Obama makes me laugh

Arguably, some think we already have this. But, universal healthcare puts politicians between many of the people and their doctors. We don't need that. What we need is affordable healthcare, and to get that, people have go to stop suing their doctors for stupid bullshit. Keep people like John Edwards and other ambulance chasers out of the fucking way.

The auto industry is down because the price of fuel and insurance is up. Supply and demand is a very simple concept.

This already exists. If you receive a degree in a needed profession and work in a distressed area, they'll repay your loans. This mostly applies to doctors, nurses, and teachers. I don't really see why we need to pay people like me to get finance or accounting degrees.

State issue, not Obama's problem.

We're already doing that.

College is affordable, but not if you don't do well and get a decent job when you get out to pay off your student loans.

To do that, you have to force lawyers like John Edwards to stop filing lawsuits against every drug company because someone took one pill and had a minor side effect that wasn't on the label.

Again, this is something we're already working towards.

Cars are affordable, but when you add in the cost of gas and insurance, it's a different story.

He's lowering taxes on the people who don't really pay any of the taxes. He's raising it dramatically on the top wage earners, so essentially he'll increase the overall tax income by about 15% (very rough guesstimate I just did based on the last chart I saw of his tax plan). Basically, his goal is to take money from the rich to pay for programs that benefit the poor.

In the end, he's not doing anything any differently than any other candidate would do it. There's not a single platform he's running on that invokes real change in America, except robbing from the rich to benefit the poor.

You are wrong about just about everything.

But I will just take universal healthcare.

We already have universal healthcare, just a really, really, bad version of it. Everyone can go into an emergency room and be treated. No one can be turned down. But this kind of care is the most expensive version of healthcare, and do you know who pays for it? You do. Now a single payer system is much better. It is cheaper and more efficient and more fair. That's why every other Western democracy uses it, and they pay HALF per capita what we pay for healthcare. You still pick your doctor, the doctor and you still decide the treatment, the government just acts as the insurance company. The only people who get hurt are the liability lawyers, the insurance companies, and Big Pharma. Click this link to read more about it....

Mythbusting Canadian Health Care -- Part I | OurFuture.org
the government just acts as the insurance company.

Bingo, and considering how they can't even handle their OWN jobs, why would I want them acting as my insurance company?

Insurance companies ALREADY come between people and their doctors. Now you're making the insurance company the government.

I'll pass, thanks.
Would someone please tell me where Obama is getting all this money to save the Universe. I just watched him in WI. and let me see if I get this right, 700 billion dollar bailout. Universal Healthcare, Rescue the Auto Industry, Free College for everyone that commits to public service, rebuild all the schools, win the war on terror, make college affordable for all, force the drug companies to lower prices, invest 500 billion in energy, make cars affordable for everyone, and on and on and on. Now I realize this guy wants to be president badly, but do you honeslty think this is going to happen when he is also going to lower taxes for in his words 95% of Americans and now he's talking about how together we all are going to be? I mean this guy makes me laugh now its so hilarious listening to this pitch. McCain is no better.

Well if you listen you will hear him say he wants to be able to get some of these things in place by the end of his first term. He said the energy plan would take 10 years. Of course this was before the bailout. If you watched the debate he said he would have to prioritize and that healthcare, taxes and education were the most important. get the frick out of Iraq and we save 10 billion a month.
Well if you listen you will hear him say he wants to be able to get some of these things in place by the end of his first term. He said the energy plan would take 10 years. Of course this was before the bailout. If you watched the debate he said he would have to prioritize and that healthcare, taxes and education were the most important. get the frick out of Iraq and we save 10 billion a month.

I have no doubt if elected jschuck that if elected Obama will move in that direction, however my point is it won't be overnight, he himself has said it will be at least 16 months. So if you do the math on that like I did above, that savings won't even be realized till he starts to face re-election. So I tend to believe that after this 700 billion dollar enema , the next president will be a busy man writing checks.
I think McCain is better. He says due to this bail out bill he will put a freeze on increased spending except for the military and vets.

Oh that is ok then,.. the military is such a big priority...with all the big threats that america faces today..

lmao at scared jesus freak gullible nuts... be very afraid...war on terror..hahahahha

Of course he wont cut spending on military... they are his controllers....expect more fake wars and trillion dollar spending.
I think McCain is better. He says due to this bail out bill he will put a freeze on increased spending except for the military and vets.

Yea, cause the military really needs more money :cuckoo: As if we don't spend more then most countries COMBINED on the military already. If there is one sector of our country that needs more money, it is not the military. That is just dumb.
Yea, cause the military really needs more money :cuckoo: As if we don't spend more then most countries COMBINED on the military already. If there is one sector of our country that needs more money, it is not the military. That is just dumb.

You must be unpatriotic...for not wanting to give all your tax money to the military/industrial complex who control most presidential candidates.

Shame on you.... dont you know that the US is under attack every single day from islamic extremists??? There are suicide bombs in every US city ..everyday! It is a WAR ON TERROR!

oh..or maybe that was just all made up by BUSHTEAM to steal a trillion dollars from scared, fear and hating untravelled jesus freaks?

LMAO ...only in america.
To do that, you have to force lawyers like John Edwards to stop filing lawsuits against every drug company because someone took one pill and had a minor side effect that wasn't on the label.

And just let them run rampant drugging up America for made up illnesses and creating drugs worse then anything that you could possibly find on the streets. Pharmaceutical companies are an embarrassment to American society swindling Americans out of billions of dollars for pills they don't really need. I have no sympathy for those companies, and neither should you. If they took the time to properly research their pills and not lie to the FDA they could avoid lawsuits in the first place. Then pills could be cheap because they would not have to worry about lawsuits from pills that should not be on the market in the first place. Seems pretty simple to me.
Oh that is ok then,.. the military is such a big priority...with all the big threats that america faces today..
China, Russia in Venezuela as well as Al Qaida. And the Fifth Column in America: Liberals.
lmao at scared jesus freak gullible nuts... be very afraid...war on terror..hahahahha
LMAO scared Satan worshiping gullible nuts. Dhimmi. Hahahahaha!
Of course he wont cut spending on military... they are his controllers....expect more fake wars and trillion dollar spending.
Of course Obama will only cut military spending, Soros is his controller. More money for the fake War on Poverty.
:lol: yeah....let's see how that works out for McCain. :eusa_whistle:

freeze government programs such as Medicare/Medicaid; college loans, etc.

hey...do you think he'll freeze the salaries of all governement employees? that's an expense!! maybe he'll even forgo his own pay check as POTUS! :clap2:

New spending...not current spending...

Grandfather Government Spending Economic Report by MWHodges
The next chart shows combined government (federal + state & local) spending (the red rising line) has grown faster than the total economy, from 12% consumption of national income to 43% today.
This means government now dominates/controls about 3.5 times more of the total economic pie than before. Had government grown at the same rate as the economy, that red line would have been flat - - not rising 3.5 times faster than growth of the total economy. (data - Bureau Econ. Analysis)
Would someone please tell me where Obama is getting all this money to save the Universe. I just watched him in WI. and let me see if I get this right, 700 billion dollar bailout. Universal Healthcare, Rescue the Auto Industry, Free College for everyone that commits to public service, rebuild all the schools, win the war on terror, make college affordable for all, force the drug companies to lower prices, invest 500 billion in energy, make cars affordable for everyone, and on and on and on. Now I realize this guy wants to be president badly, but do you honeslty think this is going to happen when he is also going to lower taxes for in his words 95% of Americans and now he's talking about how together we all are going to be? I mean this guy makes me laugh now its so hilarious listening to this pitch. McCain is no better.

Didn't you know? The top 5% of all income earners are going to be taxed into poverty to pay for it. Screw the fact this same bracket is already paying 60% of all personal income taxes. Of course when they don't bother earning that money since government is confiscating an ever larger chunk for itself - Obama will be turning to the next lower income class to tax into poverty to pay for it. And so on.....until everyone is "equally" miserable.

The goal of the left isn't to bring up the living standard of the lowest so that the fewest number have the worst living conditions. It is to lower the living standard of everyone else down to that level.

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