Obama cracks, calls Clinton from the Bullpen


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Say this coming a mile away. The job is too big for Obama so he called the bullpen. Can you imagine Dubya asking his dad to speak for him or Bush 41 asking Ford or Reagan?


POTUS is not a joke, Barack, just resign!

Bill's Back: Clinton commands stage at White House

In his element, Clinton startles West Wing in surprise appearance with Obama, backs tax deal

Bill's Back: Clinton commands stage at White House - Yahoo! Finance

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When I see Bill the Fratboy I can only think of three things:

"I did not have sex with that woman... Ms. Lewinski".
"You know I don't like women with small breasts".
Peyronies Disease.
I've NEVER SEEN anything like this in my lifetime.

It is disgusting, the Obama should resign and the DAMN CLINTIONS should get the hell off the stage.
Man Child knows that Bill can get it done win man child can't. Of course, what can man child do? Might as well put Bill back in charge.
Clinton's 3rd Term?:eusa_whistle:
If it was, many of the problems might have been resolved.
Bill is a tough, intelligent sonofabitch. Barry is a community organizer, aka Basketball Coach.

I kinda agree with this. Obama shoulod have never been elected. He's outclassed. The job is way too deep for him. He wants the perks...but not the responsibility.
This was supposed to be a joint-presser. Obama was a no-show. This guy seems to be falling apart. It's sad.
He seems to lack political nerve. Regardless of the intellect that has had him write two books about....

Ropey sees the mirror and tries to embrace . . . Ropey. What a goofball.
The reason the radical right reactionary agenda-driven wacks here hate Bill and Barack is that they know the two will make the GOP far right leadership look as stupid now as it was from 1996 to 2000. You think they would learn.
LOL, spin spin spin.

After the historic midterm ass kicking for the Democrat party, the only thing the people will see with the Obambam and Billy boy Clinton, is we are now watching a twilight zone movie or a damn comedy routine.

my gawd, it was the lamest thing I have seen a President do.
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Stephanie, we all of course accept your comments as definitive. You witless moron.
LOL, spin spin spin.

After the historic midterm ass kicking for the Democrat party, the only thing the people will see with the Obambam and Billy boy Clinton, is we are now watching a twilight zone movie.

my gawd, it was the lamest thing I have seen a President do.

First Black President...first to defer to a former POTUS.

What a fucking trendsetter Bam-Bam is! What a thrill going up my leg!:lol:

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