Obama Mideast Strategy Success Again! GOP To Send McConnell to Campaign In Kansas(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Israeli press likely pays more attention to the U. S. Midterm elections than does the U. S. National press corps. Definitely they likely pay more attention to U. S. successes and failures in the Mideast. For now, Successes of the Obama Administration tick more regularly than a lot of clocks, in the Mideast.

Middle East Updates U.S. threatens sanctions on buyers of ISIS oil - Middle East Updates Israel News Haaretz

Reuters, elsewhere, reports that airstrikes have been successful against both ISIS and Al Qaeda. That is one major contrast with the Republican agenda of prohibiting socialist former Baathist Iraqis from stabilizing the regime post-Saddam Hussein. In fact, it is two major contrasts!

1) Turkey will allow Kurdish reinforcements in Kobani.
2) U. S. airstrikes are continuing in Iraq
3) Sanctions will be imposed on buyers of ISIS oil.
4) There are 1.1 mil. Syrian refugees in Lebanon, alone.

The "Arab Spring" got bogged down in some major perfect storm in a lot of parts of the Mideast. Now there is a semblance of direction, led by the Obama Administration. Iraq even finally formed a government, unlike what the Republicans created in their atrocity, in the region.

And polls in Kentucky find that actually, "McConnell" and "Obama" are both four-letter words(?)! "Rand" and "Paul" are probably not. Senator Paul actually even has a very dim view of Republicans.

Which somehow just leads anyone to bring up "Kansas(?)!" These are the true Mitch McConnell kind of people. That really means, "Like the Governor!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Armed Eagles destroy even more Ships of Desert, and easily at $1.0 mil. per rocket! Such rejoicing there must be(?)!)

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