Obama Mocked Trump For Saying He'd Keep Carrier Jobs In The U.S.

The carrier deal has nothing to do with the Feds .

Pence and his red state government gave them a seeetheart deal . Which they could've done at any time .

Do people not realize that Trump ain't the prez yet !? He can't make deals.

Who ties your shoes for you?
The carrier deal has nothing to do with the Feds .

Pence and his red state government gave them a seeetheart deal . Which they could've done at any time .

Do people not realize that Trump ain't the prez yet !? He can't make deals.

Who ties your shoes for you?

Mommy does, of course; and than rewards him with a cookie for keeping his feet still.
1200 of the 2000 jobs are still going and the remaining 800 are leverage to make sure Trump keeps paying them with your tax dollars.

1100 remain, idjit.......1100 good paying jobs......suck on it!

And magically, you are for taxpayer subsidies to help unions.

Good for you.

Once again, 7 million ain't shit! State of NY ran national ads for a few years recently stating that if businesses moved there, they wouldn't pay taxes for 10 years. You should've known that already, NY Cabinqueer..........

Thats right and that's the end game in this race to bottom - zero net gain except for corporations that will keep juicing out concessions as far as the eye can see.

Dupes like you and NYCabinqueer pray that fellow Americans continue to fall into poverty in order to become dependent on big and ever-growing Gubmint.
Sorry, the buck stops with Trump and the 'hive' has to end up competing and earning a living. Accept it.

Made up bullshit - a coping mechanism for conservatives living in intolerably liberal reality.
Obama was an unqualified affirmative action idiot that was elected for all the wrong reasons by a bunch of idiots. He doesn't even have the work ethic to call up the CEO of Carrier and ask him what it would take to keep the jobs in America. He is too busy kissing the ass of the Muslims, playing golf and figuring out the basketball playoff brackets.

President Elect Trump is saving jobs and thanking Heartland America for giving him the opportunity to make this country better.

President Elect Jackass Obama went on a worldwide tour to bad mouth the USA in foreign countries.
1200 of the 2000 jobs are still going and the remaining 800 are leverage to make sure Trump keeps paying them with your tax dollars.

1100 remain, idjit.......1100 good paying jobs......suck on it!

And magically, you are for taxpayer subsidies to help unions.

Good for you.

Once again, 7 million ain't shit! State of NY ran national ads for a few years recently stating that if businesses moved there, they wouldn't pay taxes for 10 years. You should've known that already, NY Cabinqueer..........

Thats right and that's the end game in this race to bottom - zero net gain except for corporations that will keep juicing out concessions as far as the eye can see.

Dupes like you and NYCabinqueer pray that fellow Americans continue to fall into poverty in order to become dependent on big and ever-growing Gubmint.
Sorry, the buck stops with Trump and the 'hive' has to end up competing and earning a living. Accept it.
And you slip back into zombie mode because you have no response.

No my fear is not that Trump will make America amazing you idiot. Otherwise I would have supported him like I did during the primaries because the rest of the GOP field was even worse.

My fear is he'll cut regulations in all the wrong places letting people like himself fuck the country again. Remember he profited and bragged about it when America suffered during the housing collapse. And that America will fall behind the world in technology as he attacks education and wages war on imports of materials that literally don't exist in our country.

I'm also worried he'll follow through on his campaign promises to attack minority groups.

And here you are celebrating 800 jobs that could disappear at any moment, when most of the jobs are leaving anyways. Good for the people whose jobs will remain, I hope it's not a deal we'll regret if implemented on a national level.
This is pretty embarrassing for Obama. Here's what he said in regards to Trump saying he could keep Carrier jobs in the US:

"There’s — there’s no answer to it. He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, how — what — how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?

Holy shit. This makes him look like the inexperienced community organizer we always knew he was. Stunning. Trump isn't even sworn in yet and he did what Obama thought was impossible.

WATCH: Obama Mocked Trump For Saying He'd Keep Carrier Jobs In The U.S. | The Sean Hannity Show
He didn't mock trump for, "Saying He'd Keep Carrier Jobs In The U.S.". You are either just a blatant liar or stupid. I'm thinking you are probably both.

I knew some dumbass liberal would come in here and say that. Sure, when Trump was talking about keeping jobs he didn't mean Carrier jobs, just every other job. Good Lord you can't possibly believe what your wrote, unless YOUR a blatant liar or stupid. Probably both.
Obama was an unqualified affirmative action idiot that was elected for all the wrong reasons by a bunch of idiots. He doesn't even have the work ethic to call up the CEO of Carrier and ask him what it would take to keep the jobs in America. He is too busy kissing the ass of the Muslims, playing golf and figuring out the basketball playoff brackets.

President Elect Trump is saving jobs and thanking Heartland America for giving him the opportunity to make this country better.

President Elect Jackass Obama went on a worldwide tour to bad mouth the USA in foreign countries.

Can wait to hear your thoughts on this Trump grade ass licking...of corrupt muslims no less:

Pakistan released an incredible readout of the prime minister's call with Trump
Good job OP, you made multiple liberal heads explode with this thread. Exactly right, an experienced multi billionaire businessman shows amateur taxpayer mooch Obama how its done and he's not even been sworn in yet. Poor Obama the guy looks like a stupid fool now.
Holy shit. Do you righties live in the bizzaro world where logic escapes you !?

Carrier stayed because of a deal ON STATE TAXES !

What does that have to do wh the Feds or obama ?

You losers are being played by con man trump. pence bribes a profitable company to stay in order for Trump to have some shiney keys to dangle in front of you rubes .
The carrier deal has nothing to do with the Feds .

Pence and his red state government gave them a seeetheart deal . Which they could've done at any time .

Do people not realize that Trump ain't the prez yet !? He can't make deals.

And yet, the jobs stayed.

No. Many Carrier jobs will still go to Mexico. Trump said companies moving jobs to Mexico would face a 35% tariff. When will that tariff start?
The carrier deal has nothing to do with the Feds .

Pence and his red state government gave them a seeetheart deal . Which they could've done at any time .

Do people not realize that Trump ain't the prez yet !? He can't make deals.

And yet, the jobs stayed.

No. Many Carrier jobs will still go to Mexico. Trump said companies moving jobs to Mexico would face a 35% tariff. When will that tariff start?

Trump just wants his sound bite "see , I'm saving jobs !"
The carrier deal has nothing to do with the Feds .

Pence and his red state government gave them a seeetheart deal . Which they could've done at any time .

Do people not realize that Trump ain't the prez yet !? He can't make deals.

And yet, the jobs stayed.

No. Many Carrier jobs will still go to Mexico. Trump said companies moving jobs to Mexico would face a 35% tariff. When will that tariff start?

Probably some time after he actually takes office.
The carrier deal has nothing to do with the Feds .

Pence and his red state government gave them a seeetheart deal . Which they could've done at any time .

Do people not realize that Trump ain't the prez yet !? He can't make deals.

And yet, the jobs stayed.

No. Many Carrier jobs will still go to Mexico. Trump said companies moving jobs to Mexico would face a 35% tariff. When will that tariff start?

Probably some time after he actually takes office.

No. It will never happen. That was another one of his bullshit claims that will never happen.
The carrier deal has nothing to do with the Feds .

Pence and his red state government gave them a seeetheart deal . Which they could've done at any time .

Do people not realize that Trump ain't the prez yet !? He can't make deals.

And yet, the jobs stayed.

No. Many Carrier jobs will still go to Mexico. Trump said companies moving jobs to Mexico would face a 35% tariff. When will that tariff start?

Probably some time after he actually takes office.

No. It will never happen. That was another one of his bullshit claims that will never happen.

It's called Change.

I thought you lefties weren't afraid of it?
1200 of the 2000 jobs are still going and the remaining 800 are leverage to make sure Trump keeps paying them with your tax dollars.

Tax dollars well spent so other Americans can have jobs.
We hope. Man, gotta get used to republicans saying things like that

Republicans don't mind paying taxes as long as it isn't wasted on entitlement shit. These people are working for a living.

So you're finally ready to admit that the auto bailouts that saved millions of jobs were a good thing. Glad you're finally coming around.
The carrier deal has nothing to do with the Feds .

Pence and his red state government gave them a seeetheart deal . Which they could've done at any time .

Do people not realize that Trump ain't the prez yet !? He can't make deals.

And yet, the jobs stayed.

No. Many Carrier jobs will still go to Mexico. Trump said companies moving jobs to Mexico would face a 35% tariff. When will that tariff start?

Probably some time after he actually takes office.

No. It will never happen. That was another one of his bullshit claims that will never happen.

It's called Change.

I thought you lefties weren't afraid of it?

It's only change if he actually does it.
1200 of the 2000 jobs are still going and the remaining 800 are leverage to make sure Trump keeps paying them with your tax dollars.

Tax dollars well spent so other Americans can have jobs.
We hope. Man, gotta get used to republicans saying things like that

Republicans don't mind paying taxes as long as it isn't wasted on entitlement shit. These people are working for a living.
Paying a company to keep jobs that it doesn't need and hurts their bottom line is an entitlement. I hope the people who's jobs were "saved" tell their kids to get an education and learn a skill the is needed in 21st century America so the government doesn't have to step in to support them.

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