Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

Seriously, were you all in comas during the Bush Administration?

So, for some reason you want to give Obama a pass because Bush did it. What about Trump, should he get a pass too, how about the next Pres?
exactly. if illegal, prosecute. i don't care which side, i don't care how far back. there is no partisan politics here - just did you break the law; yes | no.
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

Hey jerk.. What was the vote for the Patriot Act? Which Dems or Reps oppose it? It is SUPPORTED almost UNANAMOUSLY by 99% of Leadership in this country since it passed. Drop the Bush derangement.
Like I said, the pseudocons LOOOOOVED the domestic spying while Bush was President.

Just google "Bush kept us safe" and "Bush is keeping us safe." It was a mantra.

Then the pseudocons HATED the domestic spying during the negro's term.

These are simple, undeniable facts. You cannot contradict them.

And now they will fall in love with the domestic spying again now that the bigoted, fat, fake President has the baton. I guarantee you they will excuse it by saying, "He is keeping us safe from Muslims."

Watch. Book it.

Blast from the past
This 'Wiretap' Thing Is Going To Blowback On Dems
President Obama was nothing more than a CRIMINAL Piece of Excrement who CONSTANTLY violated both Constitution and Rule of Law!

He 'trained' to be so, admittedly being tutored by Communist Frank Marshal Davis, mentored by hate-spewing racist anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, and being buddies with terrorists like Bill Ayers.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office Obama took when he became President, yet several days later he publicly announced that sine HE did not agree with a LAW Congress had passed, HIS administration - on HIS order - would not enforce the existing law. (DOMA). This act demonstrated to everyone what type of 'self-appointed dictator' America had just elected. Constitution and Law be damned, he was going to - and did - whatever he wanted to.

He ILLEGALLY SPIED on American citizens, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS and the USSC.

He became only the 2nd President in US history - BOTH DEMOCRATS - to ever use the IRS as a weapon against the American people, to prevent the TEA Party in 2012 from repeating their successes in 2010.

In the beginning Obama declared his administration would be 'the most TRANSPARENT administration EVUH':

- He lied when he placed his hand on the Bible and took the oath of office.
--- Again, he spent 8 years violating the Constitution and breaking the law

- He lied about having 'the smoothest transition evuh'.
--- He couldn't find a Cabinet Member nominee who had paid their taxes.

- He lied about the ACA, 'Obamacare' - almost everything he said was a LIE.
--- 'Americans will have a chance to read the bill before a vote is taken o the bill.'
--- 'All meetings on health care will be televised.'
--- 'The ACA will pay for itself.'
--- 'The ACA will not cost a dime.'
--- 'The ACA will lower health care premiums'.
--- 'If you like your plan / doctor you can keep your plan / doctor.'

He lied about pork in legislation.
--- He promised to eliminate pork from bills. His nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus Bill contained over 700 pieces of DNC-ONLY Pork

He lied about his Stimulus Bill saving / creating jobs.
--- The CBO's final report stated Obama's Stimulus bill cost approx. $774K PER JOB saved / created AND that the Obama administration 'fudged' those 'saved/created' jobs numbers. One company President stated Obama claimed to have saved more jobs than the number of jobs that existed in the company.

He lied about Fast and furious.
--- Holder was caught dead-to-rights committing several Felony counts of Perjury in trying to keep it covered up. Obama protected Holder from Prosecution, but a bi-Partisan Congress STILL Censured Holder for his crimes, making Holder the 1st Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured.

He lied about Benghazi.

He lied about protecting Human traffickers, his administration participating in human trafficking, his administration dumping illegals in neighborhoods without informing local / state agencies he was doing so.

He lied about millions going to Zika in the US only giving it to the UN.

He lied about 'not' paying Iran a random for US hostages.

He continuously broke laws and aided our enemies.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, aided, and abetted terrorists - to include the ones who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01!

He ignored the Constitution when he took the US to war TWICE without obtaining Congressional approval to do so - both times were to help terrorists oust an existing nation's ruler and turn the country over to them. It worked in Libya but is still on-going in Syria.

He, again, illegally spied on Americans for YEARS, we are now finding out. This is just not a complete BETRAYAL of the American people's trust, it is a MASSIVE violation of the US Constitution and of the LAW.
-- Obama rails against Putin, but spying on the American people is something we would expect from Putin in Russia, not from a US President in this country.

And just recently, through FBI and NSA Director Testimony, we found out that Obama and his administration ILLEGALLY turned over 'incidental collection' information on Trump and his team that had NO INTEL VALUE over to loyalists within US Intel Agencies for POLITICAL benefit, which is a CRIME! That information was then ILLEGALLY leaked, crimes both the Directors of the FBI and NSA declared equated to / constituted FELONY ESPIONAGE against the United States, in a seditious attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President of the United States!

Obama is not only the WORST US President in this nation's history, he is the most UN-Constitutional, the most CRIMINAL.
Any call you make outside the US (and most in) ends up in the database. This isn't news.
No, it isn't; however, the fact that Obama was SPYING on Americans illegally for years is. His administration kept lying to the FISA court, claiming they had made or were in the process of making changes to their illegal practices until the FISA court finally pushed back and told Obama - NO MORE TIME, NO MORE BS! It is being reported NOW that the TRUMP Administration - US AG Sessions - JUST informed the FISA court that IT / HE had finally made the ordered changes Obama was supposed to have made YEARS ago!

Stop defending the PROVEN criminal POS. Barry and his administration broke the law...just like he did when his administration illegally turned over Protected Classified Personal Info on Trump and his team to loyalists in Intel Agencies for POLITICAL reasons (according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI).

Obama's entire 8 years in office is marked by scandal and crimes - violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law.
Seriously, were you all in comas during the Bush Administration?

So, for some reason you want to give Obama a pass because Bush did it. What about Trump, should he get a pass too, how about the next Pres?
exactly. if illegal, prosecute. i don't care which side, i don't care how far back. there is no partisan politics here - just did you break the law; yes | no.
Assault on a reporter = breaking the law.
Obama's entire 8 years in office is marked by scandal and crimes - violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law.
When you can prove any of that we will all be very interested, I'm sure.
They have been proven, slick. As pointed out, Holder was caught dead-to-rights perpetrating numerous Felony Counts of Perjury under oath before Congress, yet Obama refused to allow him to be indicted. A bi-partisan Congress, however, would not allow Obama to fully get away with his protection of Holder by voting to Censure Holder, making him the 1st Cabinet Member in US History (now part of Obama's 'Legacy') to be Censured.

Obama also publicly stated that he would not allow Harry Reid and Julian Castro be indicted / charged with violating the Hatch Act...because there were 'sorry', which is as much an excise for breaking the law as Hillary Clinton 'not knowing any better' when she was breaking numerous laws regarding handling of classified information and compromising our National Security.

Obama won’t punish Julian Castro for violating Hatch Act

“To his credit, Secretary Castro acknowledged the mistake that he made,” Mr. Earnest said. “He owned up to it..."

?! Castro BROKE THE LAW...and the Obama administration just declared to the public that he ADMITTED IT. WTF?! Where is the indictment and criminal charges? You think YOU would be treated the same way?!

So in response to your post, snowflake - IT HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN!
Obama's entire 8 years in office is marked by scandal and crimes - violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law.
When you can prove any of that we will all be very interested, I'm sure.
They have been proven, slick. As pointed out, Holder was caught dead-to-rights perpetrating numerous Felony Counts of Perjury under oath before Congress, yet Obama refused to allow him to be indicted. A bi-partisan Congress, however, would not allow Obama to fully get away with his protection of Holder by voting to Censure Holder, making him the 1st Cabinet Member in US History (now part of Obama's 'Legacy') to be Censured.

Obama also publicly stated that he would not allow Harry Reid and Julian Castro be indicted / charged with violating the Hatch Act...because there were 'sorry', which is as much an excise for breaking the law as Hillary Clinton 'not knowing any better' when she was breaking numerous laws regarding handling of classified information and compromising our National Security.

Obama won’t punish Julian Castro for violating Hatch Act

“To his credit, Secretary Castro acknowledged the mistake that he made,” Mr. Earnest said. “He owned up to it..."

?! Castro BROKE THE LAW...and the Obama administration just declared to the public that he ADMITTED IT. WTF?! Where is the indictment and criminal charges? You think YOU would be treated the same way?!

So in response to your post, snowflake - IT HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN!
If that's all you have you might as well just play Candy Crunch.
He wanted a dossier on every citizen, all data mining on that person to be filed in the NICS. If necessary, they can record your living room conversations through your entertainment system now. That isn't an accidental blip of technology. They have to know what you buy and sell before they can prevent you from doing so.
Bible prophesy is moving along smoothly...
I promise nobody wants a dossier on you, dummy :laugh:

You're an idiot.
Oh, but they are trying. According to the report they will destroy everything they collected on US citizens, thus no one will be able to see who all they Did collect data on. Sounds like an excuse to get rid of evidence, in my opinion.
Now that Obama no longer controls the government he can no longer hide all of his and his administration's crimes.

We are finding out not only was Obama the worst President in US history, surpassing Carter, he was also the most scandalous / criminal, as we are discovering.
A link to the report showing they will now destroy what they collected. They want you to think it is an altruistic move. I think it is for covering up the evidence of who they spied on domestically.
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
Repugs have nobody to blame but themselves. They opened Pandora's box with the Patriot Act. Now the police state apparatus is in place and it ain't going away.

I disagree, The Patriot Act needs revisited and most likely repealed.

They haven't been catching so many terrorists and have been spying on everybody.


What they need to do is intelligently target people that are high risk.

It's not necessary to collect everybody's info like that.

America needs rolled back to pre-Patriot act because all that happened was government expansion and loss of 4th amendment rights.
A link to the report showing they will now destroy what they collected. They want you to think it is an altruistic move. I think it is for covering up the evidence of who they spied on domestically.
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..

I was thinking that, too. I don't think they should be allowed to destroy it just yet. It looks like tracks-covering to me.
Impeach the Kenyan muslim prick and take his pension away...How dare he break the FISA laws. I want jail time.
Repugs have nobody to blame but themselves. They opened Pandora's box with the Patriot Act. Now the police state apparatus is in place and it ain't going away.

I disagree, The Patriot Act needs revisited and most likely repealed.

They haven't been catching so many terrorists and have been spying on everybody.


What they need to do is intelligently target people that are high risk.

It's not necessary to collect everybody's info like that.

America needs rolled back to pre-Patriot act because all that happened was government expansion and loss of 4th amendment rights.
I agree that this police state shit should be repealed. I doubt that it will ever happen though. Once you give government any power, they aren't going to give it up.
Repugs have nobody to blame but themselves. They opened Pandora's box with the Patriot Act. Now the police state apparatus is in place and it ain't going away.

I disagree, The Patriot Act needs revisited and most likely repealed.

They haven't been catching so many terrorists and have been spying on everybody.


What they need to do is intelligently target people that are high risk.

It's not necessary to collect everybody's info like that.

America needs rolled back to pre-Patriot act because all that happened was government expansion and loss of 4th amendment rights.
I agree that this police state shit should be repealed. I doubt that it will ever happen though. Once you give government any power, they aren't going to give it up.

Make them.
New breaking news report that proves the Obama administration lied and spied on the American people for almost the entirety of their administration.
Now this is worthy of tax payer dollars to find the truth. Russian/Trump collusion is a joke compared to this.

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