Obama embracing his signature achievement


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2010
New England
WashPo notices today that Obama has gotten aggressive on the stump, using the achievement that secured his place in the history books to go on the offensive.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama, emboldened by the Supreme Court’s affirmation of his health care overhaul, is now embracing the law while campaigning for re-election, just as Republican rival Mitt Romney steps back from it.

The primary focus of his campaign speeches remains the economy, the race’s dominant issue. But the Supreme Court’s favorable ruling appears to have freed Obama to speak about the health law more passionately and emphatically than before the case was decided.

His campaign also is running a television advertisement in eight of the most contested states that criticizes Romney for opposing mandatory health insurance coverage for contraception; that provision is in Obama’s overhaul. A health care-focused Spanish-language ad is running in Nevada, Colorado and Florida.

“The Supreme Court has spoken,” Obama told a cheering crowd at a recent fundraiser in New Orleans. “We are going to implement this law.”

During an event near Seattle, Obama said passing the law was “the right thing to do” and he highlighted specific parts of the overhaul that his campaign believes resonate well with voters.

“Young people will be able to stay on their parents’ plans till they’re 26 years old,” Obama said. “Women won’t be getting charged more than men, and you’ll be getting free preventive care. Seniors will see the cost of their prescription drugs go down. If you don’t have health insurance we’re going to help you get it.”

His campaign has been aggressive in selling the health overhaul to women.

Meanwhile, Mittens has finally shut up about it.

Romney, who declared the overhaul a “bad law” after the court ruled, has become less aggressive and less expansive in his discussion of health care.

At some recent events, Romney hasn’t talked about the issue at all. On Friday, while campaigning in Las Vegas, he made one brief mention of “Obamacare”, pledging to get rid of it and return health care “to a setting of personal responsibility.”

Romney hasn’t featured health care prominently in any television ads since the ruling June 28, but has made a few high-profile comments. The Republican was booed repeatedly during a July speech to the NAACP when he pledged to repeal the law if elected.

Obama's even been making a few bucks off of pro-Obamacare apparel.

He has come to terms that is Is a tax? Is there a "Caution Label" for wearers?
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He has the air of a winner. As he should: he succeeded where many others have failed, overcoming a nihilistic minority in Congress and a conservative Court to reform a broken health care system.

It's good to see he's asserting himself on the stump. And amusing to see Romney shrinking away from the issue.
When did the Republican Party become the party of "let him die" and "every man for himself" and "anti science"?

In fact, what do they stand for? Voter suppression? That's anti American.
So you prove Mitt has shut up about it by quoting him talking about it?

i dont know where to start about that.
When did the Republican Party become the party of "let him die" and "every man for himself" and "anti science"?

In fact, what do they stand for? Voter suppression? That's anti American.

I'm sorry who said grandma needs to take a pain pill? Uh that would be Obama, not the republicans.
Also we're not anti science, we're against kook science, if liberals had their way we'd ban every consumer electronic, electricity, and we'd all be vegans living in dirt houses or caves. Well except the hypocritcal rich liberals like Al Gore.

Every man for himself, define that, I do beleive in individualism and you have to do stuff on your own.

What's funny about liberals is if you tell students you're going to use affirmative action or some other liberal scheme to make things "fair", students are like I earned my grade, noone is gonna take it away from me. Well, that's how conservatives feel about anything, including money.
Yes! The most unpopular entitlement program ever. It is a tax, a massive tax on the American people. It shows that Obama was lying when he talked about keeping your health insurance plan and your doctor. He was lying when he told Stefanapoulis it was not a tax.
And now the fool embraces his folly.

He is well and truly desperate. His internal polling must show the landslide is coming and he figures what the hell.
WashPo notices today that Obama has gotten aggressive on the stump, using the achievement that secured his place in the history books to go on the offensive.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama, emboldened by the Supreme Court’s affirmation of his health care overhaul, is now embracing the law while campaigning for re-election, just as Republican rival Mitt Romney steps back from it.

The primary focus of his campaign speeches remains the economy, the race’s dominant issue. But the Supreme Court’s favorable ruling appears to have freed Obama to speak about the health law more passionately and emphatically than before the case was decided.

His campaign also is running a television advertisement in eight of the most contested states that criticizes Romney for opposing mandatory health insurance coverage for contraception; that provision is in Obama’s overhaul. A health care-focused Spanish-language ad is running in Nevada, Colorado and Florida.

“The Supreme Court has spoken,” Obama told a cheering crowd at a recent fundraiser in New Orleans. “We are going to implement this law.”

During an event near Seattle, Obama said passing the law was “the right thing to do” and he highlighted specific parts of the overhaul that his campaign believes resonate well with voters.

“Young people will be able to stay on their parents’ plans till they’re 26 years old,” Obama said. “Women won’t be getting charged more than men, and you’ll be getting free preventive care. Seniors will see the cost of their prescription drugs go down. If you don’t have health insurance we’re going to help you get it.”

His campaign has been aggressive in selling the health overhaul to women.

Meanwhile, Mittens has finally shut up about it.

Romney, who declared the overhaul a “bad law” after the court ruled, has become less aggressive and less expansive in his discussion of health care.

At some recent events, Romney hasn’t talked about the issue at all. On Friday, while campaigning in Las Vegas, he made one brief mention of “Obamacare”, pledging to get rid of it and return health care “to a setting of personal responsibility.”

Romney hasn’t featured health care prominently in any television ads since the ruling June 28, but has made a few high-profile comments. The Republican was booed repeatedly during a July speech to the NAACP when he pledged to repeal the law if elected.

Obama's even been making a few bucks off of pro-Obamacare apparel.


You do mean obamatax?
He has the air of a winner. As he should: he succeeded where many others have failed, overcoming a nihilistic minority in Congress and a conservative Court to reform a broken health care system.

It's good to see he's asserting himself on the stump. And amusing to see Romney shrinking away from the issue.

Oh yeah. This clusterfuck of a bill was passed by one party. The Dems. Many of those Dems had to be bribed and threatened by their bosses to pass this clusterfuck of a bill.

Those same Dems ignored their constituants who were clogging the phone line to DC to protest this bill. They passed it anyway.

This bill will cost anyone with HC up the ass and anyone who doesn't think this is an idiot in my book.

Another massive entitlement that someone else will be paying for.

Yeah. I can see Barry gloating over his HC bill on the campaign trail. NOT
you’ll be getting free preventive care

Free ?

Yup. Nothing is free. Someone will be paying for it and that someone will be anyone with HC coverage now. Higher premiums will be payed.

It will work great till they run out of other peoples money to fund this giant cluterfuck.
It has got to be difficult.......and boring.....to be a nutter. But....one has to admire your persistence. Like a 4 year old who wants a cookie............you folks can repeat a fucking phrase forever.
It's about time the Democrats started messaging properly on the Affordable Care Act. They've done a shit ass job up to this point and let the Faux talking heads drive the conversation with lies.

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