Obama gave Common Core contract to publisher, got $65-million book deal in return?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Obama gave Common Core contract to publisher,
got $65-million book deal in return?

9 Dec 19 ~ By Monica Showalter
As far-left Democrats yell about bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors, let's turn to their own side of the aisle, starting with the once penniless President Obama, who left public office a very, very rich man. He just bought a Martha's Vineyard mansion for a cool $11.75 million, which is in addition to his Kalorama lookout post, his Chicago home, and possibly a Hawaii spread. At some point, you've made enough...but not him. Ostensibly, it's mainly the work of his book deals. No bribery there, right?
Well, ahem... According to Investment Watch (IWB), something doesn't quite look right. Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Common Core text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.
Book deals. The way to get rich upon leaving public office, just as congressional insiders make themselves rich in public office by trading on insider information, as described by Peter Schweizer in Throw Them All Out." There are a hundred ways to Sunday for politicians to get rich both in and out of public office. As the Democrat House now focuses on impeaching President Trump, their hypocrisy is pretty glaring. Obama's book deals are what need investigating, not President Trump's bid to halt corruption in Ukraine.

Indeed, Quid Pro Quo and money laundering all rolled into one. Both, the Clintons and the Obama's have taken itt to a new level of corruption.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat come to Washington to enrich themselves at the expense of we, the American taxpayer.” America's gullible voters, with assistance from newly arrived Mexicans, and voters from any of a dozen countries, voted Barry the usurper into the White House TWICE, thus allowing Democrats to take over the House of Reprehensibles, from which came the Russian Witch hunt, and now the phony, Impeachment.
Donald Trump said this in the Inaugural address, with many of the perpetrators standing right behind him. It was jaw dropping for those paying attention. Will things change? I doubt it. How many of those in the Houses of Congress become multi-millionaires during their tenure? All you have to do is look at their gated and walled homes.
So where is Obama’s $65 million dollar plus book? It has been three years or more since the initial payout, right? I guess Bill Ayers has not been able to fit the ghost writing into his schedule as he has previously done. Obama is too busy undermining Trump to pretend the publisher expected an actual book for their kickback.
Plenty of government contracts went to Crown Publishing ... the folks that published all of George XLIII's books ... or is it only a felony if a Democrat publishes? ...
Zero is as corrupt as he is insufferably mediocre. I will never understand the craving to worship that nothing. The only qualification he ever possessed was "looking brown".

Although admittedly, he was quite good at it.
He should be ashamed. The corrupt bastard has the audacity to chime in from time to time and still lecture us on morality and decency

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