OBAMA Job czar (ceo of GE) is sending jobs to China

GE moving X-ray business to China - Boston.com

hmm Me thinks he needs to be fired as a job czar dont you:doubt:

My understanding is that no jobs will be lost here at all. He's just making an entry into a new commercial market.

Are there facts I'm missing on this?

Oh. Well, then shouldn't the Obama-appointed leaders of the NLRB being filing a lawsuit against him and GE, since that is EXACTLY what Boeing did by entering a new market in SC, which was followed by the NLRB sueing Boeing over it, despite the fact that it didn't take away any jobs in Seattle?

It's 100% exactly the same. Yet, Obama's NLRB is suing Boeing, but not GE. Hmmmm.
It seems rather strange that the US Jobs Tzar is sending jobs overseas.

Isn't that one of the USMB liberals favorite talking points?? You know. How jobs are disapearing overseas??

Jeeze. Where Chris and Deany when you need em??

First of all, he isn't sending jobs overseas. That's not the CEO's area. Second of all, the main purpose of a corporation is to be profitable.....
.....And, keep the Bush Family.....

GE moving X-ray business to China - Boston.com

hmm Me thinks he needs to be fired as a job czar dont you:doubt:

My understanding is that no jobs will be lost here at all. He's just making an entry into a new commercial market.

Are there facts I'm missing on this?

Oh. Well, then shouldn't the Obama-appointed leaders of the NLRB being filing a lawsuit against him and GE, since that is EXACTLY what Boeing did by entering a new market in SC, which was followed by the NLRB sueing Boeing over it, despite the fact that it didn't take away any jobs in Seattle?

It's 100% exactly the same. Yet, Obama's NLRB is suing Boeing, but not GE. Hmmmm.

Okay, I'm pretty anti-union but I am even more anti-hysterical-exxageration.

1. Obama is not suing anyone.
2. The NLRB is not Obama's. They cannot bring a case against anyone on his behalf.
3. GE is entering a new market. They are not moving jobs.
4. Boeing is not entering a new market. They are moving jobs from a location where the unions gave them grief, to a Right To Work state. So a grievance was filed by laborers - who are the only people who can do so with the NLRB.
5. Boeing does not plan to find new clients in SC. There are none there.
6. It is not at all like the Boeing case. Not even close.
7. I guess if you watch enough Glenn Beck or whatever, you would say "Hmmmm".
8. I hope Beoing wins against the union and the NLRB

I think that pretty much sums it up.
My understanding is that no jobs will be lost here at all. He's just making an entry into a new commercial market.

Are there facts I'm missing on this?

Oh. Well, then shouldn't the Obama-appointed leaders of the NLRB being filing a lawsuit against him and GE, since that is EXACTLY what Boeing did by entering a new market in SC, which was followed by the NLRB sueing Boeing over it, despite the fact that it didn't take away any jobs in Seattle?

It's 100% exactly the same. Yet, Obama's NLRB is suing Boeing, but not GE. Hmmmm.

Okay, I'm pretty anti-union but I am even more anti-hysterical-exxageration.

1. Obama is not suing anyone.
2. The NLRB is not Obama's. They cannot bring a case against anyone on his behalf.
3. GE is entering a new market. They are not moving jobs.
4. Boeing is not entering a new market. They are moving jobs from a location where the unions gave them grief, to a Right To Work state. So a grievance was filed by laborers - who are the only people who can do so with the NLRB.
5. Boeing does not plan to find new clients in SC. There are none there.
6. It is not at all like the Boeing case. Not even close.
7. I guess if you watch enough Glenn Beck or whatever, you would say "Hmmmm".
8. I hope Beoing wins against the union and the NLRB

I think that pretty much sums it up.

LOL such overwhelming ignorance. Boeings is expanding production. Not taking jobs from union lackeys. The union is just pissed they nolonger hold the threat of strikes over their heads.
GE has been outsourcing Jobs for many years. So this isn't surprising to me. What is surprising to me is that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt can be this President's "Jobs Czar." GE pays no Taxes and outsources Jobs all the time. I think it's getting harder & harder for the loyal Hopey Changey Sheep to defend this President. You can see they're struggling to defend. Just imagine if an 'R' was in there right now? The same sheep would likley be calling for investigations and possibly even Impeachment. What a mess. See ya in 2012.

GE pays no taxes AND is outsourcing jobs 'all the time'?

lol, there goes the rightwing bullshit mantra that if we'd just lower taxes on American corporations they'd create more jobs here.

See, we told you so.
It seems rather strange that the US Jobs Tzar is sending jobs overseas.

Isn't that one of the USMB liberals favorite talking points?? You know. How jobs are disapearing overseas??

Jeeze. Where Chris and Deany when you need em??

First of all, he isn't sending jobs overseas. That's not the CEO's area. Second of all, the main purpose of a corporation is to be profitable and if a section of a corporation cannot be profitable in one area, you must find a way to make it profitable or shut it down. Compensation and benefits in China are 1/3 of what they are in the US. This will increase GE's stock value and thus make rich people, richer who will then go out and spend their money on cars, boats, jewelry, etc.

This is a very REPUBLICAN way of doing things.

You know Dave... You're quickly becoming my favorite Obama slappy. I'm sure you took this same position in the Boeing move to another area of THIS COUNTRYright?

South Carolina Boeing Employees Move to Intervene in Obama Labor Board’s Assault on Right to Work Laws

National Right to Work Foundation attorneys helping workers and former Machinist union president challenge attempt to send jobs to Washington
Washington, DC (June 2, 2011) – With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, a group of Charleston-area Boeing Company employees are asking to intervene in the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB) unprecedented case targeting Boeing (NYSE: BA) for locating production in South Carolina in part due to its popular Right to Work law. That law ensures that union dues and membership are strictly voluntary.

The NLRB's complaint, if successful, would eliminate over 1,000 existing jobs in South Carolina, not to mention several thousand more jobs that would be created once the Boeing plant reaches full production capacity. Further, the case could set a dangerous precedent that allows union bosses to dictate where job providers locate their facilities.

In 2009, Boeing, after experiencing repeated International Association of Machinists (IAM) union boss-instigated strikes in the forced unionism state of Washington, decided to locate a new production line for the 787 Dreamliner to South Carolina, partly because South Carolina is a Right to Work state. IAM union bosses in state of Washington cried foul and filed unfair labor practice charges against Boeing.

The NLRB's Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon sided with IAM union bosses and decided to prosecute Boeing in late April. Ironically, workers in Boeing's South Carolina plant booted IAM union bosses from their plant to attract the Dreamliner production, as the workers did not want union bosses interfering with their job prospects.
South Carolina Boeing Employees Move to Intervene in Obama Labor Board


Hey, look at that! Another Conservative news source! I wonder why the Daily Kos doesn't have this story? Oh wait...
My understanding is that no jobs will be lost here at all. He's just making an entry into a new commercial market.

Are there facts I'm missing on this?

Oh. Well, then shouldn't the Obama-appointed leaders of the NLRB being filing a lawsuit against him and GE, since that is EXACTLY what Boeing did by entering a new market in SC, which was followed by the NLRB sueing Boeing over it, despite the fact that it didn't take away any jobs in Seattle?

It's 100% exactly the same. Yet, Obama's NLRB is suing Boeing, but not GE. Hmmmm.

Okay, I'm pretty anti-union but I am even more anti-hysterical-exxageration.

1. Obama is not suing anyone.
2. The NLRB is not Obama's. They cannot bring a case against anyone on his behalf.
3. GE is entering a new market. They are not moving jobs.
4. Boeing is not entering a new market. They are moving jobs from a location where the unions gave them grief, to a Right To Work state. So a grievance was filed by laborers - who are the only people who can do so with the NLRB.
5. Boeing does not plan to find new clients in SC. There are none there.
6. It is not at all like the Boeing case. Not even close.
7. I guess if you watch enough Glenn Beck or whatever, you would say "Hmmmm".
8. I hope Beoing wins against the union and the NLRB

I think that pretty much sums it up.

you're clueless:eusa_whistle:

Obama’s Back-Door Recess Appointment of Craig Becker to NLRB Does No Good for Job Production in U.S.

Like a Kangaroo Court, the NLRB point people and activists, rule for the underhanded and stealthy schemes of Barack Obama’s desires to make payback concessions to corrupt and evil labor unions; those entities that stole membership dues from their forced union members and gave millions upon millions to get the White House usurper elected in 2008.

Obama tried in desperation to get legislation enacted that would help the crooked union leaders in their quests to make organizing, and membership rolls larger with concomitant huge, even monstrous increases in dues monies into their treasuries for their wrongful, if not illegal, goals.

These measures, such as ‘Card Check’ the deceptively named “Employee Free Choice Act” which was the exact opposite of free choice that would take away the employee’s secret ballot free choice and have the strong-armed unionista gestapo’s standing over the employee when the time they called for gaining new member elections were in process, were summarily turned down by the public and Congress followed suit.

Once again, these greedy and strong willed union chiefs turned to Obama and demanded their payback settlements to be recognized and accomplished even if by dictatorial fiat if necessary. Obama smelled blood and hurriedly worked to get the odds and actions back in his favor and to bypass constitutional and congressional actions.

Obama turned to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an independent agency of the United States government charged with conducting elections for labor union representation and with investigating and remedying unfair labor practices. Unfair that is, to all labor unions, the public and the employing business or corporation be damned. The NLRB is governed by a five-person board and a General Counsel, all of whom are appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate.

In the interests of fairness to the public and the employing institutions, there should be a similar Public NLRB appointed by Congress to monitor labor union elections and activities and insuring that the public employees and employers get fair and equitable treatment by the roughshod labor unions whose talk of fairness is absolutely all ONE-SIDED and favoring the union side of the discussion.

Getting back to the matter at hand, in the ensuing actions Obama proved his deceptiveness and complicity with the corrupt and greedy labor unions as well as his utter disregard for fairness to the public and the employees and employers by nominating Craig Becker, a long-time union connected flack who was a high ranking member of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), itself one of the most anti-public and employer labor union operatives, for appointment to head the NLRB.

This nomination would have virtually assured labor unions of this country that the POTUS would hand them the person and the agency that would put union - member elections and other administrative actions safely in the hands of the corrupt unions. If that self-gratifying and decidedly unfair action is not a contributing addition to impeachment proceedings, it should be.

Obama’s Back-Door Recess Appointment of Craig Becker to NLRB Does No Good for Job Production in U.S.
First of all, he isn't sending jobs overseas. That's not the CEO's area. Second of all, the main purpose of a corporation is to be profitable and if a section of a corporation cannot be profitable in one area, you must find a way to make it profitable or shut it down. Compensation and benefits in China are 1/3 of what they are in the US. This will increase GE's stock value and thus make rich people, richer who will then go out and spend their money on cars, boats, jewelry, etc.

This is a very REPUBLICAN way of doing things.

You know Dave... You're quickly becoming my favorite Obama slappy. I'm sure you took this same position in the Boeing move to another area of THIS COUNTRYright?

South Carolina Boeing Employees Move to Intervene in Obama Labor Board’s Assault on Right to Work Laws

National Right to Work Foundation attorneys helping workers and former Machinist union president challenge attempt to send jobs to Washington
Washington, DC (June 2, 2011) – With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, a group of Charleston-area Boeing Company employees are asking to intervene in the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB) unprecedented case targeting Boeing (NYSE: BA) for locating production in South Carolina in part due to its popular Right to Work law. That law ensures that union dues and membership are strictly voluntary.

The NLRB's complaint, if successful, would eliminate over 1,000 existing jobs in South Carolina, not to mention several thousand more jobs that would be created once the Boeing plant reaches full production capacity. Further, the case could set a dangerous precedent that allows union bosses to dictate where job providers locate their facilities.

In 2009, Boeing, after experiencing repeated International Association of Machinists (IAM) union boss-instigated strikes in the forced unionism state of Washington, decided to locate a new production line for the 787 Dreamliner to South Carolina, partly because South Carolina is a Right to Work state. IAM union bosses in state of Washington cried foul and filed unfair labor practice charges against Boeing.

The NLRB's Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon sided with IAM union bosses and decided to prosecute Boeing in late April. Ironically, workers in Boeing's South Carolina plant booted IAM union bosses from their plant to attract the Dreamliner production, as the workers did not want union bosses interfering with their job prospects.
South Carolina Boeing Employees Move to Intervene in Obama Labor Board


Hey, look at that! Another Conservative news source! I wonder why the Daily Kos doesn't have this story? Oh wait...

:confused:Please tell me this isn't the first you've heard of this story? Tell me that you are not really that clueless? It’s not possible is it? Oh....wait a minute you're an Obama slappy I guess it is possible for people like you
Hey, look at that! Another Conservative news source! I wonder why the Daily Kos doesn't have this story? Oh wait...

I was going to post this full story yesterday I'll do it now for you slappy..

GE Moves 115-Year-Old X-Ray Unit’s Base to China to Tap Growth

General Electric Co. (GE)’s health-care unit, the world’s biggest maker of medical-imaging machines, is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing to tap growth in China.

“A handful” of top managers will move to the Chinese capital and there won’t be any job cuts, Anne LeGrand, vice president and general manager of X-ray for GE Healthcare, said in an interview. The headquarters will move from Waukesha, Wisconsin, amid a broader parent-company plan to invest about $2 billion across China, including opening six “customer innovation” and development centers.

The move follows the introduction earlier this year of GE Healthcare’s “Spring Wind” initiative to develop and distribute medical products and services in China, GE said in a statement today. More than 20 percent of the X-ray unit’s new products will be developed in China, LeGrand said.

The division should have “double-digit” growth rates as the country converts from film and analog to digital X-ray technology, LeGrand said. “When you look at a market like China, it’s primarily analog. So we feel this will also bring digital technology at an appropriate price-point.”

GE Healthcare, also the world’s biggest maker of magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac tomography scanners, got about $1.1 billion of its $16.9 billion in sales from China last year. Health-care device markets are forecast to more than double this year, according to researcher Epsicom

GE Moves 115-Year-Old X-Ray Unit
GE moving X-ray business to China - Boston.com

hmm Me thinks he needs to be fired as a job czar dont you:doubt:

hmm..me thinks it was fracking insane to make him job czar to begin with.
While CEO of G.E. - they have outsources 39,000 jobs overseas.

Amen. Hopey Changey sheep need to be told when to get outraged. If an 'R' was in there right now,these sheep would be hysterical. Oh well,sheep will be sheep i guess. It is very sad but it is what it is.
It seems rather strange that the US Jobs Tzar is sending jobs overseas.

Isn't that one of the USMB liberals favorite talking points?? You know. How jobs are disapearing overseas??

Jeeze. Where Chris and Deany when you need em??

First of all, he isn't sending jobs overseas. That's not the CEO's area. Second of all, the main purpose of a corporation is to be profitable and if a section of a corporation cannot be profitable in one area, you must find a way to make it profitable or shut it down. Compensation and benefits in China are 1/3 of what they are in the US. This will increase GE's stock value and thus make rich people, richer who will then go out and spend their money on cars, boats, jewelry, etc.

This is a very REPUBLICAN way of doing things.

This maybe because Jeffrey Immelt is a Republican.

Jeffrey R. Immelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh. Well, then shouldn't the Obama-appointed leaders of the NLRB being filing a lawsuit against him and GE, since that is EXACTLY what Boeing did by entering a new market in SC, which was followed by the NLRB sueing Boeing over it, despite the fact that it didn't take away any jobs in Seattle?

It's 100% exactly the same. Yet, Obama's NLRB is suing Boeing, but not GE. Hmmmm.

Okay, I'm pretty anti-union but I am even more anti-hysterical-exxageration.

1. Obama is not suing anyone.
2. The NLRB is not Obama's. They cannot bring a case against anyone on his behalf.
3. GE is entering a new market. They are not moving jobs.
4. Boeing is not entering a new market. They are moving jobs from a location where the unions gave them grief, to a Right To Work state. So a grievance was filed by laborers - who are the only people who can do so with the NLRB.
5. Boeing does not plan to find new clients in SC. There are none there.
6. It is not at all like the Boeing case. Not even close.
7. I guess if you watch enough Glenn Beck or whatever, you would say "Hmmmm".
8. I hope Beoing wins against the union and the NLRB

I think that pretty much sums it up.

LOL such overwhelming ignorance. Boeings is expanding production. Not taking jobs from union lackeys. The union is just pissed they nolonger hold the threat of strikes over their heads.

I don't like Obama and I don't like unions. I did not say Boeing is "taking jobs from union lackeys. I said that laborers filed an action with the NLRB.
See the definition of whackjob below. Then look up ignorance. :eusa_angel:
Oh. Well, then shouldn't the Obama-appointed leaders of the NLRB being filing a lawsuit against him and GE, since that is EXACTLY what Boeing did by entering a new market in SC, which was followed by the NLRB sueing Boeing over it, despite the fact that it didn't take away any jobs in Seattle?

It's 100% exactly the same. Yet, Obama's NLRB is suing Boeing, but not GE. Hmmmm.

Okay, I'm pretty anti-union but I am even more anti-hysterical-exxageration.

1. Obama is not suing anyone.
2. The NLRB is not Obama's. They cannot bring a case against anyone on his behalf.
3. GE is entering a new market. They are not moving jobs.
4. Boeing is not entering a new market. They are moving jobs from a location where the unions gave them grief, to a Right To Work state. So a grievance was filed by laborers - who are the only people who can do so with the NLRB.
5. Boeing does not plan to find new clients in SC. There are none there.
6. It is not at all like the Boeing case. Not even close.
7. I guess if you watch enough Glenn Beck or whatever, you would say "Hmmmm".
8. I hope Beoing wins against the union and the NLRB

I think that pretty much sums it up.

you're clueless:eusa_whistle:

Obama’s Back-Door Recess Appointment of Craig Becker to NLRB Does No Good for Job Production in U.S.

Like a Kangaroo Court, the NLRB point people and activists, rule for the underhanded and stealthy schemes of Barack Obama’s desires to make payback concessions to corrupt and Obama’s Back-Door Recess Appointment of Craig Becker to NLRB Does No Good for Job Production in U.S.

I didn't bother reading your cute little article from what source? Right wing Jewish-Canadian whackjob .com? :cuckoo:
You might as well ask me to take the crap from DailyKos seriously.

So okay. I'll post something from a smiliar site, say MethodistOnMeth . com or ImAWhackjobInMomsBasement .com. :lol:

Um yeah. You're taking the stuff on that cute little blog seriously and it's uh, "other people" who are clueless. Ooookay dokey!
Does anyone know what these Czars actually do,. Because apparently the job czar is not working . Does anyone know how many Czars they have. Lets cut them first because its apparently they are not doing their jobs!

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