Obama did not bail out the Auto Industry


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
Through out the entire campaign we heard over and over how Obama bailed out the Auto industry. This is false. Actually when GM and Chrysler filed for Chapter 11 bankrupcy it was a period of time before Obama threw our money at them. GM and Chrysler filed the bankrupcy to get out from under there huge debt which was caused from some mistakes and Union contracts that was squeezing the life out of the industry. Through Chapter 11 bankrupcy the union contracts were going to be null and void after going through bankrupcy courts. Obama threw the money in to save these union contracts and jobs prior to it going to court. GM and Chrysler would have survived but unions might not have. He merely saved the unions. The auto industry is only temporarily out of trouble but union greed will one day bring them back to this problem.
Not only that...but he did not actually kill bin Laden

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