Obama letting a flood of syrians invade america too.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
What do these illiterate unskilled third worlders have to offer america? Not a thing and that's what obozo wants. They'll go on welfare and vote for his party their whole life.

Next Big Surge Of Refugees To Hit U.S. What 8217 s Surprising Is Where They 8217 re From News Forage

The U.S. State Department announced this week that the first major contingent of Syrian refugees, 9,000 of them, have been hand-selected by the United Nations for resettlement into communities across the United States.

The State Department announcement makes it clear that the 9,000 refugees represent just the beginning of an extended program to accept more Syrians.

“The United States accepts the majority of all UNHCR referrals from around the world. Last year, we reached our goal of resettling nearly 70,000 refugees from nearly 70 countries. And we plan to lead in resettling Syrians as well,” the statement reads. “We are reviewing some 9,000 recent UNHCR referrals from Syria. We are receiving roughly a thousand new ones each month, and we expect admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond.”

The United States, with its commitment to accepting 70,000 displaced people a year, absorbs more refugees than all other countries combined. This number is understated, however, as once refugees get to the United States they are placed on a fast track to citizenship and are able to get their extended families to join them in the states under the government’s Refuge Family Reunification program.

The State Department works to place refugees in 180 cities across 49 states.
Silliness, people from places like that work very hard with a diligence that is alien to most entry-level Americans.
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Silliness, people from places like that work very hard with a diligence that is alien to most entry-level Americans.

They're lazy illiterate deadbeats whose dream in life is come to america and go on welfare and live off the white man. If syrians are so hard -working and skilled why is their country a sewer? THINK
"Coming to America" used to be one hell of a process. My grandparents and great-grandparents went through the process. Once they got here, there were no vouchers waiting for them. No food coupons, no public housing, no jack shit but their wits and talents.

People today think this is a fucking game. Obama is gaming us and laughing out of his fucking Socialist ass and straight into our faces. And Democrats/Progressives have their noses planted firmly up His ass, inhaling the sweet smell of the game. Lick the sphincter, collect your dole, and let others do the heavy lifting. Bunch of fucking lady queers.
We don't just have a Muslim president, we have a radical Islamist president. ISIS is backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, a group of Muslims so violent, their own Muslim country restricted them from any involvement in their gov.
They are they ones in Obama's administration that advise him, an event planner not knowing his ass from page 8 about foreign affairs, on how to deal with the Middle East. They advised him to overthrow a very important ally, Egypt, and put Egypt in the hands of, you guessed it, the Muslim Brotherhood. They are also connected to an other violent terrorist group Obama sponsors, Hamas.
He will infiltrate this whole country with people sworn to kill us. And they will. In several cities at once. 13 suitcases are missing from Russia. They contain dirty bombs. Obama has emboldened the terrorists, welcomed them, and has taken another enormous chunk of our paychecks to make them feel at home.
Dreams of his father's, realized through the son.
if they are not of the Christian variety----I object. for a variety of
He's bringing Somalis and Syrians over here so they'll start families ... expand ... and start rioting and murdering people like they're doing in Australia, Belgium, France, and the United Kingdom.
Obama panders to authoritarian Islamic countries like Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, and so on. His foreign policy is one of either letting countries distablize or supporting dictatorships and blatent human rights violators. Then thousands more people across the globe, request visas or refugee status in the west.

Do you really think Obama about whether refugees and migrants can find jobs, or if they suffer discrimination on account of their culture and religion? Obama renewed the Patriot Act, so there's your answer. He wants their votes but doesn't care after election day. Politicians are like that.
He's bringing Somalis and Syrians over here so they'll start families ... expand ... and start rioting and murdering people like they're doing in Australia, Belgium, France, and the United Kingdom.

They shouldn't let anyone from the ME into America for any reason.

One has to wonder what idiots are tunning immigration and still letting these people into our country??
Silliness, people from places like that work very hard with a diligence that is alien to most entry-level Americans.
I've been to the Middle-East.

One of the primary problems in Somalia is that it's biggest city is full of beggars and bums waiting for some aid organization to feed them. Kuwaitis never impressed me with their work ethic. However, Japanese and Germans did. I've never been to Syria.

Bringing to America a bunch of people that don't believe in fitting into society is a recipe for trouble. Why they would even come here is puzzling because they're taught to hate everything we stand for. I've been told by some of them that our freedoms will be our downfall. If the shoe were on the other foot ... and this was a communist country or a Theocracy ... Capitalists wouldn't be able to protest. They would end up hanging in the town-square or just disappear one night and the neighbors would be wondering when their turn would come.

It's amazing how different this country is yet folks like you hate it so much. Believe me ... if you lived in the kind of country you admire so much, you would most likely hear a bang on the door and you and the fam would be gone. No police investigation. Nothing. Nobody would know if you were dead or in some Gulag somewhere eating grass soup.
Silliness, people from places like that work very hard with a diligence that is alien to most entry-level Americans.

They're lazy illiterate deadbeats whose dream in life is come to america and go on welfare and live off the white man. If syrians are so hard -working and skilled why is their country a sewer? THINK

I agree. They live in third word shitholes and Occuppied thinks these are folks we should emulate.

Talk about a fucking idiot.
Bringing to America a bunch of people that don't believe in fitting into society is a recipe for trouble. Why they would even come here is puzzling because they're taught to hate everything we stand for..

Nothing puzzling about it. They know they can go on welfare here living off people they hate and have a far better life than they'd have in syria. And obozo knows they will harm america but vote for his party so he supports letting them come here too.
They shouldn't let anyone from the ME into America for any reason.

One has to wonder what idiots are tunning immigration and still letting these people into our country??

Israel is a first world country and letting some of them come here is not a bad idea. Many israelis have technical skills and can benefit america.

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