Obama IS NOT the first black president.

Und der Katze sagt:

From the looks of that picture up there beside your name, you must be one of those "sock tuckers."

its actually what old farts like you should do.....now let the nice lady wipe up your drool.....its time to go beddy by......

Und der Katze sagt:

Yeah, you're a sock tucker, alright. Not a very bright one, apparently. Although you could be a cork plucker, I suppose.
we dont use those terms anymore Gramps.....its 2012 not 1945.....take your dentures out before you say nite-nite....
Ah, yes. If you can't think of anything else to say, spout some bullshit about trolls. ]

Nobody told you to be a fucking troll. Stop being one or stop bitching about it, asshole.

Und der Katze sagt:

Watch yo' mouf' boy! Yew iz shewin' yo' iggerence! Iz yew one ob dem peckerwoods libbin' in a FEMA trailer from las' yeahs washout?

Everyone knows you are a worthless fucking troll. You don't have to try so hard.
The rule in the South was one drop of Black blood and you are Black.

I don't know if Obama stutters but it does remind me that FDR could not walk. FDR was recently named greatest American president by Siena.

FDR was easily one of our worst presidents.

Und der Katze sat:

I can see from that FDR remark, that you are truly mentally challenged, and I do apologize for speaking to you so harshly. I hope I haven't damaged your fragile ego, or your self-esteem.

I would suggest you study some US History, but that would be lost on a moron like you.
The rule in the South was one drop of Black blood and you are Black.

I don't know if Obama stutters but it does remind me that FDR could not walk. FDR was recently named greatest American president by Siena.

FDR was easily one of our worst presidents.
YOUR Opinion. Carter surpassed him. Obama surpasses Carter. MY Opinion.

How many Americans did Carter force into concentration camps?
The rule in the South was one drop of Black blood and you are Black.

I don't know if Obama stutters but it does remind me that FDR could not walk. FDR was recently named greatest American president by Siena.

FDR was easily one of our worst presidents.

Well the historians have never rated FDR below one of the three greatest presidents, and the recent Siena polling of 238 noted historians and presidential experts rated FDR as America's greatest president. Well those are the historians, all communists, right, but what of the American people. Well they voted for FDR four times a record that may never be broken. So the people of FDR's generation and today's historians seem to agree: America's greatest president. I'll drop Siena a line that you believe he was easily one of our worst.

FDR's consolidation of personal power in a time of crisis is one of the reasons why he was such a danger to our Republic.
Obama is a HALF-BLACK man. He is an educated, articulate HALF-BLACK man. The other half is a dumbass WHITE BOY.

For a woman named Stanley I have to give her credit.

We're talking the 60's.

Think about it. She gets fucked by Frank Marshall Davis AND AND his wife.They both do the kid.

And Obama actually says he's his mentor in his book.

This is gold. This time we are running against flesh and blood. Not an axlerode mirage.
Anyone can be articulate when you have a teleprompter and someone else writing your speeches!

This is not true. Speaking in front of a country, especially when public speaking is the #1 phobia among people, and doing it while relaxed and with confidence, is not easy. Why is the fact that Obama uses a teleprompter such a discrediting point for Obama? Presidents have been using it since it was invented, and for good reasons. All words said to the free world should be on point when coming from the leader. At least the man can speak what is written before him Accurately, fluently, and with emotion. Watching "W" speak was just painful and awkward.
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Hold on, you're giving obama credit for not being afraid of public speaking? Really?
You. Are. A. Moron.

Und der Katze sagt:

You must be a white boy.

a tomcat is a Kater.

so you either post

"und die katze sagt" which would leave it open in regard to the sex of the cat,

or, if you want to stress that the cat is male, you have to write

"und der kater sagt"

Und der Katze sagt:

I refer you to "der Alte" and "die Alte." Although I suppose I should have written the entire name "der KatzeUndRatze00," or at least "der Katze...". I suppose it might be better as "der KatzenUndRatzen." However, are you prepared to bet your life that it's not Schweizer Deutsch, or Oesterreicher Deutsch? Still, as it is, it's acceptable Ami Deutsch. Besides, 99 out of 100 of the people who post here, have no idea whether it's right or wrong, and one of the unter Menschen was even babbling something about a U-boat commander. But...it could be worse. It could have been Katzenjammer, or KatzenjammerUndRatzenjammer. Tschüss!
Und der Katze sagt:

You must be a white boy.

a tomcat is a Kater.

so you either post

"und die katze sagt" which would leave it open in regard to the sex of the cat,

or, if you want to stress that the cat is male, you have to write

"und der kater sagt"

Und der Katze sagt:

I refer you to "der Alte" and "die Alte." Although I suppose I should have written the entire name "der KatzeUndRatze00," or at least "der Katze...". I suppose it might be better as "der KatzenUndRatzen." However, are you prepared to bet your life that it's not Schweizer Deutsch, or Oesterreicher Deutsch? Still, as it is, it's acceptable Ami Deutsch. Besides, 99 out of 100 of the people who post here, have no idea whether it's right or wrong, and one of the unter Menschen was even babbling something about a U-boat commander. But...it could be worse. It could have been Katzenjammer, or KatzenjammerUndRatzenjammer. Tschüss!

L.K. is an actual German gramps.....not some old fart in a home who thinks he is a U-Boat Commander......now go and have some Pablum for breakfast....and put your Dentures back in....
a tomcat is a Kater.

so you either post

"und die katze sagt" which would leave it open in regard to the sex of the cat,

or, if you want to stress that the cat is male, you have to write

"und der kater sagt"

Und der Katze sagt:

I refer you to "der Alte" and "die Alte." Although I suppose I should have written the entire name "der KatzeUndRatze00," or at least "der Katze...". I suppose it might be better as "der KatzenUndRatzen." However, are you prepared to bet your life that it's not Schweizer Deutsch, or Oesterreicher Deutsch? Still, as it is, it's acceptable Ami Deutsch. Besides, 99 out of 100 of the people who post here, have no idea whether it's right or wrong, and one of the unter Menschen was even babbling something about a U-boat commander. But...it could be worse. It could have been Katzenjammer, or KatzenjammerUndRatzenjammer. Tschüss!

L.K. is an actual German gramps.....not some old fart in a home who thinks he is a U-Boat Commander......now go and have some Pablum for breakfast....and put your Dentures back in....

Und der Katze sagt:

Then let L. K. speak for himself. Obviously, he's been there and done that. So have I. But you probably haven't been much farther than your trailer park. Gai un tren zich.
Another idiotic troll bites the dust.

Und der Katze sagt:

Ah, yes. If you can't think of anything else to say, spout some bullshit about trolls. Considering the content of your riposte, I think an appropriate response might be Bite me, boy!

And you have a nice day now.
whats the matter Gramps....you shit yourself again?.....ring the buzzer someone will come and clean you up.....

Und der Katze sagt:

I remember you. The sock tucker. Or was it the cork plucker? Ah, yes. The faigeleh.
a tomcat is a Kater.

so you either post

"und die katze sagt" which would leave it open in regard to the sex of the cat,

or, if you want to stress that the cat is male, you have to write

"und der kater sagt"

Und der Katze sagt:

I refer you to "der Alte" and "die Alte." Although I suppose I should have written the entire name "der KatzeUndRatze00," or at least "der Katze...". I suppose it might be better as "der KatzenUndRatzen." However, are you prepared to bet your life that it's not Schweizer Deutsch, or Oesterreicher Deutsch? Still, as it is, it's acceptable Ami Deutsch. Besides, 99 out of 100 of the people who post here, have no idea whether it's right or wrong, and one of the unter Menschen was even babbling something about a U-boat commander. But...it could be worse. It could have been Katzenjammer, or KatzenjammerUndRatzenjammer. Tschüss!

L.K. is an actual German gramps.....not some old fart in a home who thinks he is a U-Boat Commander......now go and have some Pablum for breakfast....and put your Dentures back in....

Und der Katze sagt:

I thought you were the dickweed, babbling about the U-boat.
Another idiotic troll bites the dust.

Und der Katze sagt:

Ah, yes. If you can't think of anything else to say, spout some bullshit about trolls. Considering the content of your riposte, I think an appropriate response might be Bite me, boy!

And you have a nice day now.
whats the matter Gramps....you shit yourself again?.....ring the buzzer someone will come and clean you up.....

Und der Katze sagt:

What say, dickweed?
Und der Katze sagt:

I refer you to "der Alte" and "die Alte." Although I suppose I should have written the entire name "der KatzeUndRatze00," or at least "der Katze...". I suppose it might be better as "der KatzenUndRatzen." However, are you prepared to bet your life that it's not Schweizer Deutsch, or Oesterreicher Deutsch? Still, as it is, it's acceptable Ami Deutsch. Besides, 99 out of 100 of the people who post here, have no idea whether it's right or wrong, and one of the unter Menschen was even babbling something about a U-boat commander. But...it could be worse. It could have been Katzenjammer, or KatzenjammerUndRatzenjammer. Tschüss!

L.K. is an actual German gramps.....not some old fart in a home who thinks he is a U-Boat Commander......now go and have some Pablum for breakfast....and put your Dentures back in....

Und der Katze sagt:

Then let L. K. speak for himself. Obviously, he's been there and done that. So have I. But you probably haven't been much farther than your trailer park. Gai un tren zich.

yea sure you have Gramps.....its not 1945 anymore.....the War is over......let the nice lady put you to bed now.....and try not to piss yourself tonight.....we will talk again tomorrow....thats when it gets light again.....nity nite.....
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Und der Katze sagt:

Ah, yes. If you can't think of anything else to say, spout some bullshit about trolls. Considering the content of your riposte, I think an appropriate response might be Bite me, boy!

And you have a nice day now.
whats the matter Gramps....you shit yourself again?.....ring the buzzer someone will come and clean you up.....

Und der Katze sagt:

I remember you. The sock tucker. Or was it the cork plucker? Ah, yes. The faigeleh.

Gramps your having another senior moment.....just sit down for a minute.....and it will come back.....

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