Obama Making A Big Mistake On Troop Cuts On Afghanistan!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Obama announced tonight that he plans to withdrawal ten-thousand troops from Afghanistan this year and the balance of the military surge which is twenty-two thousand troops by September of next year! This is a major blunder, a huge mistake for the President politically and it will likely cause the ultimate loss of Afghanistan back to the Taliban. Politically it is a mistake because coming down the home stretch to the presidential elections next year this rate of troop withdrawal will result in the Taliban having made strong resurgences throughout Afghanistan moving American voters to believe Obama lost the war in Afghanistan and providing reason not to vote for him and the Presidents withdrawal plan will in fact have lost the war because in those areas where the Taliban return there will be no American/Nato troops coming back ( the allies don't have the force strength) to uproot them this time when the Taliban return they will have won the war in those areas and from those strongholds they can eventually roll up the whole country into their control the Afghanistan government/army provides no compelling case of being strong enough to defeat them. The President's plan does not take into account how fragile the security situation is in the south and east of Afghanistan, the Taliban may not be openly in control but behind the scenes they are present and the local civilians are not firm supporters of the government because they don't see the government prevailing against the Taliban long-term.

President Obama is making a huge mistake in not listening to the first preference of the U.S. Generals which is essentially leave the vast vast majority of the surge troops in the Afghanistan theater through the summer of next year and then begin drawing them down and have them all out by the beginning of the Spring of 2013. This would give the Generals the troop strength to really hurt the Taliban through two fighting seasons this summer and next leaving the Afghanistan security forces with a much weaker foe to fight in the Taliban plus a stronger military because they will have that much more experience in fighting along side American troops taking it to the Taliban and we will have gained a lot of credibility with Pakistan in regards to being able to lobby them to take it to the Taliban on their side of the border because we took it to the Taliban on the Afghanistan side of the border.

There is no perfect political decision on the troop draw down in Afghanistan for President Obama but the following is the optimum strategy he should have chosen. The American public is war weary and is rightfully very worried about domestic problems and the President's base has a lot of christians and religious types who tend to be anti-war (morally deluded but that's for another discussion) and liberals who want government to spend money on a variety of programs and put people to work on the public payroll (not war) and just don't care about how the government is going to get the money to pay for these things and this base puts a lot of pressure on the President to end the Afghanistan war as quickly as possible. The President should have chosen this plan I am bringing out three to five thousand non-combat troops out of Afghanistan this year and at the beginning of next year I am bringing out another three to five thousand-non combat troops in the beginning of 2012 if there isn't that many non-combat troops in Afghanistan to pull than pull one brigade which is about 4000 troops, leaving the remainder of the surge troops in theater through the summer of 2012 then bring all of the surge troops home as quickly as possible, essentially giving the Generals their first preference. The President could provide as a defense I always said that circumstances on the ground would ultimately determine my decisions and the fact that I am bringing five thousand troops home this year and five thousand at the beginning of next year and twenty-two thousand beginning in september of 2012 as fast as they can logistically be brought home means I am serious about winding down the Afghanistan war. But he could really defend himself with the anti-war Americans by coming out and saying I am bring all the U.S. troops out of Iraq this year and he could come out and say emphatically that this will save the American taxpayers a lot of money. This last item is no small development, the U.S. military, the U.S. state department has all been lobbying hard to the Iraqi government for U.S. troops to remain in Iraq past the end of this year for the same reasons that many Iraqi political and community leaders non-publicly have been saying which is that the US military presence provides insurance against different factions in Iraq moving to take up arms and fight to put in effect their political agenda. This whole push to extend the U.S. troop stay is stupid, stupid, stupid and unnecessary, unnecessary, unnecessary! Extending U.S. military presence past the end of 2011 will cause a major political wound for internal politics in Iraq, Iraq's leader Mr. Maliki has as a major coalitiion partner allies of the cleric Muqtada al Sadr who is fanatically anti-American, the U.S. military staying past 2011 is a huge gamble what will it bring from the Sadr faction in Iraq and Iraqis who sympathize with Sadrists in their view that Americans should completely get out of Iraq? Moreover, Iraq's security forces are strong their in a league several levels above Afghanistan's security forces any factions inclined to take up arms in Iraq would be foolish Iraq security forces would present a very powerful opposing force. Plus, Iraq's government is good, not perfect and there is a lot of partisanship understandably, the government is effective it is functional from a reasonable expectation standpoint, the bottom line is that the majority of Iraqis want the government and the country to succeed which all bodes for the conclusion that there is not going to be a civil war in Iraq when the U.S. leaves at the end of 2011, the country of Iraq will succeed that is not to say that in all probability there will not be an uptick in violence but the Iraqi government and security forces will be able to handle it. It has been bantered around in the media that it cost $1 million dollars a year to keep a U.S. soldier in the Iraqi theater for a year on average so completely ending the Iraqi war this year and bringing the 50,000 troops there home would save $50 billion dollars a year that would be no small feather in President Obama's hat!
Honestly I would have supported maintaining our standing army in the Iraq for the next 50 years just like the previous generation supported the same army in Germany. Afghanistan seems troublesome logistically and less central.

Oh well.

Curious, how long would you like to occupy the place?
The bad part is Obama is doing all this to start his campaign for 2012. Next summer he's gonna draw down 30,000? Wow. Great timing, huh?
Personally, I have no problem with the troop withdrawal on principle. Obama isn't in Afghanistan to win that war. There is no point wasting the lives of our troops and our money fighting a war our commander has no determination to win.

However, considering we are currently in negotiations with the Taliban for peace. It's incredibly foolish to announce a troop withdrawal in the middle of those negotiations and take one of the biggest bargaining chips off the table with nothing to show for it. Especially when he is doing it purely for campaigning purposes.

We seriously need to get this incompetant and selfish man out of the White House in 2012.
We should have withdrawn 6 months after going in. The main purpose had been achieved. We should not be in the nation building business, we cannot afford to pay lives, blood and money to democratize the Afghanistan mess. If terrorists return, bomb them using drones like in Yemen but get our men and women home. Five years after we leave, whenever that is, what we put in place will not be there. It will have been a waste of lives and money. Afghanistan is not 1946 Germany or Japan. It is not a centralized industrial nation and will not be in any future time.
Why would you want to leave?
The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves...The previously unknown deposits — including huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium — are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world
The bad part is Obama is doing all this to start his campaign for 2012. Next summer he's gonna draw down 30,000? Wow. Great timing, huh?
He told me he was prankin' you (on the subject), the last time you two talked on the phone. He also asked what that continual slappin'-sound was, at your end-o'-the-line.

Personally, I have no problem with the troop withdrawal on principle. Obama isn't in Afghanistan to win that war. There is no point wasting the lives of our troops and our money fighting a war our commander has no determination to win.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I guess you hadn't heard......


Cleaning-up, after a Bush Admin, usually takes a little-longer than (after) your average-debacle.....especially after one o' their runnin' Gens was In-Office.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmtPBTybQ9k]YouTube - ‪The Hunt For Bin Laden‬‏[/ame]​
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Ten years is more than enough time for Afghanistan to establish its own Government and maintain security. If it can't be done in ten years there is no expectation that it will be done in 30 or 40 years.

We have met our objectives in Afghanistan and purged the terrorist threat. The terrorists are now in Pakistan. How do we tell Americans that they must get by with less as we continue to support a corrupt Government in Afghanistan?

Time to pull out and let Afghanistan rule itself
The bad part is Obama is doing all this to start his campaign for 2012. Next summer he's gonna draw down 30,000? Wow. Great timing, huh?
These troops are going to Libya. Unless Obama is stopped by Congress, the ground invasion starts in October.
We can"t afford NOT to!!
Once we bail out Greece (in one way or another) and continue to ignore our own mounting tsunami...be thankful he is.
We need to save the money.
Time to get out of Afghanistan entirely................and Iraq/Germany/South Korea/Japan/Vietnam etc, but sadly I'm more certain that won't happen than I am certain of the sun coming up.

Oh and we also need to stop launching bombs and cruise missiles at homes full of children and babies in Libya.
So the, I'm going to get out of Afghanistan Presidential pledge puke of a President is going to end up with 10,000 MORE troops in country at election time than when he took office?

<One finger salute>
Personally, I have no problem with the troop withdrawal on principle. Obama isn't in Afghanistan to win that war. There is no point wasting the lives of our troops and our money fighting a war our commander has no determination to win.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I guess you hadn't heard......


Cleaning-up, after a Bush Admin, usually takes a little-longer than (after) your average-debacle.....especially after one o' their runnin' Gens was In-Office.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmtPBTybQ9k]YouTube - &#x202a;The Hunt For Bin Laden&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]​
Idiot!!! Still talking out your backside I see.
So the, I'm going to get out of Afghanistan Presidential pledge puke of a President is going to end up with 10,000 MORE troops in country at election time than when he took office?

<One finger salute>

Actually, he ran on getting out of Iraq and increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan to get the terrorists.

Looks like he was right
When did 10 years of warmongering in the 3rd poorest 3rd world country become not long enough? Even for warmongers?

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