Obama carries on Marxist tradition with abortion policies


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The Bolsheviks advocated abortion. It was one of the first things they legalized. By the early 1920s, Bolshevik Russia had the most liberal abortion policies in the world. And what happened? Just like divorce, abortion exploded. In fact, the proliferation in abortions was so bad that it shocked even Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger during a trip to Russia in 1934. By the 1970s, when America was just getting around to legalizing abortion, the Soviet Union was averaging over 7 million abortions per year — dwarfing the very worst rates in America post-Roe v. Wade. The direct effect of this on the Russian population has been staggering.
For the record, Russia’s horrific abortion rates are common in communist countries, which to this day lead the world in abortions….
As to President Obama, he is far and away the most radical supporter of abortion ever to step in the White House… [from] forcing all taxpayers to fund abortion drugs (with no religious exemption), to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund embryonic research, and on and on….
Overall, Barack Obama’s support of gay marriage and abortion constitute an undermining of the historical, fundamental understanding of the human family. And that, too, is quintessentially Marxist/communist."

Obama carries on Marxist tradition with abortion policies | Jill Stanek
In the Communist Manifesto, Marx several times wrote openly of the "abolition of the family" and of communism abolishing "eternal truths" and "all religion, and all morality." "The communist revolution is the most radical rupture with traditional relations," Marx affirmed. "ts development involves the most radical rupture with traditional ideas." Marx knew how shockingly revolutionary this was. He wrote: "Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists."
Marx practiced what he preached. He was a terrible father who caused tremendous discord in his family. As the family nearly starved, and as Marx's long-suffering wife neared the breaking point, Marx began an affair with the family's young nursemaid, whom he impregnated. When the child was born, Marx refused to acknowledge its existence and his paternity.
Marx's disciples, of course, happily followed in his footsteps."

Articles: Obama and the Marxist/Communist View of Marriage and Abortion
"As to President Obama, he is far and away the most radical supporter of abortion ever to step in the White House. This audience needs no proof of that, from Obama forcing all taxpayers to fund abortion drugs (with no religious exemption), to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund embryonic research, and on and on. Even before all of that, this was a man who as U.S. senator had co-sponsored the Freedom of Choice Act, the most extreme piece of pro-abortion legislation ever in America; who in a 2007 speech to Planned Parenthood hailed America's largest abortion provider as a "safety net"; and who as a state senator in Illinois repeatedly refused to provide mandatory health care for babies who somehow survived abortion procedures. (These babies apparently were not part of Obana's vision for mandatory health care.)"

Articles: Obama and the Marxist/Communist View of Marriage and Abortion
As to President Obama, he is far and away the most radical supporter of abortion ever to step in the White House…

That’s interesting, as it must mean that Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and GHWB were/are all Marxists as well.

Each of those presidents appointed justices to the Supreme Court who made up the Casey majority affirming the right to privacy, keeping abortion legal.

All five justices republicans, all five appointed by republican presidents.

Imagine that.
What would the American public do for the labeling of American presidents if not for Marx and Hitler? Before Marx and Hitler the only thing we could call our presidnts was king, like King Andrew Jackson the First. But even having the labels communist or fascist some presidents were so weak and useless that no one even bothered to call them communists or fascists, they were simply ignored by the American people. To have our presidents called communist or fascist at least means they are doing something to rile up some people.
As to President Obama, he is far and away the most radical supporter of abortion ever to step in the White House…

That’s interesting, as it must mean that Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and GHWB were/are all Marxists as well.

Each of those presidents appointed justices to the Supreme Court who made up the Casey majority affirming the right to privacy, keeping abortion legal.

All five justices republicans, all five appointed by republican presidents.

Imagine that.

Mittens is - was pro-equal rights for all American women too.

Ayn Rand was also in favor of women controlling their own bodies and was VERY pro-abortion.

So, Ayn Rand and Mittens are also Marxist/Commie and what ever other isms you want throw around?

And, of course, Paul Ryan, who carries a dog whistle with him at all times, kneels at the alter of Ayn Rand.

kosher girl, you are very "knee-jerk" in your beliefs. You don't seem to give much thought to anything at all except that you are dead set against equal rights for all Americans. You and other pubpots should try thinking for yourself. You really don't need Ayn Rand or Mittens The Idiot to tell you what to think. Think for yourself.

You can do it if you try.
What would the American public do for the labeling of American presidents if not for Marx and Hitler? Before Marx and Hitler the only thing we could call our presidnts was king, like King Andrew Jackson the First. But even having the labels communist or fascist some presidents were so weak and useless that no one even bothered to call them communists or fascists, they were simply ignored by the American people. To have our presidents called communist or fascist at least means they are doing something to rile up some people.


Remember, in the early days of the internet, when the running joke was that whomever mentioned Hitler first, lost the discussion?

Someone needs to tell the rw's about that.


(Really good post.)
I should print this again, to show the only country to try to ban abortion and birth control was in fact a COMMUNIST country.

Koshy is one of those who thinks that your womb should be property of the state. Just like Romanian Dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu!


In his wisdom dictator Nicolae Ceausescu decided in the mid-1960s that Romania ought to have 25 million people. At the time the population was 19 million. He designated the title "Heroine Mother" for any woman who bore and brought up ten or more children. For seven to nine children a woman won the order of "Maternal Glory." For five or six children she was given the "Maternity Medal."

In their wisdom the mothers of Romania, living in cramped quarters with a poor diet and a declining standard of living, decided that, medals or no medals, they could not support large families. They were having on average less than two children apiece. If that reproduction rate continued, Romania's population would begin to fall.

The pill and the intrauterine device had never been allowed in the country. Other modern means of contraception were essentially unavailable. The women were maintaining their low birth rate with the only option open to them -- abortion, which was legal and available on a walk-in basis at any local clinic for a fee of about $2. In 1966 in Romania there were four abortions for every live birth.

In that year, with no warning, Ceausescu issued Decree No. 770 prohibiting abortion. He did nothing to make contraceptives more available. He was not motivated by concern for families or unborn children; he wanted a larger labor force.

In 1967 the Romanian birth rate doubled. Then it started dropping. Within ten years it was nearly as low as it had been before, though there had been no change in policy.

And wait for it, it gets better!

I was in Romania in 1977 as a speaker on world population issues. I was warned that I could talk about the population policy of any country of the world except Romania. Government representatives were with me at all times to see that I followed those directions. But I was determined to learn how Romanian women were controlling their birth rate, when every means of control had been denied them.

Finally, at a crowded party, with my official spies momentarily out of hearing range, I had an opportunity to find out. I was talking to the head of obstetrics at a major Bucharest hospital. I told him I wondered how the birth rate had fallen, and then I asked, "What has happened to your maternal mortality rate?"

He looked straight at me. He got my drift. "It has become very, very high," he said with great sadness. In nearly every country women who die of complications from abortion, legal or illegal, are listed in health statistics as maternal mortalities. Later I saw some actual figures. As the birth rate came down in Romania after Decree 770, the maternal mortality rate tripled.
Can you say "I've never learned a thing from history, nope....."
What would the American public do for the labeling of American presidents if not for Marx and Hitler? Before Marx and Hitler the only thing we could call our presidnts was king, like King Andrew Jackson the First. But even having the labels communist or fascist some presidents were so weak and useless that no one even bothered to call them communists or fascists, they were simply ignored by the American people. To have our presidents called communist or fascist at least means they are doing something to rile up some people.


Remember, in the early days of the internet, when the running joke was that whomever mentioned Hitler first, lost the discussion?

Someone needs to tell the rw's about that.


(Really good post.)

Seriously, whoever brings up history when it appears that it may be on the verge of repeating itself loses the discussion? Interesting. I suppose the left doesn't believe that human nature is such that people often do repeat the mistakes of the past.

It is amazing that Hitler had so many followers because he was great at speeches. Even when there were many signs that revealed who he really was, there was little opposition. I'd like to think people are less gullible today, but it doesn't appear that way.
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The majority isn't like that.

Just the lefty extremists.

Unfortunately, they over populate our cities and our government and our film industry, so people (including them) think they represent the majority, and the country's "median"...

They don't.
The majority isn't like that.

Just the lefty extremists.

Unfortunately, they over populate our cities and our government and our film industry, so people (including them) think they represent the majority, and the country's "median"...

They don't.

Abortions are like lawyers... everyone thinks they are terrible until they need one.

^^^^^^American-hating, Marxist, baby-killing, terrorist sympathizing garbage
The majority isn't like that.

Just the lefty extremists.

Unfortunately, they over populate our cities and our government and our film industry, so people (including them) think they represent the majority, and the country's "median"...

They don't.

Abortions are like lawyers... everyone thinks they are terrible until they need one.

^^^^^^American-hating, Marxist, baby-killing, terrorist sympathizing garbage

I've known enough "good Catholic School girls" who took trips to the abortion clinic to know this to be true. Sorry your reality interface ceases to function.

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