for the republicans not providing a decent opponent.

A stable economy and a STIFF for a Republican candidate will mean Obama will win by a larger margin in 2012. Look for a repeat of the Reagan landslide in 1984
Looking like Obama will win by an even larger margin in 2012

Says a lot for voter remorse

No. It says a lot for the republicans not providing a decent opponent.

A stable economy and a STIFF for a Republican candidate will mean Obama will win by a larger margin in 2012. Look for a repeat of the Reagan landslide in 1984

Do you have a crystal ball? If so, could I have a look at it? I am considering becoming a day trader. :lol:
No. It says a lot for the republicans not providing a decent opponent.

A stable economy and a STIFF for a Republican candidate will mean Obama will win by a larger margin in 2012. Look for a repeat of the Reagan landslide in 1984

Do you have a crystal ball? If so, could I have a look at it? I am considering becoming a day trader. :lol:

No, I don't

Does this mean we should refrain from political discussions till Nov 2012?
Look for a repeat of the Reagan landslide in 1984

Reagan also won 44 states and 489 EVs his 1st time around in 1980, that was a big part of setting up the beating he gave Dems in 84.

Only 9 of 50 states voted differently in 2008 than in 2004. Doubt NC, IN, NV, and VA will go for Obama again, so I would bet on him getting re-elected, but by a tight margin.

Factor a close win with a GOP Congress, and he'll be one angry narcissist by 2013, unable to get a thing done. Current battle over health care will look like nothing. However, much as it did after the government shutdown in '95, the country will benefit greatly from an incapable, inactive government.
No. It says a lot for the republicans not providing a decent opponent.

this has become a problem for them

since Reagan, who was the greatest president we'll probably see in our lifetimes, they've trotted one dud after another - Bushes, Dole, McCain

enough with the inarticulate fools who want to be "kinder, gentler" "compassionate" or "reach across the aisle", GOP needs someone with balls, and that certainly ain't Jindal, Pawlenty or any of the other duds under consideration

Romney has potential, but he's got a McCainian tendency to want to pass crap bills with Dems.

personally, I like the idea of Obama getting frustrated by a GOP Congress, worked so well in the 90s with Clinton, let's hope it happens again
Far too many people put too much importance on the President, when they should be focusing on Congress, who really has all the power and controls the purse strings.


cult of personality around office of Pres overstates the position's importance, former Presidents like Jefferson or Madison would probably laugh at the way we look at that job today
NEWSFLASH!~!!! Over the past 50 years, we have become a one issue nation - that issue is the Economy. If the Economy is going good - the POTUS is reelected. If it is shitty - say buh bye to the POTUS. Economically speaking, The Obama is a moron. He and his advisers are slavish devotee's of Keynesian economics. History has proven that Keynesian policies not only fail, the actually EXTEND depressions. In 2012 the economy is still going to be suffering as long as these asshat Democrats are in control. That means The Obama will be shown the door.

Note to Obamites - The Obama's only hope is a complete takeover of the Congress by Republicans in 2010. So if you love The Obama, vote Republican in 2010. Do it to save the Obamessiah!!
I’ve talked with several people who voted for Obama who told me they made a mistake and now they wish they had their vote back.
I would like to know if there are any remorseful Democrats on USMB. Any Democrats wish you could change your vote?
I voted for Obama and am not a Democrat. I have no regrets at all about my vote.

Here's why: If McCain's campaign was any indicator of his administrative talents, I don't want him anywhere near the Oval Office.

By the way, Obama and his sycophants out there all blab about the "inherited mess" when the fact is, by far the worst thing the President inherited was the very same Congress.

That's not the President's fault, and we'll be rectifying that, come November.

So no, no regrets here on my Obama vote. And as I've said previously, right now I would vote for him again.

Your problem is a common one. Far too many people put too much importance on the President, when they should be focusing on Congress, who really has all the power and controls the purse strings.

I agree with a lot of that except voting for him again.

WHO ELSE WAS THERE TO VOTE FOR? I voted for McCain but they're ALL progressives! We would be under tyrannical attack no matter who was at helm, though McCain would have been a lot more subtle about it.
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I think most Independents who voted for this President are very disappointed. I think they're even more disappointed in the Democratic Party in general. They will be a very important voice in coming elections. More & more people are becoming Independents these days. They're dropping their affiliation with either party. Personally i feel most Independents in this country do lean Conservative. This could help the Republicans if they get their chit together and get back to their Conservative principles. I guess we'll see though.

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