Obama & Hedge Mgr. paid 26% in Taxes,,Ave.Teacher 9.2% Plumber Paid 5.6% taxes


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama said:
"I reject the idea that asking a hedge fund manager to pay the same tax rate as a plumber or a teacher is class warfare."

A plumber making an average of $50,000 paid 5.6% of income in taxes!
A teacher making an average of $52,000 paid 9.2% of income in taxes!
Obama PAID on his $1.7 million income 26%!

So why did Obama LIE when HE KNOWS he paid more then plumber or teacher?

Proof? I am asking all of you READ the REALITY and NOT the RHETORIC!

Directly from the IRS tax analysis..

Plumbers average $50,000 a year and the average taxes PAID owed by
11 million returns was $2,832 a TAXABLE RATE OF 5.6%
Teachers ave. $54,330 and paid average tax of $4,826 or 9.2%

Obama's 2010 Tax return
Obama's Adjusted gross income $1,728,096
Tax LOOPHOLE DEDUCTIONS - Donations 245,075 14.18% of his income.
Federal taxes paid 453,770 26.26% of gross income

OBAMA TAX payment shows HE paid like the WALL STREET HEDGE fund mgrs nearly 3 times what teachers and near 5 times the taxes of plumbers!

So why the LIES Obama? Your own TAXES show you are lying!!!
Please come back to us when you learn the difference between income taxes and taxes in general (the latter includes payroll, state, local, sales, etc).
Obama said:
"I reject the idea that asking a hedge fund manager to pay the same tax rate as a plumber or a teacher is class warfare."

A plumber making an average of $50,000 paid 5.6% of income in taxes!
A teacher making an average of $52,000 paid 9.2% of income in taxes!
Obama PAID on his $1.7 million income 26%!

So why did Obama LIE when HE KNOWS he paid more then plumber or teacher?

Proof? I am asking all of you READ the REALITY and NOT the RHETORIC!

Directly from the IRS tax analysis..

Plumbers average $50,000 a year and the average taxes PAID owed by
11 million returns was $2,832 a TAXABLE RATE OF 5.6%
Teachers ave. $54,330 and paid average tax of $4,826 or 9.2%

Obama's 2010 Tax return
Obama's Adjusted gross income $1,728,096
Tax LOOPHOLE DEDUCTIONS - Donations 245,075 14.18% of his income.
Federal taxes paid 453,770 26.26% of gross income

OBAMA TAX payment shows HE paid like the WALL STREET HEDGE fund mgrs nearly 3 times what teachers and near 5 times the taxes of plumbers!

So why the LIES Obama? Your own TAXES show you are lying!!!

Why is it whenever Conservatives discuss taxes, they are only capable of discussing federal income taxes while ignoring all other taxes? Yes, the wealthy pay the vast majority of federal income taxes. However, they pay much less when it comes to all other taxes compared to the average US worker. When it comes to state taxes, the wealthy pay much less than everyone else. Despite what you may think, federal income taxes are only a small portion of all taxes collected in the US.
And you go to the OFFICIAL spreadsheet of TAXES PAID by 140 million RETURNS!
Did Obama specify ANY other taxes? NOPE!
That's what OBAMA was whining about!
PROVE you stupid statement ""wealthy pay much less when it comes to all..."!

BUT you don't even think that far!
Tell me how much property taxes do you think the wealthy pay versus the NON-WEALTHY!

But again.. I don't know why waste time on people who don't even know what a property tax is?
What's old is new again...
Obama: Campaigning Like It's 1936
10/28/2011 - While Republican presidential candidates are looking forward by proposing variations of a flat income tax, President Barack Obama’s tax-the-rich campaign strategy is looking backward—to Franklin Roosevelt’s 1936 reelection campaign. FDR won his reelection, but the American people lost: Roosevelt’s new taxes on business and the “economic royalists” gave us the “Roosevelt recession” of 1937-38.
By August of 1935, Roosevelt had achieved some of his signature pieces of legislation: a new entitlement program known as Social Security, banking reform, pro-union reform, infrastructure expansion and massive transfers of wealth to the poor and middle classes. Sound familiar? FDR also ran up federal spending significantly: from 6 percent to 9 percent of the economy. However, FDR needed more revenue to support his big-government schemes. More importantly, he needed a villain to explain why, given the passage of his New Deal legislation, government spending and regulations, the economy was still struggling.

So he proposed raising taxes on the rich, which he dubbed a “Wealth Tax.” As he explained to Congress in June 1935, “Our revenue laws have operated in many ways to the unfair advantage of the few, and they have done little to prevent the unjust concentration of wealth and economic power. … Social unrest and a deepening sense of unfairness are dangers to our national life which we must minimize by rigorous methods.” President Obama couldn’t have said it better himself. There were several components to FDR’s plan. First he wanted very high taxes on the rich—up to 79 percent—and to lower the thresholds so that more high-income earners paid more taxes. He also wanted to increase the estate tax. As for business, he wanted to close the “loopholes,” a graduated corporate income tax and a tax on intercorporate dividends.

But the bill that actually passed the Democratically controlled Congress in 1935 would not raise much money—estimated at about $250 million, which initially seemed like enough to cover budgetary shortfalls. FDR’s associates acknowledged at the time that the Wealth Tax was more about politics than policy, or as Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau put it, “it was more or less a campaign document.” However, by 1936 Roosevelt needed yet more revenue and had apparently grown to relish his new class warfare and railing against “organized money.” So he proposed another business tax: an undistributed profits tax.

Like Obama, FDR faced what he saw as a big problem: Businesses had a lot of cash on hand but weren’t spending it. “Regime uncertainty,” the reluctance of business to hire and invest when faced with a growing onslaught of new taxes and regulations, suppressed capital spending. No one knew what the future held so businesses held on to their cash hoping to survive. Again, sound familiar? Roosevelt believed that forcing businesses to spend that money would create jobs. So he proposed, and got, his undistributed profits tax. If the government were going to tax idle money anyway, maybe businesses would put it to work.

you wrote:please come back to us when you learn the difference between income taxes and taxes in general (the latter includes payroll, state, local, sales, etc).:

OBAMA did NOT make that distinction and THAT'S what is being addressed!

FACT is the hedge fund MGR paid MORE NY state, NY City taxes then the PLumber/Teacher!
FACT is the plumber/teacher had PAYROLL taxes deducted right?
PAYROLL income taxes that when they filed, the received a refund!
As far as SS/Medicare.. THEY are returned when retire right???
So again.. apples to apples Obama/HEdge fund PAID more in federal taxes!
Check the downloadable IRS table if you are smart enough!
I can't believe why people are so stupid not to think for themselves... you are showing why fewer intelligent people are turning their backs on Obama's devisiveness and duplicity and especially Idiocy... Obama paid MORE taxes then Plumber/teachers!

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