Obama: Iran has a "right" to nuclear energy

Oh you mean AFTER a war in which germany declared war on both of those nations? Tell me, when did Iran declare war on the US?

When they invaded Sovereign American territory and held American citizens for ransom.
See above. Iran is under no requirement to use oil just because YOU think they should tap as much of their resources as YOU think is necessary. Funny, you bring up how the US can't, apparently, drill.. validating the same strategy in America.. yet you bitch about Iran conserving their resources. hilarious.

and, I posted earlier in this thread where the local Nuke plant had every green light to build another plant but THEY could not afford it. If you want to continue with the crybaby "we cant build nuclear" shit then be my guest.

Not a surprise that you completely ignored the point.

The fact is they dont have a legitimate need for it. You cant deny it. You can try to change the subject all you want. But they still dont have a need for it.

And we arent arent constrained with any sort of stragety not to drill for oil. The only reason we cant drill for oil is because crazy leftists like yourself bitch and moan about phoney environmental concerns. For some reason, you guys think its a better idea for old people to freeze and starve then for us to drill for oil.

How about this, Ill consider allowing Iran to develop nuclear reactors when you allow Americans to drill for oil in our own backyard.

Your opinion about what is legitimate means two things: jack and shit. Yes, they have a legitimate desire to use nuclear energy just like most of you ironic fucking conservatives. If they have other resources is neither here nor there. Your opinion of if they need it doesn't matter to them or to me.

yea I know.. the exxon valdez zcreamed phony. Hey, suck a dick, bitch. I've already posted about my own state narrowly getting another reactor. if your state is too fucking lame to follow suit then go cry to your state legislators and tke your bleeding pussy with you.
i don't think anyone has a "right" to nuclear energy....if it is a right...where did the right come from

I think I need to exercise my right to nuclear power. Ill save on electricity and make some money by providing power to my neighbors.
So, what concern is it of A-jad's what Israel does or what the Palestinians do? Why does he care to begin with? Shouldn't he just mind his own business?

gosh, noob, can you say that with a strat face after telling me what jews and christians in AMERICA should care about jews and christians in the mid east? Why does John Hagee, or DaveS for that matter, CARE about a bunch of jews in isreal? Shouldn't THEY just mind their own business? Are muslims too inhuman to be concerned with the treatment of other muslims and the precedence set by the creation of a little third riech of zionism?

I'm just trying to understand where your position stems from? Is the root cause the fact that they were granted that land by the U.N. in 1948, is that what you have issue with? I've seen you make comments regarding Israeli/Palistinian conflict and it's apparent who's side you're on, just wondering where your stance find its origins?

I have no stomach for racists of any color or creed. I'm a big fan of democracy and equality. The likes of which you'll find here in the US but not on our little baby sister bastion of zionism. If Palisrael declared today that it wanted peace more than a racist haven for only jews and proved as much by declaring total equality between all ethnic populations, just like we see in the US, then I would stop railing against israel today. But we wont see that. Instead of removing the constant issue brought up time and again by muslim nations (palis and the creation of israel) the only thing zionists want to do is act like David Duke about a land that CLEARLY is historically important to jews and muslimis and christians alike. Appealing to the next generation of Iran with peace and equality instead of damning them to the post traumatic stress disorder of zionist jews is what fuels my take on the issue. This is why the usual zionist suspects shut right the fuck up when they are challenged to validate the exact same equality there than they enjoy HERE.
I never said it was; rather, it's what gives Iran the RIGHT to persue nuclear energy. You asked where the right came from. The answer is National Sovereignty. And, i'll ask again, what nation or global authority are ready to allow jurisdiction over the USA? Feel free to answer without some half assed sidestep.

And our national sovereignty allows us to act in our best interest against foreign threats.
gosh, noob, can you say that with a strat face after telling me what jews and christians in AMERICA should care about jews and christians in the mid east? Why does John Hagee, or DaveS for that matter, CARE about a bunch of jews in isreal? Shouldn't THEY just mind their own business? Are muslims too inhuman to be concerned with the treatment of other muslims and the precedence set by the creation of a little third riech of zionism?

I'm just trying to understand where your position stems from? Is the root cause the fact that they were granted that land by the U.N. in 1948, is that what you have issue with? I've seen you make comments regarding Israeli/Palistinian conflict and it's apparent who's side you're on, just wondering where your stance find its origins?

I have no stomach for racists of any color or creed. I'm a big fan of democracy and equality. The likes of which you'll find here in the US but not on our little baby sister bastion of zionism. If Palisrael declared today that it wanted peace more than a racist haven for only jews and proved as much by declaring total equality between all ethnic populations, just like we see in the US, then I would stop railing against israel today. But we wont see that. Instead of removing the constant issue brought up time and again by muslim nations (palis and the creation of israel) the only thing zionists want to do is act like David Duke about a land that CLEARLY is historically important to jews and muslimis and christians alike. Appealing to the next generation of Iran with peace and equality instead of damning them to the post traumatic stress disorder of zionist jews is what fuels my take on the issue. This is why the usual zionist suspects shut right the fuck up when they are challenged to validate the exact same equality there than they enjoy HERE.

Sounds like something a little more close to home than racism tho. Just an observation. So, from your point of view, you think that the Arab/muslim hatred of the Jews stems from the same origins then? They are only reciprocating what treatment they have received from the Jews? Do you fault them for their feelings/racism/whatever you want to label it? I see it going both ways. It's like trying to figure out which happened first, the chicken or the egg.
Show me the laws that define who is a "GLOBAL FELON". You dumb bastards are why the lure of phantom WMDs worked hook line and sinker.

And you are why 911 happened.

not really since i'm not the kind of guy to validate the shit Rummy and the CIA were doing in the MID EAST during your favorite Reagan decade..

poor intellectual snail... I bet you feel pretty fucking stupid this side of the Iraq war, dont you.
I never said it was; rather, it's what gives Iran the RIGHT to persue nuclear energy. You asked where the right came from. The answer is National Sovereignty. And, i'll ask again, what nation or global authority are ready to allow jurisdiction over the USA? Feel free to answer without some half assed sidestep.

And our national sovereignty allows us to act in our best interest against foreign threats.

and, so too does theirs. For real, are you on some kind of meds, Rush?
Iran does have a right to pursue nuclear energy. The IAEA has found no evidence that Iran is violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and constantly trying to force them to prove a negative is ridiculous.

It is just so fucking amazing that no matter what forum I participate in, it could be a general poli forum like this one, a fanatic muslim site, an asian one discussing world political issues, a person with no clue like this will drop in like the parachutist at the Holyfield-Bowe fight and spit out this idiotic line on cue. It might be for all i know, the same person paid by iran to scour the web and fire off the same stupid line.

The person's goal is to try to wind the thread all the way back, or just derail it. Their horseshit lines always include: "iran is innocent, they've never attacked another nation is 7 billion years, they're a democracy," etc.

"Kevin" or whatever your name is, this is the only response I will give here, iran is VERY MUCH in violation of the NPT, did not declare numerous sites, and continues to block inspections at many sites it is required to allow.

If you want to pollute a thread with your BS, go elsewhere, hopefully far away.
Iran does have a right to pursue nuclear energy. The IAEA has found no evidence that Iran is violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and constantly trying to force them to prove a negative is ridiculous.

It is just so fucking amazing that no matter what forum I participate in, it could be a general poli forum like this one, a fanatic muslim site, an asian one discussing world political issues, a person with no clue like this will drop in like the parachutist at the Holyfield-Bowe fight and spit out this idiotic line on cue. It might be for all i know, the same person paid by iran to scour the web and fire off the same stupid line.

The person's goal is to try to wind the thread all the way back, or just derail it. Their horseshit lines always include: "iran is innocent, they've never attacked another nation is 7 billion years, they're a democracy," etc.

"Kevin" or whatever your name is, this is the only response I will give here, iran is VERY MUCH in violation of the NPT, did not declare numerous sites, and continues to block inspections at many sites it is required to allow.

If you want to pollute a thread with your BS, go elsewhere, hopefully far away.

You are in no position to make any demands of me in regards to what I post. If you disagree with me then that's your choice, however, throwing a temper tantrum does not constitute an intelligent response.
I'm just trying to understand where your position stems from? Is the root cause the fact that they were granted that land by the U.N. in 1948, is that what you have issue with? I've seen you make comments regarding Israeli/Palistinian conflict and it's apparent who's side you're on, just wondering where your stance find its origins?

I have no stomach for racists of any color or creed. I'm a big fan of democracy and equality. The likes of which you'll find here in the US but not on our little baby sister bastion of zionism. If Palisrael declared today that it wanted peace more than a racist haven for only jews and proved as much by declaring total equality between all ethnic populations, just like we see in the US, then I would stop railing against israel today. But we wont see that. Instead of removing the constant issue brought up time and again by muslim nations (palis and the creation of israel) the only thing zionists want to do is act like David Duke about a land that CLEARLY is historically important to jews and muslimis and christians alike. Appealing to the next generation of Iran with peace and equality instead of damning them to the post traumatic stress disorder of zionist jews is what fuels my take on the issue. This is why the usual zionist suspects shut right the fuck up when they are challenged to validate the exact same equality there than they enjoy HERE.

Sounds like something a little more close to home than racism tho. Just an observation. So, from your point of view, you think that the Arab/muslim hatred of the Jews stems from the same origins then? They are only reciprocating what treatment they have received from the Jews? Do you fault them for their feelings/racism/whatever you want to label it? I see it going both ways. It's like trying to figure out which happened first, the chicken or the egg.

First, I dont think either group AUTOMATICALLY hates one another. This is why you see BOTH sides play propaganda games. Suggesting that THEY (as in arabs) hate jews just for hating jews totally ignores the fact of the creation of israel. I hate to break it to you but natives hated white men, too. And, it wasn't just because of their religion or ethnicity.

Like the example of our won civil rights era, You'll find that palis and muslims in general will come to stop violent reactions the closer they are connected with the nation at large. when was the last black march you've seen against segregated culture in THIS nation? I'm not really interested in convincing you of who threw the first rock (although, I bet I know how you'd feel if me and my ethnicity came to confiscate your land) but I can tell you that the path to peace doesn't lie in a pair of segregated nations OR the blank check support of jews despite muslims. It will be the product of democracy and EQUALITY by example of the US via Palisrael.
Iran sits on a sea of oil and one of teh world's largest natural gas supplies.

They do not 'need' nuclear power at all.
I have no stomach for racists of any color or creed. I'm a big fan of democracy and equality. The likes of which you'll find here in the US but not on our little baby sister bastion of zionism. If Palisrael declared today that it wanted peace more than a racist haven for only jews and proved as much by declaring total equality between all ethnic populations, just like we see in the US, then I would stop railing against israel today. But we wont see that. Instead of removing the constant issue brought up time and again by muslim nations (palis and the creation of israel) the only thing zionists want to do is act like David Duke about a land that CLEARLY is historically important to jews and muslimis and christians alike. Appealing to the next generation of Iran with peace and equality instead of damning them to the post traumatic stress disorder of zionist jews is what fuels my take on the issue. This is why the usual zionist suspects shut right the fuck up when they are challenged to validate the exact same equality there than they enjoy HERE.

Sounds like something a little more close to home than racism tho. Just an observation. So, from your point of view, you think that the Arab/muslim hatred of the Jews stems from the same origins then? They are only reciprocating what treatment they have received from the Jews? Do you fault them for their feelings/racism/whatever you want to label it? I see it going both ways. It's like trying to figure out which happened first, the chicken or the egg.

First, I dont think either group AUTOMATICALLY hates one another. This is why you see BOTH sides play propaganda games. Suggesting that THEY (as in arabs) hate jews just for hating jews totally ignores the fact of the creation of israel. I hate to break it to you but natives hated white men, too. And, it wasn't just because of their religion or ethnicity.

Like the example of our won civil rights era, You'll find that palis and muslims in general will come to stop violent reactions the closer they are connected with the nation at large. when was the last black march you've seen against segregated culture in THIS nation? I'm not really interested in convincing you of who threw the first rock (although, I bet I know how you'd feel if me and my ethnicity came to confiscate your land) but I can tell you that the path to peace doesn't lie in a pair of segregated nations OR the blank check support of jews despite muslims. It will be the product of democracy and EQUALITY by example of the US via Palisrael.

I think the children now are raised to hate each other tho. I've seen documentaries on the topic. And why, as a nation, wouldn't you move past the fact that Israel now occupies that land and they're not going to get it back? The people who were on it are long gone, what is the point in continuing the hate? Move forward, build your own nation and try to do what's right for your people and forget about Israel. Let me ask you this. The Palestinians were granted pretty much everything they wanted at some point (I can't remember the date), and it was turned down. Just like you were pointing out in the abortion debate, don't you think it's more realistic to compromise? Israel is never going to give up and go away. I think if they found a peace that they could both live with then the situation could be resolved. I don't think it's about peace for the Palestinians tho. I think they are being used by the rest of the muslim world as a thorn in Israel's side for political purposes. I'm not saying that Israel is blameless, but I think if the muslim world would stop attacking them, then they would stop as well. I don't think the reciprocal of that is true. Do you think if Israel vowed to stop all violence completely that the violence would stop on the part of the Palestinans?
You are in no position to make any demands of me in regards to what I post. If you disagree with me then that's your choice, however, throwing a temper tantrum does not constitute an intelligent response.

Oh yes i am, i absolutely can demand and expect - just like every other poster in this thread - that when you claim something, you bring facts to support it, which you obviously don't and can't.

Claiming that iran is not in violation of the NPT is like saying Pol Pot never hurt a fly, it's just a pure lie that denigrates the thread and offers nothing of intelligence.
You are in no position to make any demands of me in regards to what I post. If you disagree with me then that's your choice, however, throwing a temper tantrum does not constitute an intelligent response.

Oh yes i am, i absolutely can demand and expect - just like every other poster in this thread - that when you claim something, you bring facts to support it, which you obviously don't and can't.

Claiming that iran is not in violation of the NPT is like saying Pol Pot never hurt a fly, it's just a pure lie that denigrates the thread and offers nothing of intelligence.

If there was any evidence, real or fabricated, that Iran was in violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and was attempting to build a nuclear weapon you can be sure we'd have intervened already. The fact is that there's not enough evidence that they've violated the treaty.

Now you may make demands and insult me, but don't expect those attractive incentives to encourage me to bother entering into any serious discussion with you.
2003 anything changed since 2003??

The U.S. nuclear power industry, while currently generating about 20% of the nation's electricity, faces an uncertain long-term future. No nuclear plants have been ordered since 1978 and more than 100 reactors have been canceled, including all ordered after 1973. No units are currently under active construction; the Tennessee Valley Authority's Watts Bar 1 reactor, ordered in 1970 and licensed to operate in 1996, was the most recent U.S. nuclear unit to be completed. The nuclear power industry's troubles include high nuclear power plant construction costs, public concern about nuclear safety and waste disposal, and regulatory compliance costs.

High construction costs are perhaps the most serious obstacle to nuclear power expansion. Construction costs for reactors completed since the mid-1980s have ranged from $2-$6 billion, averaging more than $3,000 per kilowatt of electric generating capacity (in 1997 dollars). The nuclear industry predicts that new plant designs could be built for less than half that amount if many identical plants were built in a series, but such economies of scale have yet to be demonstrated.

Nuclear Energy in the United States

This looks about right.

So what was Maggie talking about when she said there were a ton of plants that had been built after Three Mile Island?

Is she simply misinformed, or intentionally misleading?

I said there were "a ton"?? As of December 31, 2007, there are 104 commercial nuclear generating units that are fully licensed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to operate in the United States. Of these 104 reactors, 69 are categorized a pressurized water reactors (PWRs) totaling 65,100 net megawatts (electric) and 35 units are boiling water reactors (BWR) totaling 32,300 net megawatts (electric). In 1973, the number was 69.

U.S. Nuclear Reactors

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