Obama fails to head off 'fiscal cliff'


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Inside Your Head
His failed leadership means the middle class gets hammered beginning in '14.

Wait 'till the peeps get their new premiums for Obamacare on top of it all.

Question becomes, will peeps make him pay in the midterm, or are they going to sheepishly continue to hold out for the free gubmint stuff which Obama has thusfar used to replace what was once known as opportunity and prosperity?

Not sure if I have faith in the American people to make the right call anymore.
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sniper, you need any proof as to whos fault this load of shit is, just watch the stock market today.

Cantor told Bohner he had the votes for his plan B, even knowing the Democrats would have zip to do with it. Cantor set Bohner up to fail for his betterment by sandbagging the votes while the market will sell off big time today. Obama has zip to do with this. If you cant see that, you are useless.

Poll after poll show the GOP will take the blame. More damage to a already damaged brand.
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sniper, you need any proof as to whos fault this load of shit is, just watch the stock market today.

Cantor told Bohner he had the votes for his plan B, even knowing the Democrats would have zip to do with it. Cantor set Bohner up to fail for his betterment y sandbagging the votes while the market will sell off big time today. Obama has zip to do with this. If you cant see that, you are useless.

Poll after poll show the GOP will take the blame. More damage to a already damaged brand.

The HMFIC is always held responsible, ultimately.

Agree or disagree?
Or put another way, Libtards, if the leader of our nation wanted to avert a 'fiscal cliff' in '14, he could have quite easily have done so.

True or False?
I disagree. Obama can merely recommend ideas in the hope his side of the isle will back it up. Those Democrats who agree draft a bill and pass it through.

I would agree with you a tad if the GOP actually sent a bill to the Senate, but they didnt, This is on the GOP, no amount of gerrymandering by the right will change that. They are fucking up big time.
I disagree. Obama can merely recommend ideas in the hope his side of the isle will back it up. Those Democrats who agree draft a bill and pass it through.

I would agree with you a tad if the GOP actually sent a bill to the Senate, but they didnt, This is on the GOP, no amount of gerrymandering by the right will change that. They are fucking up big time.


Imagine applying your standard to past POTUS;:

Abraham Lincoln, the Great Recommender of Ideas
Both sides agreed to the Budget Control Act of 2011.

That means they are all to "blame".

The fearmongering and finger pointing over a deal that the house, the senate adn the president voted for/signed into law, is absolutely hilarious. These peopole are inept. Top to bottom, and yet the public voted for them to give it another 2 and 4 more years.

Fucking people are the problem. For allowing these sociopaths to keep their seats.
Cmon man! Bohner got set up big time! Cantor is looking to gain political points by being the tea party darling. What a mess.
Idiot LOLberals and psuedo-cons treat this liek it's a fucking soap opera. What a bunch of ding bats.
So Sniper, are you suggesting Obama draft his own bill. Okay, fine, what do you think these knuckle dragging Republicans would do with that bill? Ill give you one guess......

same shit they been doing for 4 years, absolutely noting.
So Sniper, are you suggesting Obama draft his own bill. Okay, fine, what do you think these knuckle dragging Republicans would do with that bill? Ill give you one guess......

same shit they been doing for 4 years, absolutely noting.

No, I am suggesting that all POTUS' before this asshat were held responsible for what happens under their watch as Most Powerful MOFO on the Planet.
See, Obama wont be held 100% accountable as the GOP has been crying foul and taking their toys home for the past 4 years.

All polls back this up. This is darn near the dumbest thing the GOP could be doing right now.
I disagree. Obama can merely recommend ideas in the hope his side of the isle will back it up. Those Democrats who agree draft a bill and pass it through.

I would agree with you a tad if the GOP actually sent a bill to the Senate, but they didnt, This is on the GOP, no amount of gerrymandering by the right will change that. They are fucking up big time.

The House certainly debated, passed and sent such legislation to the Senate, where it was not even considered.

It is called the budget.

So you agree with me, then.
Nice try, Snipper.

Why would this be the only POTUS, ever, to not be held accountable for such things?

When did you hold Reagan accountable for the massive explosion of deficits and debt in the 80's? Where would I read that?

When did you hold Clinton 'accountable' for balancing the budget in the 90's? Where's your praise for that? Where would I read that?

When did you hold Bush accountable for returning us to triple digit deficits? Where would I read that?
I disagree. Obama can merely recommend ideas in the hope his side of the isle will back it up. Those Democrats who agree draft a bill and pass it through.

I would agree with you a tad if the GOP actually sent a bill to the Senate, but they didnt, This is on the GOP, no amount of gerrymandering by the right will change that. They are fucking up big time.

The House certainly debated, passed and sent such legislation to the Senate, where it was not even considered.

It is called the budget.

So you agree with me, then.

Where was Boehner's leadership in crafting that budget in such a way that a Democratic Senate and a Democratic President could pass it and sign it respectively?
Nice try, Snipper.

Why would this be the only POTUS, ever, to not be held accountable for such things?

When did you hold Reagan accountable for the massive explosion of deficits and debt in the 80's? Where would I read that?

When did you hold Clinton 'accountable' for balancing the budget in the 90's? Where's your praise for that? Where would I read that?

When did you hold Bush accountable for returning us to triple digit deficits? Where would I read that?

The Reagan era deficits were all his.

Clinton never balanced a budget, as the national debt increased ever year.

Bush, of course, never signed a budget creating a triple digit deficit. That of course has only been done by Obama. Are you blaming Bush for forging Obama's signature on the '09 budget?


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