Obama four years ago ...


Feb 14, 2011
Obama 4 years ago as quoted tonight by Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes:

"The reason we've not met our challenges is a failure of leadership, the smallness of our politics, the ease with which we're distracted by the petty and the trivial, our chronic avoidance of tough decisions, our preference for scoring cheap political points instead of rolling up our sleeves and building a working consensus to take on big problems."

Kroft added, "And those were eloquent words and true words. Unfortunately, they're still largely true today. Did you overpromise? Did you underestimate how difficult this was gonna be?"

How funny is that?

Of course Obama didn't get how his words from back then condemn his behaviors now. He just droned on about how he hadn't had time yet to fix the problems.

It was an annoying interview all-and-all. But hearing that quote was a high point. There is one good thing about Obama getting all these casual interviews where he's hardly ever put on the spot and he can just go on blissfully talking about whatever he wants to - he's getting out of condition.

Our candidates are being tempered in the fires of our primary debates. But Obama is getting soft.

He won't get to ramble on and make up crap without being called on it in the debates.

I so look forward to them, no matter who our nominee turns out to be.
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Soft? Oh lord, that is freaking funny. He has held up pretty well under pressures that would have killed McCain by now and Palen would have just quit.
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Obama is going to be in deep trouble when he has to start limiting his answers to 1 minute.

I wonder if he will be able to contain his annoyance when the red light comes on.

Of course, there is always a possibility that moderators won't have the guts to hold him to the time limits.

But whatever. Our nominee will be ready to puncture his hot air balloons with facts in 30 seconds or less.
When Pubs see how no compromise obstruction in a world crisis THEY started is rewarded in 2012, maybe they'll start being good citizens again...

How the fuck do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you claim the GOP started a world economic crisis.
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LOL - priceless assessment of Obama after that precious interview:

Morning Joe: Obama Sees Our Democracy As 'Stumbling Block To His Greatness' | NewsBusters.org
MIKE BARNICLE: I think he is stunned, given his gifts, at his inability to get anything really done in Congress. I think he's stunned by it.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: But he doesn't look at it as his inability. Jon, he is stunned that those that are fortunate enough to work with him are not helping him pass legislation to make history.

JON MEACHAM: I think it's, if you think about it from a biographical point of view, it's his thinking the system, and really the country, is not commensurate with his gifts. That's a harsh thing to say, but I have a feeling that in the dark night of the soul, that's what he feels. I think he thinks that this is a 18th-century constitutional republic that needs significant updating. I think he sees the reflexive opposition—a culture that Gingrich helped build—as one huge stumbling block. He sees all of us [Ed.: presumably a reference to the media] as another huge stumbling block.

SCARBOROUGH: And let's just say, he sees elected leaders from across the country as a stumbling block. He sees democracy, he sees this version, as you say, this government as a stumbling block that's getting in the way of his greatness.

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