Obama Had Better Hope People Don't Find Out What Venture Capitalists Do


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama is making a huge mistake going after Bain Capital. Venture Capitalists are one of the major drivers of job growth in this country and Obama is trying to do a Tea Party number on them.

He knows this is utter hypocrisy on his part but he doesn't care. All this shows is he ether doesn't understand what they do, which makes him out to be a fool, or he could care less what his campaign is going to do to venture capitalism in the future.

I think it will backfire on him big-time.



Obama Had Better Hope People Don't Find Out What Venture Capitalists Do
You mean....like.....suggesting we needed to allow our auto-industry to collapse??


"Automakers Volkswagen, Chrysler and Hyundai pulled away from rivals on Thursday, unveiling strong sales and profits driven by growth in the Americas and Asia.

Carmakers that rely heavily on European sales, by contrast, are struggling with cut-throat price competition in a dwindling market as government budget cuts, weak wages growth and rising unemployment depress consumers' spending power.

Robust sales in North America helped U.S. maker Chrysler Group LLC, managed by majority owner Fiat Spa (FIA.MI), to post its best quarterly profit since its 2009 bankruptcy.

Chrysler's auto sales rose 33 percent in the quarter, led by its home U.S. market, where it gained market share on a first-quarter sales jump of 36 percent. Quarterly profit jumped to $473 million from $116 million a year ago.

"Another positive quarter - built on sales gains that have surpassed the industry average - is affirmation that the Chrysler team is maintaining its focus," said Sergio Marchionne, chief executive of both Chrysler and Italy's Fiat."



Horseshit, most people know what operations like Bain did.

Yes, there are some Venture Capital firms that do good things.

Bain wasn't one of them.

Bain Capital is Mitt Romney's Kryptonite.

Oh.....oh.......Bain is the evil one. LMAO!!!!!!:lol:

Bain Capital will be Obama's undoing.

Just watch.

Obama has abandoned any hope of winning over reasonable people.

Demagoguery which he hopes to use to inflame the base is all he has.
Horseshit, most people know what operations like Bain did.

Yes, there are some Venture Capital firms that do good things.

Bain wasn't one of them.

Bain Capital is Mitt Romney's Kryptonite.

Oh.....oh.......Bain is the evil one. LMAO!!!!!!:lol:

Bain Capital will be Obama's undoing.

Just watch.

"During an election-year clash over which U.S. political party has the best prescription for curing unemployment, Democrats can argue that almost two-thirds of private-sector job growth in the past five decades came with them in the White House."

:clap2: .
. :clap2: .
. :clap2:

Horseshit, most people know what operations like Bain did.

Yes, there are some Venture Capital firms that do good things.

Bain wasn't one of them.

Bain Capital is Mitt Romney's Kryptonite.

Oh.....oh.......Bain is the evil one. LMAO!!!!!!:lol:

Bain Capital will be Obama's undoing.

Just watch.

Obama has abandoned any hope of winning over reasonable people.

Demagoguery which he hopes to use to inflame the base is all he has.


Horseshit, most people know what operations like Bain did.

Yes, there are some Venture Capital firms that do good things.

Bain wasn't one of them.

Bain Capital is Mitt Romney's Kryptonite.

Oh.....oh.......Bain is the evil one. LMAO!!!!!!:lol:

Bain Capital will be Obama's undoing.

Just watch.

Not really.

Frankly, the one I see crapping his pants is Romney, because he doesn't have a better excuse for his actions than he did 18 years ago.

The big problem Romney has is the same problem John Kerry did.

John Kerry tried to paint himself as a guy who won some medals in Vietnam, so we could trust him on the War on Terror.

Just ignore the fact that he spent years as a dirty hippy anti-war protestor or that he spent 20 years in the Senate undercutting the Pentagon at every oppurtunity. Nope. he's a War Hero. Look at his Purple Hearts.

And then the Swift-Vets showed up and said, "Meh, not so much. We were seriously considering fragging him. And when he said the stuff about us he did after the war, we wished we had."

Romney's got the same problem. He's the "Job Creator". Ignore the fact of the 1000 factories, shops and stores his company closed or the 10's of thousands of people he laid off. Ignore his one term in office where his job creation was the weakest in the nation. Nope, he's a job creator. Really.

And then the GST and AmPad employees who lost their jobs thanks to Bain show up and say, "Nope, not so much. That guy really screwed us over to make a quick buck".

Now, yeah, I guess you can make an "economic argument" that what Bain did was necessary.

But that gets totally trumped by a 28 year steel worker who got screwed out of his pension and health care because Bain made a fast buck.

It puts a human face on the question, and doesn't make Romney look very humane.
Obama has abandoned any hope of winning over reasonable people.

Demagoguery which he hopes to use to inflame the base is all he has.

Both sides are trying to get their base worked up...

Again, most of us have run into someone like Mitt Romney, a guy who decides to play havok in our lives to make a quick buck...

No one ever likes that guy. Even when his actions are justified.
Horseshit, most people know what operations like Bain did.

Yes, there are some Venture Capital firms that do good things.

Bain wasn't one of them.

Bain Capital is Mitt Romney's Kryptonite.

Oh.....oh.......Bain is the evil one. LMAO!!!!!!:lol:

Bain Capital will be Obama's undoing.

Just watch.

Obama has abandoned any hope of winning over reasonable people.

Demagoguery which he hopes to use to inflame the base is all he has.

that's all he's ever done his whole political life..
a horrible person and even worse President
This goes to the heart of what Obama is.

Once it becomes known what they do Obama will look like a total fool.

Ahhh, okay, you know Obama's pulling back ahead of Romney again, right?

Sorry, if this because an argument between the wealthy and the working folks, Romney loses...

This is why Bush won. He was able to create this persona of a "bubba" against rich guys Gore and Kerry.

If you make this a "Snobs" vs. "Slobs" election, the slobs win every time.

This is where the GOP screwed up. They could have gotten a regular guy like Pawlenty or Daniels or Perry or Santorum.

They went with a guy who is looking for a jar of Grey Poupon.
Obama has abandoned any hope of winning over reasonable people.

Demagoguery which he hopes to use to inflame the base is all he has.

Both sides are trying to get their base worked up...

Again, most of us have run into someone like Mitt Romney, a guy who decides to play havok in our lives to make a quick buck...

No one ever likes that guy. Even when his actions are justified.

Why are you abandoning your string of lies in the other thread?

I have called you out on them.
Obama has abandoned any hope of winning over reasonable people.

Demagoguery which he hopes to use to inflame the base is all he has.

Both sides are trying to get their base worked up...

Again, most of us have run into someone like Mitt Romney, a guy who decides to play havok in our lives to make a quick buck...

No one ever likes that guy. Even when his actions are justified.

Why are you abandoning your string of lies in the other thread?

I have called you out on them.

I'm ignoring you... You aren't worth my time...

Now go away, little boy, the grownups are talking here.
Horseshit, most people know what operations like Bain did.

Yes, there are some Venture Capital firms that do good things.

Bain wasn't one of them.

Bain Capital is Mitt Romney's Kryptonite.

Oh.....oh.......Bain is the evil one. LMAO!!!!!!:lol:

Bain Capital will be Obama's undoing.

Just watch.

Not really.

Frankly, the one I see crapping his pants is Romney, because he doesn't have a better excuse for his actions than he did 18 years ago.

The big problem Romney has is the same problem John Kerry did.

John Kerry tried to paint himself as a guy who won some medals in Vietnam, so we could trust him on the War on Terror.

Just ignore the fact that he spent years as a dirty hippy anti-war protestor or that he spent 20 years in the Senate undercutting the Pentagon at every oppurtunity. Nope. he's a War Hero. Look at his Purple Hearts.

And then the Swift-Vets showed up and said, "Meh, not so much. We were seriously considering fragging him. And when he said the stuff about us he did after the war, we wished we had."

Romney's got the same problem. He's the "Job Creator". Ignore the fact of the 1000 factories, shops and stores his company closed or the 10's of thousands of people he laid off. Ignore his one term in office where his job creation was the weakest in the nation. Nope, he's a job creator. Really.

And then the GST and AmPad employees who lost their jobs thanks to Bain show up and say, "Nope, not so much. That guy really screwed us over to make a quick buck".

Now, yeah, I guess you can make an "economic argument" that what Bain did was necessary.

But that gets totally trumped by a 28 year steel worker who got screwed out of his pension and health care because Bain made a fast buck.

It puts a human face on the question, and doesn't make Romney look very humane.

The flaw in your reasoning is that John Kerry was a fake while Mitt Romney isn't.

That will become very apparent.

I don't think Romney wants to tackle that till after the Democratic Convention.

Once he's picked his VP (Hopefully Biden) he'll open up the books on this.

Obama will look like an amateur.
Oh.....oh.......Bain is the evil one. LMAO!!!!!!:lol:

Bain Capital will be Obama's undoing.

Just watch.

Obama has abandoned any hope of winning over reasonable people.

Demagoguery which he hopes to use to inflame the base is all he has.

that's all he's ever done his whole political life..
a horrible person and even worse President

Leftists truly believe the ends justify the means. It's all about redistribution.
Both sides are trying to get their base worked up...

Again, most of us have run into someone like Mitt Romney, a guy who decides to play havok in our lives to make a quick buck...

No one ever likes that guy. Even when his actions are justified.

Why are you abandoning your string of lies in the other thread?

I have called you out on them.

I'm ignoring you.

What is it like, living the Liberal Lie every day?

And how many jobs did Romney" grow "?

Exactly. Bain wasn't and isn't in business to create jobs and they don't...they create more money for their investors. Jobs gained isn't part of the deal...in fact, they make more money for their investors by firing people and shipping their jobs overseas...or rehiring them back at half the wages. That's what Bain does and I hope the President keeps hitting him on it. Willard was NEVER a "job creator".

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