Obama gift wraps another soundbite for Republicans


Gold Member
Feb 7, 2011
Obama giftwraps another sound bite for Republicans - The Washington Post

A couple weeks ago, President Obama declared that, while he wasn't on the Nov. 4 ballot, his policies were. And just about every GOP candidate in a red or swing state soon launched an ad using that comment to tie his or her Democratic opponent to Obama.

Well, Obama appears to have just handed Republicans some more ammunition.

In an interview with Rev. Al Sharpton on Monday, Obama defended his support for candidates in top races who haven't welcomed Obama to campaign with them.

"The bottom line is, though, these are are all folks who vote with me; they have supported my agenda in Congress," Obama said.

He continued: "So this isn't about my feelings being hurt. These are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me. I tell them -- I said, you do what you need to do to win. I will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn out."
Was bush at any rallies or fund raiser by request of the GOP candidates? No, just Mittens...They didn't want Bush hurting their election campaign....ahhh, cold shoulders still.. I feel sorry for W...
Obama just can't stand that others don't want him near them. So much so that he goes out of his way to make it look like he's telling them what's best for them is okay by him. When secretly many of them are giving him the finger

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