'Obama Phone' Fraud Exposed: Reporter Gets 3 Free Phones!


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Even though some stated that it's a waste of tax dollars, technically, it's not tax money being used to fund this program. It's likely tax payers that foot the bill, but not through tax money they pay in. There is a charge on our cell phone bills.

For those of you who don't know what a cell phone bill is, it's the invoice received monthly by those who actually pay for their own cell phones. Just felt I should explain that since millions may not realize that cell phone aren't free for everyone.

The participating companies are not adhering to the 'one phone per household' rule because the more phones they send out, the more money they get from those who pay their bills. Nothing in this world is free because someone has to foot the bill. Of course, the government isn't worried about whether people are following the rules. Nice little gift to the cell phone companies, who are making big money off the program because they can legally pass the cost onto the rest of us.

I don't know about you others who are stuck with the bill, but I resent it. My cell phone bill, which is a family plan, has gone up steadily since everyone has taken advantage of this plan. Why am I helping to pay so people and cell phone companies can scam the system and pad my bill? Anyone can get these phones and, apparently, there is no limit. Another government idea that went to shit because people will always find a way to work the system. Government is lousy at running any kind of program. This is worse than Cash for Clunkers. And they will soon be overseeing our health care and some are stupid enough to feel good about that, probably the same people enjoying several free phones while someone else picks up the tab. For those of us who pay our own way, in addition to other peoples', we aren't overjoyed at yet another government giveaway at our expense.

The law even allows illegal aliens to get them, the way they do welfare.

If we don't want to foot the bill, we'd have to stop cell phone service. I would love it if people were able to give up their paid service for a few months just to see what would happen. The cell phone companies would lose so much money funding the Obamaphones without our help. It'll never happen, but love the thought.

'Obama Phone' Fraud Exposed: Reporter Gets 3 Free Phones!

Read more: Reporter Jillian Kay Melchior: I Got Three Obama Phones, Rampant Fraud in Lifeline Program | Fox News Insider
The participating companies are not adhering to the 'one phone per household' rule because the more phones they send out, the more money they get from those who pay their bills. Nothing in this world is free because someone has to foot the bill. Of course, the government isn't worried about whether people are following the rules. Nice little gift to the cell phone companies, who are making big money off the program because they can legally pass the cost onto the rest of us.

I don't know about you others who are stuck with the bill, but I resent it. My cell phone bill, which is a family plan, has gone up steadily since everyone has taken advantage of this plan.

So how much is your Universal Connectivity Fee?
So who committed fraud? Those who signed her up or her who signed up knowing she wasn't eligible?
Man you guys just can't let it go lol. How about one od you Rightyloons give me instructions on how to get one of these phones. If I can we'll talk.
Progressives like the idea of Obama as male head of household; he's their Daddy
I'm seriously curious how much these Universal Connectivity Fees run (and thus, how vast this conspiracy must be) because I use a cheap burner phone, and thus don't get the itemized bill

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