Obama Lies To O`Reilly During Superbowl Interview


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Or did the president just forget??? :eusa_whistle:


On Feb. 4, 2009, Obama signed a federal tobacco tax hike, raising the excise tax 62 cents per pack. Critics, including ATR, said that tax alone violated Obama’s campaign pledge not to raise taxes on couples earning less than $250,000 and on individuals earning less than $200,000.

During Sunday’s interview, Bill O’Reilly asked Obama if he is “a man who wants to redistribute wealth,” as The Wall Street Journal has described him.

The president denied it, again saying, “I didn't raise taxes once; I lowered taxes over the last two years.”

Responding on Monday, ATR said Obama’s claim of being a net-tax-cutter “rests on the temporary tax relief he has signed into law. “That tax increases Obama has signed into law have invariably been permanent. In fact, Obama signed into law $7 in permanent tax hikes for every $1 in permanent tax cuts,” ATR said.

“Over 90 percent of the dollar value of the tax cuts Obama signed into law are only temporary,” said ATR. “100 percent of the tax increases Obama signed into law are, however, permanent … Permanent changes to tax law signed by Obama amount to a net tax hike of $618.7 billion.”

More: Obama
Or did the president just forget??? :eusa_whistle:


On Feb. 4, 2009, Obama signed a federal tobacco tax hike, raising the excise tax 62 cents per pack. Critics, including ATR, said that tax alone violated Obama’s campaign pledge not to raise taxes on couples earning less than $250,000 and on individuals earning less than $200,000.

During Sunday’s interview, Bill O’Reilly asked Obama if he is “a man who wants to redistribute wealth,” as The Wall Street Journal has described him.

The president denied it, again saying, “I didn't raise taxes once; I lowered taxes over the last two years.”

Responding on Monday, ATR said Obama’s claim of being a net-tax-cutter “rests on the temporary tax relief he has signed into law. “That tax increases Obama has signed into law have invariably been permanent. In fact, Obama signed into law $7 in permanent tax hikes for every $1 in permanent tax cuts,” ATR said.

“Over 90 percent of the dollar value of the tax cuts Obama signed into law are only temporary,” said ATR. “100 percent of the tax increases Obama signed into law are, however, permanent … Permanent changes to tax law signed by Obama amount to a net tax hike of $618.7 billion.”

More: Obama

Well.........The Obamarrhoidal Stooges, like their Messiah, the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD, the Stone Cold MARXIST, THE PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Obama have been covering up for their ACORN's ex-Community Organizer the "Mendacious Wonder" by Distorting the Truth, Dodging and Spinning their way out of a non-ending continuous inundation of OUTRIGHT FALSEHOODS .........

So.......Let's hear how these same Obamarrhoidal Phonies try to weasel out of this NEW LIE (one of many made during the interview) that AquaAthena just brought to our attention.

We are waiting.........
Obama lied, but it's likely he doesn't even realize it. He thinks that whatever he says will magically be made true.
Obama lied, but it's likely he doesn't even realize it. He thinks that whatever he says will magically be made true.

It's a liberal thing, they keep repeating their lies so much over in their head they start to believe what they say. And to liberals thats all that counts. the truth is always a victim in thier minds.
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Obama lied, but it's likely he doesn't even realize it. He thinks that whatever he says will magically be made true.

It's a liberal thing, they keep repeating their lies so much over in their head that start to believe what they say. And to liberals thats all that counts. the truth is always a victim in thier minds.

How do we know when Obama is lying?

His lips move.
How would you know what the President said he was rudley interuppted so many times by O'Lielly that it was hard to know what the President was trying to say.

By the way 40% of the stimulus went directly to tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course the fools here don't consider it a tax cut unless it goes to the top one percent.
How would you know what the President said he was rudley interuppted so many times by O'Lielly that it was hard to know what the President was trying to say.

By the way 40% of the stimulus went directly to tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course the fools here don't consider it a tax cut unless it goes to the top one percent.

Looks like the facts wihosa'd right over your head......
How would you know what the President said he was rudley interuppted so many times by O'Lielly that it was hard to know what the President was trying to say.

By the way 40% of the stimulus went directly to tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course the fools here don't consider it a tax cut unless it goes to the top one percent.

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Obama lied, but it's likely he doesn't even realize it. He thinks that whatever he says will magically be made true.

It's a liberal thing, they keep repeating their lies so much over in their head that start to believe what they say. And to liberals thats all that counts. the truth is always a victim in thier minds.
Its not a "liberal" thing - its a "Jim Crow" thing!

This is still a "racist" country and the "presidency" was always been reserved for "white" males.

What we're seeing is the 21stC version of the "Jackie Robinson Story!"

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How would you know what the President said he was rudley interuppted so many times by O'Lielly that it was hard to know what the President was trying to say.

By the way 40% of the stimulus went directly to tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course the fools here don't consider it a tax cut unless it goes to the top one percent.


Without his teleprompter obama sounds like blathering idiot.

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Obama lied, but it's likely he doesn't even realize it. He thinks that whatever he says will magically be made true.

It's a liberal thing, they keep repeating their lies so much over in their head that start to believe what they say. And to liberals thats all that counts. the truth is always a victim in thier minds.
Its not a "liberal" thing - its a "Jim Crow" thing!

This is still a "racist" country and the "presidency" was always been reserved for "white" males.

What we're seeing is the 21stC political version of the "Jackie Robinson Story!"

spin it baby only a fool would say obama isn't the biggest liar to live in the White House
Read My Lips: Republicans would never lie about raising taxes.

and thats why Bush was kicked out of office. Do you have a point?

Well I would say Bush lost his election because of Ross Perot, but that's besides the point. My point was politicians ALL lie. Every single one of them has mud on their hands. Obama's hasn't raised taxes on all Americans-he's raised taxes on those who smoke (who I think we can both agree already paid very high taxes on tobacco).

I think people see the Democrats as the higher-tax party, and the GOP as the lower taxes-and it doesn't hold a whole lot of water. That's why I mentioned Bush (41).

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