Obama compares Gulf spill to September 11

Skull Pilot said:
The question we should be asking is why didn't Obama suspend the Jones Act and accept the very aid that would have lessened this disaster?

Strangely enough, once more having to plow through every right wing blog for 3 pages on Google for some decent background INFORMATION on this subject, lo and behold I found it in the Fox News report.

Jones Act Slowing Oil Spill Cleanup?
Posted By Brian Wilson On June 10, 2010 @ 5:41 PM In Natural Disaster, U.S. | Comments Disabled

Foreign companies possessing some of the world’s most advanced oil skimming ships say they are being kept out of efforts to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf because of a 1920’s law known as the Jones Act -- a protectionist law that requires vessels working in US waters be built in the US and be crewed by US workers.

Joseph Carafano of the Heritage Foundation has been studying the matter and wonders, “Are we accepting all the international assistance in the maritime domain that we can, and is the Jones Act an impediment to that?”

The Coast Guard and the Administration are quick to point out that some foreign technology is being used in the current cleanup effort. Including:

- Canada’s offer of 3,000 meters of containment boom

- Three sets of COSEQ sweeping arms from the Dutch

- Mexico’s offer of two skimmers and 4200 meters of boom

- Norway’s offer of 8 skimming systems

But that is largely technology transferred to US vessels. Some of the best clean up ships – owned by Belgian, Dutch and the Norwegian firms are NOT being used. Coast Guard Lt. Commander, Chris O’Neil, says that is because they do not meet “the operational requirements of the Unified Area Command.” One of those operational requirements is that vessels comply with the Jones Act. [My comment: How long would it take for those ships to arrive?]

"Yes, it does apply,” said ONeil,“ I have heard no discussions of waivers.”

Waivers to the Jones Act were granted by the administration of George W. Bush in the days following hurricane Katrina. And today, the Obama White House said waivers might again be considered.

“If there is the need for any type of waiver, that would obviously be granted,” said White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs. “But, we've not had that problem thus far.”

Democratic Senator Bill Nelson is not so sure about that. He’s hearing from the folks back home in Florida, where they want all the skimmer ships they can get. He sent a letter to Admiral Thad Allen today which read in part:

“Admiral, I believe the orange mousse of oil that is now in Florida’s waters is more than enough evidence that we need to take advantage of every appropriate global resource. Please advise as to whether we are taking full advantage of the offers of assistance from other countries.”

When asked about this by Fox News, Admiral Allen said, “If it gets to the point where a Jones Act waiver is required, we're willing to do that too. Nobody has come to me with a request for a Jones Act waiver.”

After 50 plus days of oil flowing freely into the gulf, the question could be asked: Why do effective and proven foreign clean up ships remain on the sidelines? Carafano believes it may have something to do with the Obama administration’s close relationship with labor unions.

“Cause this is a big thing for unions,” Carafano said. “The unions see it as … protecting jobs. They hate when the Jones Act gets waived, and they pound on politicians when they do that. So … are we giving in to unions and not doing everything we can, or is there some kind of impediment that we don't know about?

[My comment: But of course you'd think that. Perhaps Obama should suspend the Davis-Bacon Act as Bush did with the Katrina cleanup so that the lowest paid people get those jobs.]

If the Obama Administration needs an example of what can happen when global assets are allowed to tackle a massive oil spill, they need look no further than Saudi Aramco’s clean up of a massive wartime spill off the Kuwaiti coast in 1991. Aramco summoned every available ship to assist in the cleanup. The company claims it recovered 900,000 barrels of oil in roughly three months. The industry views that effort as the gold standard in oil spill cleanups.

Liveshots Jones Act Slowing Oil Spill Cleanup? Print

There's also a consideration nobody seems to be thinking about and that's if we give prompt and easy access to any ship to enter the gulf, what guarantees would we have that they would not carry out a terrorist attack once in position? I can actually hear THAT as being future noise from the right wing if in fact the Jones Act IS lifted. They are never satisfied. What the hell.

Of course t here is that possibility which is why you lift the ban and park a US Navy warship somewhere in the vicinity , then you screen ships before you let them in the zone and warn them that if it appears they are doing anything other than helping clean up this mess they will be blown out of the water.

Well I'm sure they wouldn't just do nothing and wave them on through. I just put that out there as a consideration. There are hundreds of checks and balances before calling in foreign countries and/or foreign operated businesses to come to our shores on the spur of the moment.
Don't call this disaster Obama's Katrina. Obama says it's like 9/11.

Sorry Mr. President, but I don't think that a terrorist act that killed over 3,000 innocent people can be compared to an accidental oil spill.

But he's not going to miss the chance to make this political. He's going to turn it into a bill that will kill the energy industry.

Obama Compares Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill to 9/11 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Rick D.

BHO said an "environmental 9-11", and it certainly is that. Quit politicizing the disaster, moron.

Obama already politicized the disaster with his remark.

Gee, another liberal resorting to name calling.

Yeah, only liberals do that on this board, noob. :lol:
Remember when the left was accusing Bush of using 9/11 all the time?

Now look at what they say with the Obama using it.

this man has absolutely no shame, morals, no friggen clue or cares about the American people and 9/11.

we will see tonight he is going to use this spill to PUSH another commie agenda of his off on us. CAP AND TAX.

the only good thing about this, is it will HURT the lefties pocketbooks along with the rest of us.
Strangely enough, once more having to plow through every right wing blog for 3 pages on Google for some decent background INFORMATION on this subject, lo and behold I found it in the Fox News report.

Jones Act Slowing Oil Spill Cleanup?
Posted By Brian Wilson On June 10, 2010 @ 5:41 PM In Natural Disaster, U.S. | Comments Disabled

Foreign companies possessing some of the world’s most advanced oil skimming ships say they are being kept out of efforts to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf because of a 1920’s law known as the Jones Act -- a protectionist law that requires vessels working in US waters be built in the US and be crewed by US workers.

Joseph Carafano of the Heritage Foundation has been studying the matter and wonders, “Are we accepting all the international assistance in the maritime domain that we can, and is the Jones Act an impediment to that?”

The Coast Guard and the Administration are quick to point out that some foreign technology is being used in the current cleanup effort. Including:

- Canada’s offer of 3,000 meters of containment boom

- Three sets of COSEQ sweeping arms from the Dutch

- Mexico’s offer of two skimmers and 4200 meters of boom

- Norway’s offer of 8 skimming systems

But that is largely technology transferred to US vessels. Some of the best clean up ships – owned by Belgian, Dutch and the Norwegian firms are NOT being used. Coast Guard Lt. Commander, Chris O’Neil, says that is because they do not meet “the operational requirements of the Unified Area Command.” One of those operational requirements is that vessels comply with the Jones Act. [My comment: How long would it take for those ships to arrive?]

"Yes, it does apply,” said ONeil,“ I have heard no discussions of waivers.”

Waivers to the Jones Act were granted by the administration of George W. Bush in the days following hurricane Katrina. And today, the Obama White House said waivers might again be considered.

“If there is the need for any type of waiver, that would obviously be granted,” said White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs. “But, we've not had that problem thus far.”

Democratic Senator Bill Nelson is not so sure about that. He’s hearing from the folks back home in Florida, where they want all the skimmer ships they can get. He sent a letter to Admiral Thad Allen today which read in part:

“Admiral, I believe the orange mousse of oil that is now in Florida’s waters is more than enough evidence that we need to take advantage of every appropriate global resource. Please advise as to whether we are taking full advantage of the offers of assistance from other countries.”

When asked about this by Fox News, Admiral Allen said, “If it gets to the point where a Jones Act waiver is required, we're willing to do that too. Nobody has come to me with a request for a Jones Act waiver.”

After 50 plus days of oil flowing freely into the gulf, the question could be asked: Why do effective and proven foreign clean up ships remain on the sidelines? Carafano believes it may have something to do with the Obama administration’s close relationship with labor unions.

“Cause this is a big thing for unions,” Carafano said. “The unions see it as … protecting jobs. They hate when the Jones Act gets waived, and they pound on politicians when they do that. So … are we giving in to unions and not doing everything we can, or is there some kind of impediment that we don't know about?

[My comment: But of course you'd think that. Perhaps Obama should suspend the Davis-Bacon Act as Bush did with the Katrina cleanup so that the lowest paid people get those jobs.]

If the Obama Administration needs an example of what can happen when global assets are allowed to tackle a massive oil spill, they need look no further than Saudi Aramco’s clean up of a massive wartime spill off the Kuwaiti coast in 1991. Aramco summoned every available ship to assist in the cleanup. The company claims it recovered 900,000 barrels of oil in roughly three months. The industry views that effort as the gold standard in oil spill cleanups.

Liveshots Jones Act Slowing Oil Spill Cleanup? Print

There's also a consideration nobody seems to be thinking about and that's if we give prompt and easy access to any ship to enter the gulf, what guarantees would we have that they would not carry out a terrorist attack once in position? I can actually hear THAT as being future noise from the right wing if in fact the Jones Act IS lifted. They are never satisfied. What the hell.

Of course t here is that possibility which is why you lift the ban and park a US Navy warship somewhere in the vicinity , then you screen ships before you let them in the zone and warn them that if it appears they are doing anything other than helping clean up this mess they will be blown out of the water.

Well I'm sure they wouldn't just do nothing and wave them on through. I just put that out there as a consideration. There are hundreds of checks and balances before calling in foreign countries and/or foreign operated businesses to come to our shores on the spur of the moment.

Oh , I agree with that, but some common sense can surely be applied to, obviously a Danish ship probably doesn't need 2 months of studying to determine if they are safe the way a ship from say Iran would. Let's remember this was completely unforeseen, it's almost inconceivable to believe that Al Queda could have reacted fast enough to get terrorists on board a Dutch ship and had it parked off the Gulf 3 days after the incident ready to take advantage of a Jones Act waiver.
Here's what he REALLY said, FYI


Not exactly the same as is being characterized by the POTUS haters, is it?

In fact, what he said is probably right on the money

If the BP Gulf disaster turns out as badly as it appears it will, it will likely radically alter our thinking about the environment and our energy policy.

I have to give kudos to the right wing noise machine for constantly maintaining a daily talking point. They are experts are picking apart anything Obama says and choosing just the right out-of-context word or phrase that they can pile it on even more. Their audience is so fucking gullible it makes me sick.

OH give it up, like the left wing didn't and don't continue to do so with comments made by BOOSH, Palin, Beck, Rush, etc etc? It's what people do.

Hardly to the extent of the right wing outlets. As I said, I had to go to Page 5 in a Google search of the Jones Act before I got any information other than the talking point criticisms all repeated here. That is par for the course, my friend.

Two of the planets greatest BAFOONS Obama and Biden. Biden, in my opinion, is another horrendous human tragedy, how do these people get where they are?
They get there because WE collectively are a worse human tragedy. We sit back and allow these manipulators rule our lives and do little or nothing to change it.

Let's make Mr. Obama's "CHANGE" rhetoric come true, let's toss them all out when their terms are complete, if they don't destroy the country before, that is. We need a 'Bafoon Clause' in the election laws, so we can get rid of these clowns. That being said, there may be hundreds of openings in government, both local, state and federal.

Any takers in USMB want to run for office?

I'd also advise you to learn to spell an insulting word before you post it. You only look like a bafoon[sic].

I guess I should have used the "BAFOON" instead of typing the correct 'speeeling' of buffoon, it was a joke. But thanks anyway.
I 'gess' I'll have to monitor my'typohs' and 'GRAMUR' yada yada and yada, did I 'speel' that 'wright'?
Scan the rest of my posts and see how many 'typos' I have made in the past.............none if any. Now if the spelling class is over,can we continue on?
BHO said an "environmental 9-11", and it certainly is that. Quit politicizing the disaster, moron.

Obama already politicized the disaster with his remark.

Gee, another liberal resorting to name calling.

Yeah, only liberals do that on this board, noob. :lol:

No ma'am they aren't, BUT the left are quite good about whining about the name calling as some of their brethren are doing the same, rarely see a rightie whining about it, at least not one that's viewed the board and seen some of the things that are posted on here.
Excellent point. Obama proposes revising the tax code in a way that will drive most independent oil and gas producers out of business. Independents drill for and produce 80% of the oil and natural gas in this country. They are mostly comprised of very small family owned companies whose only income is from the oil or gas that is pumped out of the ground.

We should reduce our imports, not reduce our domestic production.

Oil has been our enemy since the Carter administration. It was he who coined the phrases "windfall profits" and "obscene profits". Carter had the opportunity to turn this nation around by calling on U.S. energy producers to lead us to independence from foreign soources of hydrocarbons. Instead, he labeled our countrymen as bandits and proceded to confiscate personal property in the guise of the Windfall Profits Tax.

Excellent post. This is the same mis-guided and frightening logic that Obama uses towards businesses in the USA. He believe capitalists are greedy and evil, the cause of all of America's ills. It's this deranged logic that leads Obama to push and push for spreading the wealth and government control over any and all industries and sectors in America. Obama fails to realize that over 80% of Americans are employed by small businesses, who owned by by hard working Americans barely making a profit. yet Obama pushes and pushes for more taxes, more regulation, more government. Obama is a Socialist without a doubt; this disaster will be used by Obama to force more government regulations and control over the oil industry.

I couldn't agree more Biggles. Mr Obama wants to run the country like a dictatorship and other authoritarian regime without any transparency, I say regimes, since we suddenly seem to have no voice in the direction of America. His plan? Maybe that no 'citizen' will have anything more or less than any other citizen, except of course for these manipulative sob's at the top calling all the shots.

People like Obama like to spout off about the 'greedy' but they themselves are the worse offenders, excellent examples of contradiction, and hypocrite to the end. They are not alone.

You know I once thought you made at least a modicum of common sense in your postings, but now you've just decided to take the low road and regurgitate projections based on idiotic, inaccurate and non-factual perceptions. You've joined the lunatic fringe. Congratulations.
Stephanie accurately describes herself in her own words: "[I have] absolutely no shame, morals, no friggen clue or cares about the American people and 9/11.
I have to give kudos to the right wing noise machine for constantly maintaining a daily talking point. They are experts are picking apart anything Obama says and choosing just the right out-of-context word or phrase that they can pile it on even more. Their audience is so fucking gullible it makes me sick.

OH give it up, like the left wing didn't and don't continue to do so with comments made by BOOSH, Palin, Beck, Rush, etc etc? It's what people do.

Hardly to the extent of the right wing outlets. As I said, I had to go to Page 5 in a Google search of the Jones Act before I got any information other than the talking point criticisms all repeated here. That is par for the course, my friend.

I invite you to go read any of the myriad of Beck threads in the media forum then get back to me with who spins things. It's beyond crazy, Beck will say the most innocuous thing and here they come with "beck called obama a nazi" Quite amusing, but sad at the same time.

I'll tell you the truth Maggie, I don't think it's because they are spinning, I think it's because they simply don't have the ability to think for themselves. at all. Goes back to my statement of fact that most Americans are in fact idiots. Neither side is ever completely right and neither side is ever completely wrong, and anyone who says differently is a fool.
Conhog, you, by your own definition of idiot, rate right there with Gautama, namvet, and Dr. House.
Stephanie accurately describes herself in her own words: "[I have] absolutely no shame, morals, no friggen clue or cares about the American people and 9/11.

oh goody, the Jakey is back with attacking me again.
I felt so left out there for awhile.:lol:
Conhog, you, by your own definition of idiot, rate right there with Gautama, namvet, and Dr. House.

First, I didn't define idiot, I simply said most are. So your claim that I defined anything is baseless.

Second, what , in your estimation, makes me ad idiot?
yeah follow JakeStarkey

Never, as long as we continue to vote while we're in a complete stupor, wondering who is going to win, Dancing of the Stars, Lost, and other mundane nonsense, it seems many in this country are more interested in this BS than who is going to ruin their lives in their next term as our 'leaders'.

I watched both of those shows, but I'm abundantly informed on the issues too. So what do you think McTwitter would have done in this position if he had been elected?

An interesting question. I believe the most important difference is McCain would have been a LOT more sympathetic about the situation than Obama has been. Like him or not , no one can deny that McCain cares about people.

I also believe he wold have acted faster in bringing in some of the private ideas to clean up this mess, instead of watching the oil leak for 2 months while the problem was "studied."

[Sigh...] The loony fringe must be passing out a new Kool-aide flavor today. You too? I thought you at least READ updated news reports and wouldn't resort to a viral talking point that's easily a month old (they just add a few days onto it).
worst terrorist act vs worst environmental disaster

Exactly. The long-range comparison can be summarized:

911 attacks:

Immediate response to save lives, enormous cleanup of the debris, then improve the vicinity of Ground Zero and set plan in motion to rebuild WTC.

Ongoing response results in counterterrorism becoming a top priority.

Gulf oil disaster:

Immediate response to save lives, enormous effort to stop the gush and simultaneously try to minimize the effects on land and wildlife.

Ongoing reponse will result in environmental safety and protection becoming a top priority.

Immediate response is to save lives? Tell me just whose lives were being saved? If you want to compare 911 to an environmental disaster the Union Carbide leak in Bhopal, India would be a better comparison. The gas leak killed at least 4.000 local residents instantly and caused health problems such as oedema for at least 50.000 to perhaps 500.000 people. These health problems killed around 15.000 more victims in the years that followed. Approximately 100.000 people still suffer from chronic disease consequential to gas exposure, today. Research conducted by the BBC in 2004 pointed out that this pollution still causes people to fall ill, and ten more die every year.

Or how about the Russian nuclear power plant explosion in Chernobyl, the Italian dioxin crisis, the 1952 London smog disaster, the Love Canal chemical waste dump, the Baia Mare cyanide spill, the European BSE crisis, the Spanish waste water spill, or the Three Mile Island near nuclear disaster.

This oil leak will be stopped and the environment will recover. And I find it highly unlikely that any human deaths will result from the oil leak in the future.

Read more: Environmental disasters

Still waiting on you to answer the question posed to you Maggiedumbshit!

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