Obama foundation absorbs My brothers keeper alliance without IRS approval


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. – New York-based financial analyst Charles Ortel has expressed to Infowars.com his alarm that the Barack Obama Foundation has absorbed My Brother’s Keeper Alliance as a foundation “initiative,” without lawfully petitioning the IRS for an expansion of the foundation’s purpose from the limited purpose of establishing a Presidential Library specified in the group’s 2014 IRS Form 1023 application, requesting 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

Obama Foundation Absorbs “My Brother’s Keeper Alliance” Without IRS Approval

Oh isn't that a shame Obama caught again . Obama's and Clintons, Bush are so gawd dam crooked it's beyond stomach turning. What's even more stomach turning are the idiots who make up lies for them believe their lies and believe the bs that spews out of these criminals mouths.

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