Obama, Guns, and the Big Wide World


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
In a nutshell, the question for this thread is: Is President Obama likely or not likely to support an international initiative to ban many or most privately owned American guns?

Discuss on that basis alone if you like.

But if you want some background that triggered the question, read on:

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It is still under the media radar, but another round of gun control debates is likely looming. Most don’t think it will come up this year with so many other controversial issues on the table. But some think they may bury legislation in some other big bill where it is unlikely to attract much attention. The legislation would move the USA toward more cooperation with international gun ban initiatives.

On the campaign trail, President Obama repeatedly said he respected the 2nd Amendment and affirmed the right of citizens to hunt and defend themselves, etc. But then there was that infamous phrase about folks clinging to their Bibles and guns, and his voting record is not seen as friendly to private gun ownership.

And he wrote this:
I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manfuacturer’s lobby. But I also believe that when a gangbanger shoots indiscriminately into a crowd because he feels someone disrespected him, we have a problem of morality. Not only do we need to punish that man for his crime, but we need to acknowledge that there’s a hole in his heart, one that government programs alone may not be able to repair.
Source: The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, p.215 Oct 1, 2006

President Obama’s stated positions on gun control:
• Opposed bill okaying illegal gun use in home invasions. (Aug 2008)
• Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
• FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
• April 2008: "Bittergate" labeled Obama elitist. (Apr 2008)
• Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
• Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
• 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
• Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
• Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
• Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
• Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
• Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
Barack Obama on the Issues

In an April advertisement, USA Carry published this:
. . . .The United Nations has for years had a stealthy, insidious agenda to disarm the law-abiding civilians of this world. Organizations like IANSA, partly funded by Unicef and left-wing liberals like billionaire George Soros, are helping lead the charge to disarm this country through efforts to effect International Law at the level of the United Nations that could trump our sovereign Constitution and the Second Amendment. . . .
UNited Nations, IANSA and International Gun Control

They featured the following Youtube presentation on their website:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDMeDmV0ufU]YouTube - NRA News: UN Doomsday Treaty With Ginny Simone[/ame]

Re the Rebecca Peters cited in the video:

Rebecca Peters is the Director[1] of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA). funded by George Soros. As chair of the (Australian) National Coalition for Gun Control at the time of the Port Arthur massacre in 1996, Peters played a key role in the introduction of stricter gun control and gun confiscation, in Australia, an area in which she remains active today.

The Umut Foundation says: (She) was “Chair of the National Coalition for Gun Control, which campaigned to tighten Australia's gun laws in the 1990s. Her research and advocacy helped bring about sweeping changes, including uniform gun laws across the eight states, a ban on semiautomatic rifles and shotguns, and a year-long buyback that destroyed nearly 700,000 weapons. Among the awards she received was the 1996 Australian Human Rights Medal, her country's highest human rights honor.”
Prior to her work with IANSA, Peters worked for the Open Society Institute, a private foundation funded by George Soros. . . .

. . . .She has been criticised by the National Rifle Association in the United States, which believes that Rebecca Peters, along with the United Nations, wishes to "strip all citizens of all nations of their right to self-protection" via gun-ownership by "banning civilian ownership of firearms". . . .
Rebecca Peters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a link to IANSA’s website:
IANSA the international voice against gun violence
Obama is probably the most anti-gun president we've had.
That said, the will is not there in the country for more gun control. The Democrats recognize it as a losing issue, which is why you never hear someone push it in campaigns.
I seriously doubt he will try to push an anti gun agenda. Strangely he has signed more pro-gun legislation in 1 year than Bush did in 8.
Obama is probably the most anti-gun president we've had.
That said, the will is not there in the country for more gun control. The Democrats recognize it as a losing issue, which is why you never hear someone push it in campaigns.
I seriously doubt he will try to push an anti gun agenda. Strangely he has signed more pro-gun legislation in 1 year than Bush did in 8.

I don't think he or the rest of the Democratic leadership will launch a frontal assault on guns either. At least not now. But after looking at all the stuff that is flying below the media radar out there, I am not convinced they won't act in a clandestine manner to increase participation in, cooperation with, and funding of international efforts that are going after the guns. Of course those on the international scene are going after the guns of the more peaceful nations and are leaving the really violent ones alone.

And then, if the Democrats retain majorities through the next two elections, I think they are going to be a lot braver to look at a lot more things.
Obama is probably the most anti-gun president we've had.
That said, the will is not there in the country for more gun control. The Democrats recognize it as a losing issue, which is why you never hear someone push it in campaigns.
I seriously doubt he will try to push an anti gun agenda. Strangely he has signed more pro-gun legislation in 1 year than Bush did in 8.

Like I said previously, Obama is not as Liberal as people think.
Obama is probably the most anti-gun president we've had.
That said, the will is not there in the country for more gun control. The Democrats recognize it as a losing issue, which is why you never hear someone push it in campaigns.
I seriously doubt he will try to push an anti gun agenda. Strangely he has signed more pro-gun legislation in 1 year than Bush did in 8.

Like I said previously, Obama is not as Liberal as people think.

Yes. He is more so. He is certainly more liberal than his campaign suggested.
Obama is probably the most anti-gun president we've had.
That said, the will is not there in the country for more gun control. The Democrats recognize it as a losing issue, which is why you never hear someone push it in campaigns.
I seriously doubt he will try to push an anti gun agenda. Strangely he has signed more pro-gun legislation in 1 year than Bush did in 8.

So, let me get this straight. Obama is the most anti-gun President ever - but he's signed more pro-gun legislation than Bush did.

So what makes him the most anti-gun President ever?
No one is coming to take your guns. Anyone who says so is just trying to make you afraid.

Better remember something. When, not if, Obama and Hillary try to enforce UN bans INSIDE the US especially on guns, he will find an armed populace disinclined to follow any such law.

The Senate has final say on any treaty we want to make US law. Right now 41 of them are Republicans. Hopefully we get 5 more in November. There are still some honest democrats in the Senate that would never approve of any such treaty.

But failing that open armed rebellion will be the result of any attempt by the Federal Government to illegally seize guns through UN initiatives, passed off as US Treaties.

Further any such attempt will face opposition in the Supreme Court as Unconstitutional. at least until Obama finds some way to remove a Conservative Justice.
No one is coming to take your guns. Anyone who says so is just trying to make you afraid.

Better remember something. When, not if, Obama and Hillary try to enforce UN bans INSIDE the US especially on guns, he will find an armed populace disinclined to follow any such law.

The Senate has final say on any treaty we want to make US law. Right now 41 of them are Republicans. Hopefully we get 5 more in November. There are still some honest democrats in the Senate that would never approve of any such treaty.

But failing that open armed rebellion will be the result of any attempt by the Federal Government to illegally seize guns through UN initiatives, passed off as US Treaties.

Further any such attempt will face opposition in the Supreme Court as Unconstitutional. at least until Obama finds some way to remove a Conservative Justice.

Did you get this from your NRA fundraising mailer? Cause it's all bullshit. Never gonna happen.
RGS, why do you trust the Republicans to protect your rights? If you recall, they are the ones who wrote, offered up, and passed the Patriot Act.
No one is coming to take your guns. Anyone who says so is just trying to make you afraid.

This is not true, so far since he has been president he...uh....well.......he thought about a gun once, so he uh...............well, he must have done something to have this thread even exist, right?

Damn, these idiots will try to stir up anything they can. It proves he is doing a good job because they cant even complain about real things.

No one is coming to take your guns. Anyone who says so is just trying to make you afraid.

Better remember something. When, not if, Obama and Hillary try to enforce UN bans INSIDE the US especially on guns, he will find an armed populace disinclined to follow any such law.

The Senate has final say on any treaty we want to make US law. Right now 41 of them are Republicans. Hopefully we get 5 more in November. There are still some honest democrats in the Senate that would never approve of any such treaty.

But failing that open armed rebellion will be the result of any attempt by the Federal Government to illegally seize guns through UN initiatives, passed off as US Treaties.

Further any such attempt will face opposition in the Supreme Court as Unconstitutional. at least until Obama finds some way to remove a Conservative Justice.

Did you get this from your NRA fundraising mailer? Cause it's all bullshit. Never gonna happen.

The only thing that changed since Obama has been in office is the NRA has more people in it now, and local gun shop ran out of ammo.

the NRA are brilliant at causing idiots to fear Oabama. Morons.
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He might try. Probably wants to try.

He will more than likely fail.

The chances of that slipping under the radar, especially NOWADAYS are slim.
Ummm, I don't recall suggesting in the OP that anybody was coming to take our guns.

The thesis is:
In a nutshell, the question for this thread is: Is President Obama likely or not likely to support an international initiative to ban many or most privately owned American guns?

I probably should have left the "American guns" out of it and it might have been easier to understand. The point is that we can be sure that those supporting the international effort do have an eye on American guns.

So given the President's affinity for joining the world on all sorts of stuff, will he be in there promoting the international gun initiative too?
So given the President's affinity for joining the world on all sorts of stuff, will he be in there promoting the international gun initiative too?

What international gun initiative? I'm kind of wondering what kind of power do you think the UN has? Because I can tell you right now, it's zero.
Ummm, I don't recall suggesting in the OP that anybody was coming to take our guns.

The thesis is:
In a nutshell, the question for this thread is: Is President Obama likely or not likely to support an international initiative to ban many or most privately owned American guns?

I probably should have left the "American guns" out of it and it might have been easier to understand. The point is that we can be sure that those supporting the international effort do have an eye on American guns.

So given the President's affinity for joining the world on all sorts of stuff, will he be in there promoting the international gun initiative too?

So, this thread is not about Obama coming to take your guns, it's about Obama supporting international efforts to come and take your guns?

I'm not really sure I see the difference. And my answer remains the same either way:

Obama is not trying to take away your guns. Period.
Ummm, I don't recall suggesting in the OP that anybody was coming to take our guns.

The thesis is:
In a nutshell, the question for this thread is: Is President Obama likely or not likely to support an international initiative to ban many or most privately owned American guns?

I probably should have left the "American guns" out of it and it might have been easier to understand. The point is that we can be sure that those supporting the international effort do have an eye on American guns.

So given the President's affinity for joining the world on all sorts of stuff, will he be in there promoting the international gun initiative too?

He'd be setting himself up for impeachment. The Second Amendment is explicit. There's only one correct course to change it...and that's by the Amendment process. Any/Every other attempt is unlawful regardless where it comes from.

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