Obama KNEW!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
NY Post: Obama Knew Russia Was Bribing Their Way Through Uranium Deal; He Simply Ignored It

The chairman of Uranium One gave millions to the Clinton Foundation through his own charitable entity during the proceedings, while Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 from a Russian bank to deliver a speech; the bank was selling Uranium One futures. Hillary Clinton, then-secretary of state, was also on the Committee on Foreign Investment, which approves business transactions deemed to be related to America’s national security priorities. The board approved the sale. As a result, Rosatom gained control of Uranium One’s mining sites, which also included those in the United States, hence the review by the committee. One-fifth of our uranium capacity fell into Russian hands.

The Clinton angle is bad, but what about Obama? Oh, well, he knew about the whole thing, but swept it under the rug in the hopes of resetting relations with Moscow. He even kept the evidence of Russian bribery and corruption hidden from key intelligence figures in Congress.
Just in time to peak for the 2018 elections.

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday sought permission to interview an FBI informant who helped agents uncover a major corruption scheme by Russian nuclear officials seeking to aggressively expand their American business during the Obama administration.

The undercover witness, who has not been publicly identified, spent nearly five years helping agents build a case that resulted in one of Russia’s top nuclear industry officials in the United States, a Russian financier and an American trucking executive to plead guilty in 2015 to charges related to a racketeering scheme that prosecutors said involved bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering.

The informant possesses information about the extent of Russian efforts to curry favor inside the United States that he has been prevented from disclosing to the courts and Congress because he signed an FBI nondisclosure agreement, his lawyer Victoria Toensing told The Hill on Tuesday.

Senate seeks to interview FBI informant in Russian nuclear bribery case
So, it's the third thread on the same long-debunked conspiracy theory for Easy, with and the other treasonous Trumpflakes joining in. They're clearly terrified.

But then, when the Trump/Russia cabal tells them to jump, the Trumpflakes yell "HOW HIGH, COMRADE?" on the way up. They've been ordered to deflect from Trump's troubles by making shit up, and they don't have the brains or balls to disobey an order.
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It gets better. The Dems know they have been busted. They started the whole Trump/Russia thing and are now taking the Fifth.

Fusion GPS officials take the Fifth in Trump dossier interview on Capitol Hill

Two top officials at the political research firm behind a salacious dossier alleging various Russian connections to President Trump's campaign invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination before the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday.

Fusion GPS co-founder Peter Fritsch and top lieutenant Thomas Catan were subpoenaed to appear before the committee in a closed-door session on Wednesday but asserted their right not to testify, a source close to the matter told Fox News.

Fritsch and Catan took the Fifth on every question posed by committee members. Another co-founder, Glenn Simpson, is under subpoena for a later date.

Fusion GPS officials take the Fifth in Trump dossier interview on Capitol Hill
So, it's the third thread on the same long-debunked conspiracy theory for Easy, with and the other treasonous Trumpflakes joining in. They're clearly terrified.

But then, when the Trump/Russia cabal tells them to jump, the Trumpflakes yell "HOW HIGH, COMRADE?" on the way up. They've been ordered to deflect from Trump's trobules by making shit up, and they don't have the brains or balls to disobey an order.
Debunked? You are such a pathetic, shameless liar, covering up for / defending proven traitors because of your misguided, screwed-up partisan loyalties...
So how much of our uranium did Russia end up getting?
Is your Google broken or just your brain?

It was a simply question, yet you raged and ran. The answer was "zero", which makes your conspiracy theory quite retarded.

Not that you regret being revealed as such a retard to the public. That's how cults work. Your willingness to endure humiliation on behalf of the cult earns you brownie points in the eyes of the other cultists, and that's all you care about. The Scientologists wish their cultists were as devoted as Trump-cultists.
So how much of our uranium did Russia end up getting?
Is your Google broken or just your brain?

It was a simply question, yet you raged and ran. The answer was "zero", which makes your conspiracy theory quite retarded.

Not that you regret being revealed as such a retard to the public. That's how cults work. Your willingness to endure humiliation on behalf of the cult earns you brownie points in the eyes of the other cultists, and that's all you care about. The Scientologists wish their cultists were as devoted as Trump-cultists.
Shut up you stupid bitch.
So how much of our uranium did Russia end up getting?
Is your Google broken or just your brain?
I want to see you republicans write "not a drop of it." Makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
What difference does that make? If I'm in a conspiricy to fly a plane into a building are you gonna give me a pass too since it didn't happen?

You wanted proof of conspiricy you got it.
Proof? None here, but I'll happily wait for Mueller to release his results.

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