Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Story the Media Won't Tell: Obama Is Losing


The signs are out there. The Obama campaign knows they're losing and they're getting more and more desperate to turn the tide that's moving against them.

They can't ignore the polls, they can't ignore the massive crowds that are showing up for every Romney/Ryan speech.

The media puts a positive spin on bad news and every day a new more ridiculous issue pops up. The latest "The Republican War On Cities".

The rats are just about ready to start jumping ship. By September they'll be in full panic mode.

2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing
Obama Campaign Email: 'Hell No, It Isn't the End!'


by Tony Lee 25 Aug 2012
Obama’s campaign manager Jim Messina sent an email Saturday that makes the Obama campaign seem like it is clinging to its last days in power.

In response to an email sent two days earlier titled, “The end?,” Messina wrote, “Hell no, it isn't the end!"

“Our opponents want to close the book on the Obama White House and everything it represents -- all that we've built together and all the progress we'll continue to make together,” Messina said. “We can't let that happen. Donate $5 or more now: ...”

In the email that incited Messina's response, President Obama wrote, “75 days from now, I'll either be looking at another four years in the White House -- or the end of this opportunity.”

Obama Campaign Email: 'Hell No, It Isn't the End!'
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Story the Media Won't Tell: Obama Is Losing


The signs are out there. The Obama campaign knows they're losing and they're getting more and more desperate to turn the tide that's moving against them.

They can't ignore the polls, they can't ignore the massive crowds that are showing up for every Romney/Ryan speech.

The media puts a positive spin on bad news and every day a new more ridiculous issue pops up. The latest "The Republican War On Cities".

The rats are just about ready to start jumping ship. By September they'll be in full panic mode.

2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing

An amazing piece. You should quote it at least to capture the highlights.

Meanwhile, the final "link" in that story is worth a good long look, too:

Not the Behavior of a Winning Campaign

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | August 24th at 04:46 AM |

The media keeps showing its rear end. Let me just make that clear. If you are a competent reporter, I’m not sure how you cannot be embarrassed by the majority of those in your profession right now covering politics.

From Mark Halperin, to Jake Tapper, to Chuck Todd, more journalists are actually now admitting just how pliable the media is when it comes to Barack Obama’s spin. All week long, as the economy deteriorates, most every anchor at most every news outlet, most every editorialist in most every paper, and most every “centrist” and liberal pundit has been pointing out the GOP’s extremist abortion position.

Few, if any, have pointed out that Barack Obama’s abortion on demand position is extreme. Few, if any, have pointed out how most Americans favor restrictions on abortion. Few, if any, have pointed out that Mitt Romney’s position is actually more mainstream than Barack Obama’s. Few, if any, have wanted to go beyond Politifact’s ham-handed cover for Obama on infanticide and get into what Barack Obama actually said in 2002. Hear him come out for infanticide yourself right here. Remember, the media is hiding behind the left-leaning Politifact (and yes, it does lean left) to avoid having to deal with this.

They cannot help themselves. But why are they doing it?

They are doing it for the exact same reason Joe Biden is claiming the GOP will put black people back in chains and why Barack Obama would rather talk about uteri than jobs ? they all know Barack Obama is losing this thing.

* * * *

And that gets us back to the media. At what point will they finally start asking if Barack Obama needs a campaign shake up? Because if it was Mitt Romney in the same boat, they sure as hell would. In fact, there have already been two different media cycles about Romney needing a campaign shake up and not one about Barack Obama.

Why? The simple truth remains the vast majority of the media is more sympathetic to and friendly with Team Obama and would hate to ruffle the feathers of friends. It’s one of the greatest thing Mitt Romney has going for him right now.
-- Not the Behavior of a Winning Campaign | RedState

Aug. 25: An Above-Average ‘Likely Voter Gap’ for Romney


The good news for Barack Obama? Among registered voters, he led Mitt Romney by nine percentage points, with 52 percent of the vote to Mr. Romney’s 43 percent.

However, Mr. Obama led by just two percentage points, 49 to 47, when CNN applied its likely voter screen to the survey. This is the first time this year that CNN has reported likely voter results.

Holding a two-point lead among likely voters is not an especially bad (or good) number for Mr. Obama, since it is highly consistent with the way that our forecast sees the overall race right now.

Read more

I wasn't here back in 08'...........can anyone remember if the desperate predictions of a McCain/Palin victory were as common at USMB as they are for Romney?

I can't imagine.

Aug. 25: An Above-Average ‘Likely Voter Gap’ for Romney


The good news for Barack Obama? Among registered voters, he led Mitt Romney by nine percentage points, with 52 percent of the vote to Mr. Romney’s 43 percent.

However, Mr. Obama led by just two percentage points, 49 to 47, when CNN applied its likely voter screen to the survey. This is the first time this year that CNN has reported likely voter results.

Holding a two-point lead among likely voters is not an especially bad (or good) number for Mr. Obama, since it is highly consistent with the way that our forecast sees the overall race right now.

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Ouch! Obama must be shaking in his golf shoes.
Story the Media Won't Tell: Obama Is Losing


The signs are out there. The Obama campaign knows they're losing and they're getting more and more desperate to turn the tide that's moving against them.

They can't ignore the polls, they can't ignore the massive crowds that are showing up for every Romney/Ryan speech.

The media puts a positive spin on bad news and every day a new more ridiculous issue pops up. The latest "The Republican War On Cities".

The rats are just about ready to start jumping ship. By September they'll be in full panic mode.

2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing

O...M...G! I hope you are right.

Aug. 25: An Above-Average ‘Likely Voter Gap’ for Romney


The good news for Barack Obama? Among registered voters, he led Mitt Romney by nine percentage points, with 52 percent of the vote to Mr. Romney’s 43 percent.

However, Mr. Obama led by just two percentage points, 49 to 47, when CNN applied its likely voter screen to the survey. This is the first time this year that CNN has reported likely voter results.

Holding a two-point lead among likely voters is not an especially bad (or good) number for Mr. Obama, since it is highly consistent with the way that our forecast sees the overall race right now.

Read more

Obama Campaign Email: 'Hell No, It Isn't the End!'


by Tony Lee 25 Aug 2012
Obama’s campaign manager Jim Messina sent an email Saturday that makes the Obama campaign seem like it is clinging to its last days in power.

In response to an email sent two days earlier titled, “The end?,” Messina wrote, “Hell no, it isn't the end!"

“Our opponents want to close the book on the Obama White House and everything it represents -- all that we've built together and all the progress we'll continue to make together,” Messina said. “We can't let that happen. Donate $5 or more now: ...”

In the email that incited Messina's response, President Obama wrote, “75 days from now, I'll either be looking at another four years in the White House -- or the end of this opportunity.”

Obama Campaign Email: 'Hell No, It Isn't the End!'
That's called a money bomb. They could be winning and saying the exact same thing, fear is a good way to get people to vote with money. Congrats on spreading the message and helping them.
It's 8:21 on a Saturday morning and according to this photo snapped by Sharon Broadie, this is the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio, (just outside of Columbus) to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan:

Here's a look at the line to get in, and another look at the crowd from another source. And a real jaw-dropper.
2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing

The line to get in.

view from another source

the jaw dropper

2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing
His gig is up, The Chicago Punk has been found out. He's nothing but a shell of a man, he has nothing but words. His words lie, cheat and destroy. He's done.
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