Obama gives admin jobs to fund raisers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"More than half of Obama’s 47 biggest fundraisers, those who collected at least $500,000 for his campaign, have been given administration jobs. Nine more have been appointed to presidential boards and committees.
At least 24 Obama bundlers were given posts as foreign ambassadors, including in Finland, Australia, Portugal and Luxembourg. Among them is Don Beyer, a former Virginia lieutenant governor who serves as ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein."

The Influence Industry: Obama gives administration jobs to some big fundraisers - The Washington Post
Wow. Wow.

"Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was a bundler ... as was Julius Genachowski, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission...

"Obama hired bundler Steve Spinner as a liaison in the Energy Department. According to internal e-mails turned over in a congressional investigation, Spinner pressed for staff members to finalize a government loan for Solyndra, the now-shuttered solar company in which another campaign bundler was a major investor...

"Nicole Avant, a music industry executive ... served as ambassador to the Bahamas until November.
"The inspector general wrote that her tenure was part of “an extended period of dysfunctional leadership and mismanagement, which has caused problems throughout the embassy.” The report said Avant spent roughly 40 percent of her time out of the country over a two-year period.

"... Avant said that she inherited an embassy with management problems and that her travel was not out of line.
“Part of my job as a U.S. ambassador was to travel,” she said.
Avant is now helping the Obama campaign raise money from donors in Hollywood."

I edited out the amounts they bundled/raised, and extraneous verbage.
in related news, people gamble in las vegas

I know...this is almost as depressing as the girl who posted about her oldest and best friend in the world didn't tell her she was getting married.

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