Obama Plans to Scrap Missle Defense Shield?

1st post
Its not provoking the russians as they aren't offensive missles, but that doesn't help certain people's argument so we must either ignore or deny that fact when debating.

The russians just use the missles as an excuse to continue being douchebags towards us policy wise.

It was pretty stupid to just remove the missles without getting something out of the russians in return, it was nice but it won't change the Russian Govt's attitude towards us AT ALL.

Russia has responded ....

MOSCOW – Russia said Saturday it will scrap a plan to deploy missiles near Poland since Washington has dumped a planned missile shield in Eastern Europe. It also harshly criticized Iran's president for new comments denying the Holocaust.

Neither move, however, represented ceding any significant ground. A plan to place Iskander missiles close to the Polish border was merely a threat. And while the Kremlin has previously criticized Tehran for questioning the reality of the Holocaust, Russian leaders have refused to back Western push for tougher sanctions against Iran.

It still remains unclear whether Moscow will make any significant concessions on Iran and other issues in response to President Barack Obama's move to scrap the Bush-era plan for U.S. missile defense in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin told Ekho Moskvy radio Saturday that Obama's move has made the deployment of Iskander short-range missiles in the Kaliningrad region unnecessary.

He described Obama's move as "victory of reason over ambitions."

Russia says it won't deploy missiles near Poland - Yahoo! News

reports from russia indicate that schirinowski accuses putin of licking obama's nuts.
Well.......for starters there is the Sea Night which is a stealth ship and carries quite a few missiles.

It can also carry troops and equipment, has a very shallow draft and travels alone as a single projection of force.

We've also got fast attack submarines that do the same thing.

Not all ships run in a battle group Sushi Boy.
Well.......for starters there is the Sea Night which is a stealth ship and carries quite a few missiles.

It can also carry troops and equipment, has a very shallow draft and travels alone as a single projection of force.

We've also got fast attack submarines that do the same thing.

Not all ships run in a battle group Sushi Boy.

Does the Secretary of the Navy agree with The VillagePeopleSailor?
Well.......for starters there is the Sea Night which is a stealth ship and carries quite a few missiles.

It can also carry troops and equipment, has a very shallow draft and travels alone as a single projection of force.

We've also got fast attack submarines that do the same thing.

Not all ships run in a battle group Sushi Boy.
got a link for that ship?
5th post 10th post
Here ya go.......

Might wanna learn how to use Google though.......


I just picked up the first one that looked right. Want to see more, go to the Navy's site yourself.
i did the search for the actual NAME you posted and got NOTHING

it is spelled stiletto, and i found this.
Here ya go.......

Might wanna learn how to use Google though.......


I just picked up the first one that looked right. Want to see more, go to the Navy's site yourself.
i did the search for the actual NAME you posted and got NOTHING

it is spelled stiletto, and i found this.
except he didnt name it that
and is that commissioned yet? or is it still in "experimental" stage?
except he didnt name it that
and is that commissioned yet? or is it still in "experimental" stage?

i have no idea at all, i just know that the dagger is spelled stiletto. not stilletto.

lots of info at my link.
i get their daily updates ;)
this is still in experimental stage and is not a missile platform

as i wrote, i have no idea about those ships, and don't care. but i am interested in stilettos.

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