Obama only goes after leaks that don't benefit him


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Obama administration has always been very selective, not to mention inconsistent, about what they deem as right or wrong. For a guy that is anything but transparent, people can see right through him.

The issue of whether the White House leaked information to support the president's reelection while crushing whistleblower leaks it disfavors shouldn't be seen as just another O'Reilly v. Maddow sporting event. What lies at the nexus of President Obama's targeted drone killings, his self-serving leaks, and his aggressive prosecution of whistleblowers is a president who believes himself above the law, and seems convinced that he alone has a preternatural ability to determine right from wrong.

Obama's zeal in silencing leaks that don't make him look like a superhero extends beyond the deployment of the Espionage Act into a complex legal tangle of retaliatory practices, life-destroying threats, on-the-job harassment, and firings. Lots of firings.

Obama only goes after leaks that don't benefit him
Obama only goes after leaks that don't benefit him - CBS News
CaféAuLait;5445141 said:
Wow, from CBS News of all places. A scathing article about Obama. I'm surprised, first Huffpo and now CBS.

I know, it's more than a little surprising. The "mainstream" media and the liberal media are turning on him and I constantly see articles yahoo and elsewhere that aren't treating him with kid gloves.

The honeymoon is over.
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This Administration has always thought it's above the law.

Holder, especially, has made a mockery of his position. To have such a lying thug as head of the Dept of Justice is a bad joke. He needs to go. And I believe Obama is using his position for personal gain and to push his radical agenda, country be damned.
This Administration has always thought it's above the law.

Holder, especially, has made a mockery of his position. To have such a lying thug as head of the Dept of Justice is a bad joke. He needs to go. And I believe Obama is using his position for personal gain and to push his radical agenda, country be damned.
Personal power before party. And party before country.
CaféAuLait;5445141 said:
Wow, from CBS News of all places. A scathing article about Obama. I'm surprised, first Huffpo and now CBS.

I know, it's more than a little surprising. The "mainstream" media and the liberal media are turning on him and I constantly see articles yahoo and elsewhere that aren't treating him with kid gloves.

The honeymoon is over.

They have no choice, Unless of course they want to Finalize their Irrelevance. Even the Average American who is to wrapped up in their Day to Day Problems knows whats up by now. They can't just keep covering for him anymore.

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