Obama has NO record of accomplishments to stand on for his election


We have done this thread a hundred times. We list dozens of accomplishments and you reply FAIL after each one

It's been played out

If you want serious discussion why don't you be honest and list a couple of things you consider as accomplishments then we can discuss the rest

Otherwise, this thread is FAIL

I initially liked Obamas plan for help for homeowners who were current but struggling

Im glad Ghaddaffi is gone

Those are two recent ones. Truth be told I really had hope for Obamas success because his success ment I would continue to succeed. I didnt become this bitter until our economy continued to falter and I began to pay attention to the games played.

Fair enough

The war on terrorism....success or fail?
Americas role in Libya......success or fail?
START treaty....success or fail
Repeal of DAFT.....success or fail?
there is also an intresting plateau of uncertainty in the graph at the Nov 2010 tea party time which climbs after their election
Obama has lots of accomplishments:
Largest deficit in history
First credit downgrade in US history
Lost war in Afghanistan after much ballyhooed "surge".
Lost war in Iraq, failing to secure bases.
Wasted more money than any other president
Most partisan president in history
Most unpopular new social program in history
Most undeserved Nobel Peace Prize i history
First American military adventure in Africa since Somalia
Lowest workforce participation rate in history.

How could he NOT win on a record like that?
Obama has lots of accomplishments:
Largest deficit in history
First credit downgrade in US history
Lost war in Afghanistan after much ballyhooed "surge".
Lost war in Iraq, failing to secure bases.
Wasted more money than any other president
Most partisan president in history
Most unpopular new social program in history
Most undeserved Nobel Peace Prize i history
First American military adventure in Africa since Somalia
Lowest workforce participation rate in history.

How could he NOT win on a record like that?

Is that all you got?

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 7 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Tough crowd

Dow dropped 2000 points during eight years of Bush and you trash OBama because it dropped for his first two months and then rose 5000 points

inaugural drop was confidence

upside was gained by profiteers on wrecked economy

one can plot points and decline based on specific policy chronology

i have seen those figures
Tough crowd

Dow dropped 2000 points during eight years of Bush and you trash OBama because it dropped for his first two months and then rose 5000 points

inaugural drop was confidence

upside was gained by profiteers on wrecked economy

one can plot points and decline based on specific policy chronology

i have seen those figures

Nice spin...

However the market was in a free fall dropping 6000 points under Bush. Investors were in a panic as they fled the market in droves afraid of a banking and automotive industry collapse. Obama put the power of the United States Government behind both and a much needed infusion of cash

The result was averting a potential Depression
Nice spin...

However the market was in a free fall dropping 6000 points under Bush. Investors were in a panic as they fled the market in droves afraid of a banking and automotive industry collapse. Obama put the power of the United States Government behind both and a much needed infusion of cash

The result was averting a potential Depression

what year was that my review of the DOW JONES historicals for his tenure does not indicate it ?

Chris' dow chart doesnt show the preceding months prior to Obama's inauguration just the downward trend .....dow shows that down trend about the time McCain or Obama became the unfortunate choices
Nice spin...

However the market was in a free fall dropping 6000 points under Bush. Investors were in a panic as they fled the market in droves afraid of a banking and automotive industry collapse. Obama put the power of the United States Government behind both and a much needed infusion of cash

The result was averting a potential Depression

what year was that my review of the DOW JONES historicals for his tenure does not indicate it ?

Chris' dow chart doesnt show the preceding months prior to Obama's inauguration just the downward trend .....dow shows that down trend about the time McCain or Obama became the unfortunate choices

Nice try but short sighted

Dow peaked at 14000 in the Summer of 2007 and dropped steadily until Bush left office.

TARP and Stimulus stopped the panic and investors flocked back in

We have done this thread a hundred times. We list dozens of accomplishments and you reply FAIL after each one

It's been played out

If you want serious discussion why don't you be honest and list a couple of things you consider as accomplishments then we can discuss the rest

Otherwise, this thread is FAIL

I initially liked Obamas plan for help for homeowners who were current but struggling

Im glad Ghaddaffi is gone

Those are two recent ones. Truth be told I really had hope for Obamas success because his success ment I would continue to succeed. I didnt become this bitter until our economy continued to falter and I began to pay attention to the games played.

Fair enough

The war on terrorism....success or fail?
Americas role in Libya......success or fail?
START treaty....success or fail
Repeal of DAFT.....success or fail?

war-too early to tell
daft-not familiar with enough to have an opinion
Take your pick. Do you realize that every president accomplishes something?? And to say that Obama hasn't is just stupid.

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

I didnt say he hasnt accomplished anything. Reread please

Obama has NO record of accomplishments to stand on for his election

you are lying.....

Taken in itself it is a lie. But of course the fucking post is also part of my premise but it wouldnt fit in the title tool.
Nice try but short sighted

Dow peaked at 14000 in the Summer of 2007 and dropped steadily until Bush left office.

TARP and Stimulus stopped the panic and investors flocked back in

they were profiteers flocking in to buy depressed assets....which is typical short term after a drop

this also was right at the peak of fuel prices increase and mortage clusterfuck....when the fuel prices abated somewhat it rose again to 11's and dropped of the chart in Nov 2008....oh yeah election time
[QUOTE=Grampa Murked U;4447741]
I didnt say he hasnt accomplished anything. Reread please

Obama has NO record of accomplishments to stand on for his election

you are lying.....

Taken in itself it is a lie. But of course the fucking post is also part of my premise but it wouldnt fit in the title tool.

hasnt accomplished much is so much longer....[/QUOTE]

I titled my post the way I wanted to. Until you pay my fucking bills, grow some tits and suck me off you can deal with it jackass.

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