Obama Justice: The Two Versions


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
On the one hand, there is the use of law by Obama to impose guilt on the innocent. Not a drop of compassion for the innocent from a man steeped in, among other things, postmodernism: there is no right or wrong.

So, this unAmerican ingrate had the man elected by the American people bound in a maelstrom for two years on false charges of collusion.
Ironic, in that the only individuals for whom there is actual evidence of collusion and conspiracy with the Kremlin are Democrats.

Now, as per the Mueller report, we know the charges were false from the state.

And, we know that Obama was behind the attempt from the start.

."Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."


And, Obama justice not only attacks the innocent to call them guilty……but we now see where the obverse works for his sort, as well…..he gets the guilty announced as innocent.

“Jussie Smollett case: Chicago prosecutors drop all charges against 'Empire' actor” All charges against 'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett dropped

Clear to all that Smollett was the instigator in the hoax, but he has Liberal creds, and friends in high places…Obamas.
The Obamas sent orders via their ‘lieutenant,’ Tina Tchen, an attorney and former chief of staff to first lady Michelle Obama, to Chicago State's Attorney, Kim Foxx, to make the charges go away….after all, Smollett is ‘family,’

And so they did.

What remains open to question is whether Hussein moved to Chicago early on because of how corrupt Chicago is…..or he moved there because of how corrupt he is.
Of course, the same query remains about Obama's corruption and that of the Democrat Party.
beating a dead horse are we? Obama being the most racist and corrupt president in over a century is something that all sane people no longer using a highchair know.
beating a dead horse are we? Obama being the most racist and corrupt president in over a century is something that all sane people no longer using a highchair know.

The Obama miasma continues to hang over and pollute this country.

"The initial correspondence started when Michelle Obama's former chief of staff, Tina Tchen, emailed Foxx to say that she was reaching out on behalf of Jussie's family to express "concerns" they had with how the investigation at that point was being handled.

Jussie had not been charged with a crime yet, but it's believed Chicago PD was already doubting his story and leaking info to the press pushing that narrative.

Foxx responded to Tchen on Feb. 1, saying ... "Spoke to Superintendent Johnson. I convinced him to Reach out to FBI to ask that they take over the investigation. He is reaching out now and will get back to me shortly."

The same day, an unnamed relative of Jussie's texted Foxx herself, as well, and Foxx said she was working on getting the case sent over to the FBI. The relative replied, "Omg this would a huge victory." Foxx then responded, "I make no guarantees, but I'm trying."
Jussie Smollett Allies Asked Kim Foxx to Intervene in Case
Look on the bright side, if Graham gets his independent counsel Obama and the Clintons have a real good chance of getting back into taxpayer provided housing for life.
"Prosecutors’ reputations hang in the balance. A police superintendent who had inspired the nation with his courage and clarity stands rebuffed, and why? Does this bear the fingerprints of activist State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, who was reportedly lobbied by the office of former First lady Michelle Obama? Is thoroughly worthy evidence in a clear-cut hoax case being suppressed to achieve a political result?

We have long absorbed that the wealthy, famous and powerful can enjoy a better ride through our justice system. This has nothing to do with that. As Ann Coulter observed, Donald Trump is wealthy, famous and powerful. Jussie Smollett’s escape pod is fueled by the engines of politics and race."
In Smollett Case, Justice Sacrificed on the Altar of Politics and Race

Democrats: a cancer metastasizing in the judicial system.
This is better than you think. If you thought the hit to NYC of the jobs and taxes bill was rough Chicago is only one failed debt rollover away from collapsing the whole state. Between the loss of middle/upper class blacks and the eviction crisis IL is a baby step away from another default to add to their decades long vendors credit default and that might sink them at any time.
"...the Democratic operatives behind the scenes. Two weeks ago, Chicago Sun-Times reporters discovered that Obama crony pal and deep-pocketed campaign finance mega-bundler Tina Tchen had inserted herself in the investigation. Tchen texted Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx just three days after the incident "on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know" to express "concerns." She suggested that Foxx lean on Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to yield to the FBI and she shared an unidentified Smollett's family member's cellphone number with Foxx.

Foxx texted back that she had done as requested and that Chief Johnson was "going to make the ask." The unidentified relative rejoiced: "OMG this would be a huge victory."

Only after Foxx meddled did she recuse herself and name an underling to take over -- which rendered her Kabuki recusal meaningless to veteran observers of the "Crook" County criminal justice system."
Crony State: Obamas' Chicago Fixer Tina Tchen
Even the commission has never held a candle to the Chicago Outfit and it's selling of elections and court rulings.
beating a dead horse are we? Obama being the most racist and corrupt president in over a century is something that all sane people no longer using a highchair know.

What have you people been doing for the last two and half years with the Russia, Russia meme? That horse has been long dead and only the bones are left to bury.
beating a dead horse are we? Obama being the most racist and corrupt president in over a century is something that all sane people no longer using a highchair know.

What have you people been doing for the last two and half years with the Russia, Russia meme? That horse has been long dead and only the bones are left to bury.

They have been trying to cover up the failed deep state coup.

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