'Obama, Obama, We Love Osama!' Muslim Refugees Show their Thanks to Australia


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why does anyone want to bring that shit here? Oh, thats right corporations see more cheap labor.

Can't be. The video caused Muslims to riot? Unheard of.........Lies I tells ya lies......
Cheap labor? More like Liberal voters.

Apparently Paul Ryan disagrees with you.

Apparently the corporate owned GOP elites see more value in making profit off slave labor than having their own party crushed with illegal voting and being swept away in demographic tidal wave of their own making.

I can just hear Bill Gates and Suckerburger telling Ryan in a smoke filled room, "So we bring in milllions of slaves to work our factories and H1-Bs that will work at half the going rates and we make HUGE profits and you will become Speaker, promise! We just have to convince the voters that turning America into a Third World nation is good for the economy!"

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