Obama is back! New NBC poll results

tomorrow gallup and ras will wrap up their rolling averages using samples taken AFTER the debate, in whole, they will post them Saturday, those are the ones to watch. it is what it is.

UPDATE from Gallup:

Thursday, October 18, 2012 Updated 06:30 PM ET

Romney 52%----O. 45%

Election 2012 Likely Voters Trial Heat: Obama vs. Romney

not to burst your little partsian bubble... but that's the entire electorate. it's entirely possible this time, given how very red the red states are, that the president can lose the popular vote and win the electoral college.

sucks when that happens.

so i wouldn't go pouring the champagne quite yet.


Great. Now the liberals are rigging the polls again.

I wish I was making that up, but several conservatives have already stated such a thing.

Fortunately, the conservatives all have their one Gallup poll, which automaticallly overrides the other half-dozen national polls showing Obama tied or ahead. Conservative hopes can't survive without such cherrypicking, so don't force them to look at any data that contradicts their fantasy.

Oh, a crazy big R+22 lead in the south is what caused the strange results in the gallup poll. In that poll, Obama won the north, east and west. Even if you believed the results, it points to Mitt losing big by only winning the south.

Great. Now the liberals are rigging the polls again.

I wish I was making that up, but several conservatives have already stated such a thing.

Fortunately, the conservatives all have their one Gallup poll, which automaticallly overrides the other half-dozen national polls showing Obama tied or ahead. Conservative hopes can't survive without such cherrypicking, so don't force them to look at any data that contradicts their fantasy.

Oh, a crazy big R+22 lead in the south is what caused the strange results in the gallup poll. In that poll, Obama won the north, east and west. Even if you believed the results, it points to Mitt losing big by only winning the south.

Of course:


Breaking now on DRUDGE...........and I couldnt be laughing any harder.

Obama on comedy central: 'when four americans get killed, it's not optimal'

Now.....if you're the president, are you actually going to show up for this next debate now???:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::D
You left these out. That's the problem with relying on RCP. Accuracy is not so good there.

Reuters -- Obama +3
Obama comes out swinging after debate - in swing states | Reuters

Economist/YouGuv -- Obama +1

IBD-Tipp -- Obama +0.5, not a tie.
IBD/TIPP POLL - Investors.com

Now, let's look at the senate.

Mass and Maine are guaranteed Dem pickups. Nebraska is a guaranteed R pickup.

Arizona is edging D, but let's give it to the R. Nothing else flips.

So, even losing Arizona, the Dems pick up a senate seat, according to the current polls.

House is too hard to call. I'll say +15 seats for the Dems, not enough to retake.
You left these out. That's the problem with relying on RCP. Accuracy is not so good there.

Reuters -- Obama +3
Obama comes out swinging after debate - in swing states | Reuters

Economist/YouGuv -- Obama +1

IBD-Tipp -- Obama +0.5, not a tie.
IBD/TIPP POLL - Investors.com

Now, let's look at the senate.

Mass and Maine are guaranteed Dem pickups. Nebraska is a guaranteed R pickup.

Arizona is edging D, but let's give it to the R. Nothing else flips.

So, even losing Arizona, the Dems pick up a senate seat, according to the current polls.

House is too hard to call. I'll say +15 seats for the Dems, not enough to retake.

First link is yesterday's, in response to the day before.

The others are partisan, which mean zippo.

I hope that your wishes come true, in your world.
tomorrow gallup and ras will wrap up their rolling averages using samples taken AFTER the debate, in whole, they will post them Saturday, those are the ones to watch. it is what it is.

Rassmussen is a Right Wing Hack and Gallup is overcounting the White Vote...

So, no, I wouldn't place too much in either of those polls.

wow, you are going full blown insane huh?
Gallup is over counting the WHITE vote. I wonder how they tell a persons SKIN color over a phone?
tomorrow gallup and ras will wrap up their rolling averages using samples taken AFTER the debate, in whole, they will post them Saturday, those are the ones to watch. it is what it is.

Rassmussen is a Right Wing Hack and Gallup is overcounting the White Vote...

So, no, I wouldn't place too much in either of those polls.

wow, you are going full blown insane huh?
Gallup is over counting the WHITE vote. I wonder how they tell a persons SKIN color over a phone?

I guess it's the same way that they were over-sampling the Democrat vote a couple of weeks ago....apparently....
Last edited:
tomorrow gallup and ras will wrap up their rolling averages using samples taken AFTER the debate, in whole, they will post them Saturday, those are the ones to watch. it is what it is.

Rassmussen is a Right Wing Hack and Gallup is overcounting the White Vote...

So, no, I wouldn't place too much in either of those polls.

wow, you are going full blown insane huh?
Gallup is over counting the WHITE vote. I wonder how they tell a persons SKIN color over a phone?

They actually do ask people's race and ethnicity over the phone when they do these polls. As well as Gender.

What amazes me is that they get any results at all. I did a phone bank last saturday for Tammy Duckworth. Half the phones were wrong numbers or no one answered, half those who did didn't want to talk.

Great. Now the liberals are rigging the polls again.

I wish I was making that up, but several conservatives have already stated such a thing.

Fortunately, the conservatives all have their one Gallup poll, which automaticallly overrides the other half-dozen national polls showing Obama tied or ahead. Conservative hopes can't survive without such cherrypicking, so don't force them to look at any data that contradicts their fantasy.

Oh, a crazy big R+22 lead in the south is what caused the strange results in the gallup poll. In that poll, Obama won the north, east and west. Even if you believed the results, it points to Mitt losing big by only winning the south.

Of course:

that show that it close election still . gallup seem out their but in end who knows who right. we all know on election day.

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