Obama is raping the nation...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
...and a lot of stupid asses are concerned with what one confused Republican said about actual rape and bodily functions.

It is difficult to believe that so much energy can be wasted on criticizing (or defending) that stupid man, Todd Akin when the absolute worst enemy we have right now sits in the Oval Office.

EDIT: Of course, you liberals keep this alive and try to tie it to Romney/Ryan in order to garner more votes from female voters. Truly a disreputable way to obtain votes for the Presidency. Neither of them agree with that goddamned idiot Akin. But...that's the liberal way. It is only the results of the lies and misrepresentations that count for you. Integrity has no place in the liberal mindset.
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All of a sudden, Akin is more important than Obama. Go figure!

Attention toward Akin deflects attention from Obama's FAILURES!

Obama worshipers want to talk about ANYTHING BUT Obama...because they know in their hearts that he is a fucking failure!
Some things are just too stupid to play turnabout on, you should be ashamed to even try.
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Some things are just too stupid to play turnabout on, you should be ashamed to even try.

Nobody here is playing turnabout. We agree that Akin is a stupid man. That does NOT make Obama a good man. It does not make Romney a bad man.

It does give the inadequate Obama something to keep attention off of the fact that he is inadequate.
No, the only thing that Akin was stupid about was to state out loud what the true position of the GOP campaign plank on abortion truly is. So you people have thrown him under the bus, and continue with the very policy that he stated.
Some things are just too stupid to play turnabout on, you should be ashamed to even try.

Nobody here is playing turnabout. We agree that Akin is a stupid man. That does NOT make Obama a good man. It does not make Romney a bad man.

It does give the inadequate Obama something to keep attention off of the fact that he is inadequate.

I think the horribly restrictive plans that republicans have for women and their reproductive rights is always a valid subject of discussion.
...and a lot of stupid asses are concerned with what one confused Republican said about actual rape and bodily functions.

It is difficult to believe that so much energy can be wasted on criticizing (or defending) that stupid man, Todd Akin when the absolute worst enemy we have right now sits in the Oval Office.

EDIT: Of course, you liberals keep this alive and try to tie it to Romney/Ryan in order to garner more votes from female voters. Truly a disreputable way to obtain votes for the Presidency. Neither of them agree with that goddamned idiot Akin. But...that's the liberal way. It is only the results of the lies and misrepresentations that count for you. Integrity has no place in the liberal mindset.

Obama raping the nation? Explain idiot.:eusa_hand:
Radical Right Wing Extremist Idiot keep insluting and berating women and they should keep silent? Foot in mouth disease among the Right an epidemic.
No, the only thing that Akin was stupid about was to state out loud what the true position of the GOP campaign plank on abortion truly is. So you people have thrown him under the bus, and continue with the very policy that he stated.

Many Republicans disagree with Akin. I am not a Republican anyway. I have voted Democrat on several occasions. I generally split the ticket on local elections.

Regardless of the GOP plank wording regarding abortion:
a) I think abortion should be available in the first trimester to any woman that wants one, especially after rape or incest, at any time when the mother's life is threatened by continuing the pregnancy.
b) I think late term or partial birth abortions should NOT be allowed except when the mother's life is threatened.

I didn't throw anybody under the bus.

I still think Akin is a fucking idiot. I still think Obama is the worst thing that ever happened to the White House.

I still think the Akin controversy is a chickenshit's way out of defending his own failed policies. Obama is no better because of Akin's stupidity.

So, there you are!
...and a lot of stupid asses are concerned with what one confused Republican said about actual rape and bodily functions.

It is difficult to believe that so much energy can be wasted on criticizing (or defending) that stupid man, Todd Akin when the absolute worst enemy we have right now sits in the Oval Office.

EDIT: Of course, you liberals keep this alive and try to tie it to Romney/Ryan in order to garner more votes from female voters. Truly a disreputable way to obtain votes for the Presidency. Neither of them agree with that goddamned idiot Akin. But...that's the liberal way. It is only the results of the lies and misrepresentations that count for you. Integrity has no place in the liberal mindset.

Obama raping the nation? Explain idiot.:eusa_hand:
Radical Right Wing Extremist Idiot keep insluting and berating women and they should keep silent? Foot in mouth disease among the Right an epidemic.

The only actual rapist was a guy named Clinton.

Did you vote for him?
Actually, it was Bush who raped the nation.

And then Obama got in line for sloppy 2nd's :eek:

Actually, you're wrong. Bush tried to warn against the raping of the nation by Barney Frank, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac and got pushed back...multiple times! Obama continues to rape the nation with trillion dollar deficits and continuous spending of our greatgrandchildren's money.
Obama is raping the nation...

No, Bush raped the nation. Obama has it in rehab.

You just didn't like it when Bush was taking it to you.

You seem much more at ease with Obama's violation of your sorry ass.

George Bush didn't drive the economy into the shitter, and Obama hasn't done anything to rape us. The reason we are where we are can be attributed to many things, but none of them are George Bush or Obama. There are two main reasons everything is tanking. One is that the biggest generation of spenders, the baby boomers, have stopped spending, and they have pretty much stopped spending because they are done raising their kids and saving for retirement.

The second big reason is that real wages have been absolutley stagnant if and have actually decreased significantly from their peak in the early 70's. This is currently most notable for our youngest workers who are finding it difficult to start their own families. Without the younger generation starting their own families, they are not spending money on bigger cars, bigger homes, bigger this, and bigger that. When lower and middle income workers are not being paid well enough, the economy does poorly. These are the people who drive our economy.

When the wealthy earn more money, it only helps the economy minimally because the wealthy don't spend most of their money. If a wealthy person spends $100,000 plus on a luxury car, it helps the economy, but not nearly as much as four people buying $25,000 cars. Now, we can argue all day as to why wages have dropped for working Americans; I'm not certain of the exact reason. What I do know is that part of the cure is getting more people working, and also paying them decent wages. We don't need anymore Walmart jobs.

This is where I believe the Republicans have failed miserably. With Republicans, it's always about protecting the wealthy. Here's a clue; the wealthy don't need to be protected, because they already control the playing field. What we need to discuss is protecting the workers, the average Americans who are trying to make it from paycheck to paycheck. Productivity in this country has gone up dramatically, but wages have stayed about the same. This is everyone's problem, and it is the cause of most of our financial problems.

The report, “The Sad But True Story Of Wages In America,” by economists Lawrence Mishel and Heidi Shierholz, finds that American workers across the board -- whether in the private or public sector, high school- or college-educated –- "have suffered from decades of stagnating wages despite large gains in productivity." The trend isn’t new, either. Between 1979 and 2009, EPI says, U.S. productivity increased by 80 percent, while the hourly wage of the median worker has only gone up by 10.1 percent.

U.S. Wages Aren't Keeping Up With U.S. Productivity, EPI Says
Actually, it was Bush who raped the nation.

And then Obama got in line for sloppy 2nd's :eek:

Actually, you're wrong. Bush tried to warn against the raping of the nation by Barney Frank, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac and got pushed back...multiple times! Obama continues to rape the nation with trillion dollar deficits and continuous spending of our greatgrandchildren's money.

Fact free idiocy- F+F was only 20% of toxic assets, and got in late. Their % of mortgages went from 75% of market to 25 % from 2003-6 while Bush regulators looked the other way. You're a brainwashed moron, Rush.

Thank God Obama got in to stop ANOTHER true Pub Great Depression. Stupid Pub dupes. Change the channel, a-hole. See sig last PP.
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Actually, it was Bush who raped the nation.

And then Obama got in line for sloppy 2nd's :eek:

Actually, you're wrong. Bush tried to warn against the raping of the nation by Barney Frank, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac and got pushed back...multiple times! Obama continues to rape the nation with trillion dollar deficits and continuous spending of our greatgrandchildren's money.
Bush left the nation on life support when his 2nd term was over.

Then we handed the keys over to a rank amateur with no experience. :cool:

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