Obama killed pipeline in order to destroy more environment!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
What other conclusion can be reached when considering NOW Canada will ship to China via 1 million barrel tanker every day! Do we need reminder of Exxon Valdez and the 250,000 barrels and thousands of miles that destroyed?

The ONLY conclusion is Obama is ignorant to believe that a pipeline 2,147 miles with 700,000 barrels would spill the equal to a tanker!
I mean each mile of pipe will contain in that one mile 300 barrels.
In 1 foot just .. 17 barrels!


Exxon Valdez 250,000 barrels..
The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill—which fouled the waters of Prince William Sound, coated more than a thousand miles of pristine coastline, and killed hundreds of thousands of birds, fish and animals.

Worst pipeline spill 16,000 barrels
The Alyeska 700,000 barrels per day pipeline'slargest oil spill involving the main pipeline took place on February 15, 1978, when an unknown individual blew a 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) hole in it at Steele Creek, just east of Fairbanks.[157] Approximately 16,000 barrels (2,500 m3) of oil leaked out of the hole before the pipeline was shut down.[152] After more than 21 hours, it was restarted.[158]

SO is OBAMA OK with the daily risk of one million barrels on the high seas potentially doing what Exxon valdez did???
What other conclusion can be reached when considering NOW Canada will ship to China via 1 million barrel tanker every day! Do we need reminder of Exxon Valdez and the 250,000 barrels and thousands of miles that destroyed?

The ONLY conclusion is Obama is ignorant to believe that a pipeline 2,147 miles with 700,000 barrels would spill the equal to a tanker!
I mean each mile of pipe will contain in that one mile 300 barrels.
In 1 foot just .. 17 barrels!


Exxon Valdez 250,000 barrels..
The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill—which fouled the waters of Prince William Sound, coated more than a thousand miles of pristine coastline, and killed hundreds of thousands of birds, fish and animals.

Worst pipeline spill 16,000 barrels
The Alyeska 700,000 barrels per day pipeline'slargest oil spill involving the main pipeline took place on February 15, 1978, when an unknown individual blew a 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) hole in it at Steele Creek, just east of Fairbanks.[157] Approximately 16,000 barrels (2,500 m3) of oil leaked out of the hole before the pipeline was shut down.[152] After more than 21 hours, it was restarted.[158]

SO is OBAMA OK with the daily risk of one million barrels on the high seas potentially doing what Exxon valdez did???


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