Obama: ISIS a Manageable Crisis


May 23, 2014
At his Estonian press conference this morning President Obama called ISIS a "manageable crisis."
Manageable crisis is when your basement floods. Why can't he take a stronger public stance on ISIS? Is there a strategy here or...I'm not getting it.
Right..he's "managing" them so well...
They've taken half of iraq, are using our own weapons that they seized against us, behead americans on television (essentially), have threatened us at home in the u.s. and have already entered the united states.

His "plan" to purposely collapse the u.s., on the other hand, is going very well.
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.
I guess the problems in the region is manageable.

Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11

Egypt set for military intervention as Libya spirals toward failed state

In this image made from video by The Associated Press, smoke rises from the direction of Tripoli airport in Tripoli, Libya, Sunday, July 13, 2014. Rival militias battled Sunday for the control of the international airport in Libya's capital / AP

BY: Bill Gertz
September 2, 2014 4:55 pm

Islamist militias in Libya took control of nearly a dozen commercial jetliners last month, and western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks across North Africa.

Intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks and included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the date marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports.

“There are a number of commercial airliners in Libya that are missing,” said one official. “We found out on September 11 what can happen with hijacked planes.”

The official said the aircraft are a serious counterterrorism concern because reports of terrorist control over the Libyan airliners come three weeks before the 13th anniversary of 9/11 attacks and the second anniversary of the Libyan terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the Benghazi attack, which the Obama administration initially said was the result of a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Muslim video.

A senior State Department counterterrorism official declined to comment on reports of the stolen jetliners.

A second State department official sought to downplay the reports. “We can’t confirm that,” he said.

Meanwhile, officials said Egyptian military forces appear to be preparing to intervene in Libya to prevent the country from becoming a failed state run by terrorists, many with ties to al Qaeda.

Libya remains an oil-rich state and if the country is taken over completely by Islamist extremists, U.S. counterterrorism officials believe it will become another terrorist safe haven in the region.

The officials said U.S. intelligence agencies have not confirmed the aircraft theft following the takeover of Tripoli International Airport in late August, and are attempting to locate all aircraft owned by two Libyan state-owned airline companies, as security in the country continued to deteriorate amid fighting between Islamists and anti-Islamist militias.

Video surfaced on Sunday showing armed fighters from the Islamist militia group Libyan Dawn partying inside a captured U.S. diplomatic compound in Tripoli. The footage showed one fighter diving into a pool from a second-story balcony at the facility.

Tripoli airport and at least seven aircraft were reported damaged during fighting that began in July. Photos of the airport in the aftermath showed a number of damaged aircraft. The airport has been closed since mid-July.

The state-owned Libyan Airlines fleet until this summer included 14 passenger and cargo jetliners, including seven Airbus 320s, one Airbus 330, two French ATR-42 turboprop aircraft, and four Bombardier CJR-900s. Libyan state-owned Afriqiyah Airways fleet is made up of 13 aircraft, including three Airbus 319s, seven Airbus 320s, two Airbus 330s, and one Airbus 340.

The aircraft were reportedly taken in late August following the takeover of Tripoli International Airport, located about 20 miles south of the capital, by Libyan Dawn.

Al Jazeera television reported in late August that western intelligence reports had warned of terror threats to the region from 11 stolen commercial jets.

In response, Tunisia stopped flights from other Libyan airports at Tripoli, Sirte, and Misrata over concerns that jets from those airports could be on suicide missions.

Egypt’s government also halted flights to and from Libya.

Military forces in North Africa, including those from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt have been placed on heightened alert as a result of intelligence warning of the stolen aircraft.

Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9 11 Washington Free Beacon
Obama isn't single handedly running our entire intelligence cabal and single handedly okaying every mission and strike and all of our security apparatus.

Thinking that this one man's competence or lack thereof somehow renders our entire Military Industrial Apparatus somehow null and void is - in two words - fucking dumb.

And let's be honest - no matter what he said or how he said it, despite context or severity, you lot would be bitching at it. Get a life.
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.
Obama isn't single handedly running our entire intelligence cabal and single handedly okaying every mission and strike and all of our security apparatus.

It is helpful when the commander in chief has an idea what's going on in the world. He knows a lot about campaigning...not so much about actually leading

Thinking that this one man's competence or lack thereof somehow renders our entire Military Industrial Apparatus somehow null and void is - in two words - fucking dumb.
He is commander in chief. He has the final say so..remember how you chirped about him killing bin laden? It was all about obama...not a word about the "military industrial apparatus"..LMAO..look at you stringing meaningless syllables together to form meaningless phrases!

And let's be honest - no matter what he said or how he said it, despite context or severity, you lot would be bitching at it. Get a life.

..and lets be honest, that's pure speculation exposing your partisan bias and a weak attempt to dodge reality.
But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.
Your support is laughable at this point
"our reach is long and justice will be served" is not a clear enough message for the kooks.

he also needs to call them scumcunt cocksuckers and stick his tongue out at them and call all their mothers sluts

But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.
Yeah he knows who they are...they are sticking their finger up his ass on world wide media.
So our strategy is to threaten the terrorists with the long arm of justice....

Our own criminals don't care about the law but I'm sure the terrorists are quaking in their boots.
So our strategy is to threaten the terrorists with the long arm of justice....

Our own criminals don't care about the law but I'm sure the terrorists are quaking in their boots.
Tell us more about how you think our threat of force means we wont actually use force.

You've really been grasping at straws JUST to hate lately man, you used to be way more level headed but your gripes are completely unfounded and ridiculous lately.
"our reach is long and justice will be served" is not a clear enough message for the kooks.

he also needs to call them scumcunt cocksuckers and stick his tongue out at them and call all their mothers sluts


when americans are being beheaded on television and the enemy is making overt threats to do the same in america, pretty words about "justice"...blah..blah...are especially meaningless..

I'm sure ISIS is shaking in their sandals after that severe scolding...

But the president did say "our reach is long". And that I suppose could be included as a part of "instruments". Hooray.

Well unlike Bush, who killed droves of Iraqis and called them "terrorists", Obama seems to actually know who the terrorists are..and is involved in killing them.

But Bush did get a nice trophy pistol from Saddam Hussien. And he took some swell pictures of him in his underwear. And who could forget that wonderful moment when Hussien was hung by what appeared to be thugs.

Good stuff.
Yeah he knows who they are...they are sticking their finger up his ass on world wide media.

the pezbo learned about who they are when you did

when he read it in the news
"our reach is long and justice will be served" is not a clear enough message for the kooks.

he also needs to call them scumcunt cocksuckers and stick his tongue out at them and call all their mothers sluts


when americans are being beheaded on television and the enemy is making overt threats to do the same in america, pretty words about "justice"...blah..blah...are especially meaningless..

I'm sure ISIS is shaking in their sandals after that severe scolding...

and americans were beheaded under bush and bush made the same speeches

and he will use the same military to fight back

your gripe is with your own partisanship, not with the us's reaction to some savage retards who wouldn't know "good" if allah came and baked them a falafel made out of it

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