Obama does it again. The guy is a genius.

Whatever happened to "General Betrayus"?

And moving an outsider to CIA is a really bad idea. The CIA has its own culture and an outsider will just get screwed around with by the people who actually know what is going on.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.....so, the CIA has it's own operative breeding-program, huh?

It's amazing watching the left become more pro war than Bush and his bots... You lemmings attack anyone that does not want the Iraq/Afghan/Liyba/Pakistan wars.

Crazy times.
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MoveOn.org ad controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The MoveOn.org ad controversy began when the anti-war liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org published a full-page ad in The New York Times on September 10, 2007 accusing General David H. Petraeus of "cooking the books for the White House". The ad also labeled him "General Betray Us".[1] The organization created the ad in response to Petraeus' Report to Congress on the Situation in Iraq. MoveOn hosted pages on its website about the ad and their reasons behind it from 2007 to June 23, 2010. On June 23, 2010, after President Obama nominated General Petraeus to be the new top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan (taking over the position from retiring General Stanley McCrystal), MoveOn erased these webpages and any reference to them from its website.[2]

Ya raging hypocrites strike again

What does MoveOn have to do with this? You're just bringing it up because you realize there's really no one out there that can beat Obama, so you've got to bring up old, tired stuff that has nothing to do with the story. Don't like MoveOn? Apparently, neither does Obama. He thanks you for your support! :thup:

Think about it for a bit you might get it.....than again you might not
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....how revealing.....


Obama is moving General David Petraeus to head up the CIA. Probably the USA's greatest expert on counter terrorism. Another brilliant move from Obama.

Probably signals the draw-down from Afghanistan after the fighting season.

Takes a potential rival out of the next presidential race. Remember, Republicans drafted Eisenhower because they didn't like any of the other candidates. AND Eisenhower was the last Republican president to balance the budget.

Obama has a way of getting his political rivals to work for him. Doesn't matter their past relationship, he gets the talent. See Sec. of State.

Obama kept the best from the Bush administration, slim pickings and all.

Obama is obviously a thoughtful leader and a diplomat.

The Republicans can't see this. It must be too "dark".

This is the same guy you called General Betrayus?

You're an idiot and a fucking liar.. but then, you are rdean.
What does MoveOn have to do with this? You're just bringing it up because you realize there's really no one out there that can beat Obama, so you've got to bring up old, tired stuff that has nothing to do with the story. Don't like MoveOn? Apparently, neither does Obama. He thanks you for your support! :thup:

Think about it for a bit you might get it.....than again you might not

I get that you're shitting your pants because an Obama re-election is getting more and more certain. How's that stock market looking to you?

Yeah, $5 gas, inflation, $14,000,000,000,000 debts, massive deficits, 3 wars, 35,000,000 unemployed, no foreign policy... yeah.. he's a shoe-in.

Obama does it again. The guy is a genius.
Wait'll JON STEWART rips ol' BALDY TRUMP a....



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhLvS6we7-8]YouTube - Jon Stewart & Colbert on Trump & Paul Ryan - Last Word[/ame]​
Obama is moving General David Petraeus to head up the CIA. Probably the USA's greatest expert on counter terrorism. Another brilliant move from Obama.
It seems like just yesterday that liberals were calling him General Betrayus.

But, rdean is a political hack, so there is no surprise at the turnaround.
rdean, you do know that 'genius' has an IQ attached to the designation, right?
"This message is hidden because Mr. Shaman is on your ignore list."

You all should give this a try.

I did quite some time back... his sophomoric, multi-colored idiocies were giving me migraines.

I wonder how long until he's on everyone's ignore list... and he doesn't even know it?
Since when do Liberals admire people in the military?

They traditionally spit on soldiers.

Here, we have a blathering idiot supporting an Army general?


Can we expect this nutsack to enlist next? Probably not....

That's an outright lie. It was Republicans who smeared John Kerry.

I served in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. Considering the number of military that voted for Obama, I have no problem calling the person making such an outrageous claim, a "turd".
Obama is moving General David Petraeus to head up the CIA. Probably the USA's greatest expert on counter terrorism. Another brilliant move from Obama.
It seems like just yesterday that liberals were calling him General Betrayus.

But, rdean is a political hack, so there is no surprise at the turnaround.

And what do conservatives say about the "Commander in Chief"? Oops.
You either think hes a good choice or you dont.

Tell us why this is a mistake by Obama
Obama is moving General David Petraeus to head up the CIA. Probably the USA's greatest expert on counter terrorism. Another brilliant move from Obama.

Probably signals the draw-down from Afghanistan after the fighting season.

Takes a potential rival out of the next presidential race. Remember, Republicans drafted Eisenhower because they didn't like any of the other candidates. AND Eisenhower was the last Republican president to balance the budget.

Obama has a way of getting his political rivals to work for him. Doesn't matter their past relationship, he gets the talent. See Sec. of State.

Obama kept the best from the Bush administration, slim pickings and all.

Obama is obviously a thoughtful leader and a diplomat.

The Republicans can't see this. It must be too "dark".

I knew when I read the title of this thread that this would be incredibly stupid, but even I did not imagine this.

Do you realize that his area of experience is actually counter insurgency, not counter terrorism? Or that he was actually fired from the leading war in Afghanistan for insubordination? That Obama actually plans to stay in Afghanistan to the bitter end, just like Bush did in Iraq? That Petreaus is probably the least qualified person to run the CIA because the CIA and the US Army are completely different?

Obama is moving General David Petraeus to head up the CIA. Probably the USA's greatest expert on counter terrorism. Another brilliant move from Obama.

Probably signals the draw-down from Afghanistan after the fighting season.

Takes a potential rival out of the next presidential race. Remember, Republicans drafted Eisenhower because they didn't like any of the other candidates. AND Eisenhower was the last Republican president to balance the budget.

Obama has a way of getting his political rivals to work for him. Doesn't matter their past relationship, he gets the talent. See Sec. of State.

Obama kept the best from the Bush administration, slim pickings and all.

Obama is obviously a thoughtful leader and a diplomat.

The Republicans can't see this. It must be too "dark".

MoveOn.org ad controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The MoveOn.org ad controversy began when the anti-war liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org published a full-page ad in The New York Times on September 10, 2007 accusing General David H. Petraeus of "cooking the books for the White House". The ad also labeled him "General Betray Us".[1] The organization created the ad in response to Petraeus' Report to Congress on the Situation in Iraq. MoveOn hosted pages on its website about the ad and their reasons behind it from 2007 to June 23, 2010. On June 23, 2010, after President Obama nominated General Petraeus to be the new top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan (taking over the position from retiring General Stanley McCrystal), MoveOn erased these webpages and any reference to them from its website.[2]

Ya raging hypocrites strike again

Perhaps they found they didn't have enough evidence? Accusations aren't "truth". See "birther". See "not a citizen". See "pals around with terrorists". See "didn't go to Harvard". See "Trump". See "Palin". See "Acorn". See, well, actually, you might was well see 90% of the Republican Party and 99% of their leaders. Oops.


That is easily the funniest thing I have read all year. Thanks for the laugh.

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