Obama ISIS Plan Of 'Containment' An Effort To Fight Global Warming


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
AP / 111/18/15
Secretary of State John Kerry stated in a press conference this morning that President Obama's Foreign Policy, which he admitted was 'not complete', of 'Containment of ISIS rather than one to defeat or destroy ISIS is soundly based off of new scientific evidence.

According to Secretary Kerry, top Obama administration Global Warming scientists recently discovered that the smoking dead bodies of ISIS members contribute significantly in the increase of world-wide Global Warming.

'It is our, and the world's, best interest then NOT to undertake a policy of destroying ISIS but to contain them," said Kerry. He went on to say, "While ISIS recently killed more than 150 French and wounded almost as many recently in the attacks on Paris, the Global Warming impact of killing and totally defeating ISIS could end up killing MILLIONS world-wide."

We will, therefore, stay the course and make no changes to our strategy regarding ISIS, for the good of the entire world, President Obama was quoted as saying a little while later.

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