Obama in trouble in Medical Marijuana states--4/20 signs says it all.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As most of us know--one of Eric Holder's under deputies (AG of the United States)--sent out a memo--stating that the DEA was to lay-off of states with medical marijuana approval. Medical marijuana dispensory's exploded in growth in Colorado and in many other states. A couple of years later--the DEA sent out notices to medical marijuana dispensory's in California and Colorado that if they were within 1000 feet of schools--they are to close immediately within 30 days--or their place of business--usually a commercial rental space would be seized by the Federal Government. Hundred's of thousands dollars in investment into these dispensory's was lost. In Colorado we already had state requirements on the location of dispensories as far as distance requirements from schools--(just not a 1000 feet.) The federal requirement closed up shop for many--and now they're showing their anger at the Obama administration.



Denver Colorado--4/20 event 2012.
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Lets hope Florida,Colorado,Nevada,NC,Virginia,Ohio,Wisconsin and Cally are all "Anti-Obama" states !let them grow pot, it actually may heal the O-zone.

16 medical marijuana states most of them considered swing states--and states that Obama must win for reelection. Not a good sign right now.
You think that Mittens is going to get the pothead vote?


It doesn't look good for Obama. It is very well known in Colorado what this administration did to legitimate businesse's--who followed all state regulations--and then were thrown a curve ball by this administration.

So in answer to your question--Romney never betrayed them--Obama did.
You think that Mittens is going to get the pothead vote?


It doesn't look good for Obama. It is very well known in Colorado what this administration did to legitimate businesse's--who followed all state regulations--and then were thrown a curve ball by this administration.

So in answer to your question--Romney never betrayed them--Obama did.

Unless Romney comes out in favor of medical marijuana, there's no chance of Romney getting the pothead vote.

Whether or not Obama "betrayed" them doesn't matter, because there's still a better chance of reform under Obama than Romney.

It's like saying Labor is going to vote for Romney because of Keystone. It's pure fantasy. No matter how bad Obama is on these issues, he's still better than Romney, or any other Republican.
You think that Mittens is going to get the pothead vote?


The potheads probably won't vote. They'll forget what day it is. If you want them getting to the polls, tell them that munchies will be served at the polls.
December 14, 2012

POT; Not A High Priority

"In excerpts from an exclusive 20/20 interview that airs Friday night, ABC News reports that Obama still does not “at this point” support widespread legalization of marijuana, but that shifting public opinion and limited federal resources are reasons to find middle ground:

"We’ve got bigger fish to fry … It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it’s legal.

This is a tough problem, because Congress has not yet changed the law. I head up the executive branch; we’re supposed to be carrying out laws. And so what we’re going to need to have is a conversation about, How do you reconcile a federal law that still says marijuana is a federal offense and state laws that say that it’s legal?"


"In a fascinating long-form interview with late night talk show host Conan O’Brien published online Friday, New York Times pollster wiz Nate Silver said — while wearing a Cookie Monster T-shirt — that a “rational” Republican Party should take up drug legalization, among other issues, if it hopes to stay relevant."

As most of us know--one of Eric Holder's under deputies (AG of the United States)--sent out a memo--stating that the DEA was to lay-off of states with medical marijuana approval. Medical marijuana dispensory's exploded in growth in Colorado and in many other states. A couple of years later--the DEA sent out notices to medical marijuana dispensory's in California and Colorado that if they were within 1000 feet of schools--they are to close immediately within 30 days--or their place of business--usually a commercial rental space would be seized by the Federal Government. Hundred's of thousands dollars in investment into these dispensory's was lost. In Colorado we already had state requirements on the location of dispensories as far as distance requirements from schools--(just not a 1000 feet.) The federal requirement closed up shop for many--and now they're showing their anger at the Obama administration.

What are the rules concerning liquor stores and gun shops and the required distance from schools in those states?

The lawsuit alleges that the three partners applied to the county for conditional use permits to open the gun shop, and were quickly faced with an unusual zoning requirement that their front door had to be more than 500 feet from the nearest liquor store, school or private residence. They took measurements to the nearest residence and found they were more than the minimum distance with a comfortable buffer.

However, the lawsuit asserts, the county then changed its measurement requirement, even though the West County Board of Zoning Adjustments had voted to approve a conditional use permit and allow the gun store to operate.

SAF sues Alameda County over gun store discrimination | TheGunMag – The Official Gun Magazine of the Second Amendment Foundation

It is a misdemeanor to sell liquor within: ½ mile of a state prison, 1,900 feet of a Youth Authority institution, 1 mile of certain state universities, 1½ mile of a veteran’s home. The distances must be measured by following the shortest highways.


The state liquor agency is prohibited from approving an application for a location: within 500 feet of a public or parochial school or the principal campus of a college, university, or seminary. The prohibition does not affect renewals of establishments doing business before the school or campus was built. Distances must be computed by direct measurement from the nearest property line of the land used for the school to the nearest portion of the building in which liquor is to be sold using a route of direct pedestrian access. Local authorities may reduce or eliminate the minimum distance requirement.


We've Got A $PENDING-CUT, HERE!!!!!

November 29, 2012


"Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) might have left his state’s fiscal house in utter disarray, but a study released Thursday finds that he also did California’s young people a huge favor by signing a bill decriminalizing marijuana.

In its October 2012 research brief (PDF), The Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) found that the governor’s agreement with the 2010 measure is directly linked to a 47 percent drop in adolescents ages 10-17 arrested on drug related offenses versus 2010′s statistics.

Overall, the study found that the decline in youth crime in California largely mirrors the overall decline in crime across the state since the 1950s. Even so, CJCJ research fellow Mike Males pointed specifically to marijuana decriminalization as leading to a 61 percent drop in small marijuana possession arrests from 2010 to 2011."
Obama in trouble in Medical Marijuana states--4/20 signs says it all.

December 18, 2012


"Even President Obama hinted at a more flexible approach to prohibition, telling 20/20's Barbara Walters that the federal government was unlikely to crack down on recreational users in states where pot is legal, adding, "We've got bigger fish to fry."




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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jO_ncXj7RE]The Union: The Business Behind Getting High - Full Movie - High Quality - YouTube[/ame]​

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