Obama Can't Tell The Truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

After throwing a pitch to open the game that looked like a right-hander throwing left-handed, President Obama joined the announcers in the broadcast booth and was asked why he wore a Nationals jacket but insisted on wearing White Sox hat. He said he was just a kid from the South side of Chicago. I'm not sure what that means...but looking up the Chicago South side all I got was stories about shootings and killings. Just about anyone from Chicago will tell you that infers that they are a White Sox fan. At least maybe that was the image Obama wanted us to get from it.

Obama was shown replays of his pitch that he himself described as "A little high. A little high and outside". Most of the first inning Obama spent complaining about how "heartbreaking" it was that he couldn't make a good throw when it counted. To top it off the announcers mildly chided him about wearing a White Sox cap instead of supporting the home team.

Then one of the Nationals announcers made the mistake of asking him if he could name any White Sox players.....and Obama answered the question like it was a question on taxes. After hyming and hawing for a bit he said "Well the truth is...since I've been in Chicago I've been a Cubs fan." Folks...he couldn't name one player and the announcer by mistake discovered Obama was lying about who he really supported.

Hint.....don't ask me the names of any Cubs players bub or the IRS is gonna be pounding on your door.

If this guy can't be honest about the little things...how in the hell can we expect him to be honest about the important things?

Obama joined Rev. Wrights church to establish street cred....and claiming to be from the South side seems to indicate a certain street awareness. Maybe it's Obama's way of trying to show he's one of the folks...the downtrodden, not some Harvard grad who never had it rough. He's trying to be someone he's not. He may have heard about the South side of Chicago but did he actually live there and walk the streets of that rough area?

I know to a lib this seems like a small thing...sure it's silly and if any read this they'll say that it's all about nothing. Problem is this kind of thing is what you expect from Obama. But for many of us integrity is very important. This character flaw is the very reason why everyone is learning that he cannot be trusted. It reminds me of Hillary and her sniper fire story and her claim of being a Yankees fan when she really was a Cubs fan. Isn't one of the reasons she lost to Obama? Her problems with the truth?

How can someone who hates Bush for lying about WMDs support a man that cannot be honest about anything? How can we trust him when he says his health care program won't raise our taxes. Now that it's passed all we're hearing is that the Tea-Party is a radical racist organization and we need to focus on that instead of all of the statements being made by Obama economic advisers about a new Value Added Tax (VAT) a Carbon Tax and a new program to go after overseas assets that belong to wealthy Americans.

Folks....a value added tax is going to effect the price of everything. Count on costs going up at least 25%. Can you afford a 25% automatic reduction in pay right now? Well that's what this White House is talking about. So regardless what this President says....can you trust him? I can't. Problem with lies is they grow bigger once you tell them. One lie leads to another and another...and so-on.

Over a year after Obama became President many still refuse to look at what this guy is. Well maybe it's because none of us has ever seen the real Barrack Obama. I'm not comfortable with that. I want to know who's leading this country...not some enigma.

Obama "high and outside" with baseball first pitch: Rediff Sports
Barack Obama: The opacity of hope - Joan Walsh - Salon.com
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Got to face it....

Obama throws like a girl. Fortunately, he has six more years as President to work on it
And the pitch was high and way to the left.

Go figure

Our Progressive in Chief can't even throw a ball down the center.
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Don't you CON$ know there isn't a word to describe the disgust for you people who politicize everything?

April 6, 2010
RUSH: After Obama threw out the first pitch yesterday at the Nationals game -- by the way, I had a friend of mine in Kansas City send me a note that said, "There's nobody that throws like that. I mean that was so bad! Nobody throws like that. Not even a girl throws like that." My friend's theory is that Obama was going out there for a laugh, making fun of the way girls throw 'cause nobody has that throwing motion. The pitch itself was a high fly ball to the plate and it would have been over the head of a left-handed batter.

April 7, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I don't have a word to describe my disgust for these people. Every damn thing that happens gets politicized. I tell you what, folks, they are purposely dividing this country to create the chaos and the unrest that exists.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal
Don't you CON$ know there isn't a word to describe the disgust for you people who politicize everything?

April 6, 2010
RUSH: After Obama threw out the first pitch yesterday at the Nationals game -- by the way, I had a friend of mine in Kansas City send me a note that said, "There's nobody that throws like that. I mean that was so bad! Nobody throws like that. Not even a girl throws like that." My friend's theory is that Obama was going out there for a laugh, making fun of the way girls throw 'cause nobody has that throwing motion. The pitch itself was a high fly ball to the plate and it would have been over the head of a left-handed batter.

April 7, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I don't have a word to describe my disgust for these people. Every damn thing that happens gets politicized. I tell you what, folks, they are purposely dividing this country to create the chaos and the unrest that exists.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

sheesh...are you the pot or the kettle?

I laugh at you because you get so worked up over anyone speaking out against your beloved Obama, but you can bitch moan and complain all you want about Bush.

Way to go, hack. Your dumbass is showing.
Don't you CON$ know there isn't a word to describe the disgust for you people who politicize everything?

April 6, 2010
RUSH: After Obama threw out the first pitch yesterday at the Nationals game -- by the way, I had a friend of mine in Kansas City send me a note that said, "There's nobody that throws like that. I mean that was so bad! Nobody throws like that. Not even a girl throws like that." My friend's theory is that Obama was going out there for a laugh, making fun of the way girls throw 'cause nobody has that throwing motion. The pitch itself was a high fly ball to the plate and it would have been over the head of a left-handed batter.

April 7, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I don't have a word to describe my disgust for these people. Every damn thing that happens gets politicized. I tell you what, folks, they are purposely dividing this country to create the chaos and the unrest that exists.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

sheesh...are you the pot or the kettle?

I laugh at you because you get so worked up over anyone speaking out against your beloved Obama, but you can bitch moan and complain all you want about Bush.

Way to go, hack. Your dumbass is showing.
I rarely mention Bush and I never get worked up over Obama. Obama doesn't like Cynics either. If you recall he has numerous times made examples of Cynics, like in his inauguration and state of the union speeches as well as a number of other minor speeches.

I merely expose CON$ervoFascist lies or hypocrisy. If they happen to involve Obama or Bush it is only because you CON$ brought them up.

My main target, as you well know, is your MessiahRushie because that gets you DittoTards worked up into a lather, which I enjoy immensely. :lol:
Don't you CON$ know there isn't a word to describe the disgust for you people who politicize everything?

April 6, 2010
RUSH: After Obama threw out the first pitch yesterday at the Nationals game -- by the way, I had a friend of mine in Kansas City send me a note that said, "There's nobody that throws like that. I mean that was so bad! Nobody throws like that. Not even a girl throws like that." My friend's theory is that Obama was going out there for a laugh, making fun of the way girls throw 'cause nobody has that throwing motion. The pitch itself was a high fly ball to the plate and it would have been over the head of a left-handed batter.

April 7, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I don't have a word to describe my disgust for these people. Every damn thing that happens gets politicized. I tell you what, folks, they are purposely dividing this country to create the chaos and the unrest that exists.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

sheesh...are you the pot or the kettle?

I laugh at you because you get so worked up over anyone speaking out against your beloved Obama, but you can bitch moan and complain all you want about Bush.

Way to go, hack. Your dumbass is showing.
I rarely mention Bush and I never get worked up over Obama. Obama doesn't like Cynics either. If you recall he has numerous times made examples of Cynics, like in his inauguration and state of the union speeches as well as a number of other minor speeches.

I merely expose CON$ervoFascist lies or hypocrisy. If they happen to involve Obama or Bush it is only because you CON$ brought them up.

My main target, as you well know, is your MessiahRushie because that gets you DittoTards worked up into a lather, which I enjoy immensely. :lol:

Obama IS a cynic. The way he sneers at his detractors....whines constantly about what they say or do....Obama is the Cynic In Chief.
We're not real happy about it in Chicago, either. :lol:

Obama swings and misses at Sox lore - Chicago Tribune

Obama swings and misses at Sox lore
Blame Rahm Emanuel for team’s No. 1 fan dropping the ball during interview
April 07, 2010|By John Kass
What's happening to President Barack Obama, America's No. 1 White Sox fan, is just absolutely terrible.

OK, sure, the poor guy committed a grievous baseball sin. But now he's taking a beating, the kind Cubs ace Carlos Zambrano would give his own catcher, or maybe his manager.

It almost reminds me of the time CBS' Katie Couric sweetly asked Sarah Palin what she liked to read. Palin drew a blank and reporters never let her live it down....
Obama seems to exaggerate everything.

I'm watching his speech in Prague I could swear I just heard him claim that he was signing a treaty that reduces nukes by "roughly half".


700 from 2200 equals 1500.

Looks like he's reducing our arsenal closer to one third.

I guess Obama flunked math or he can't stop exaggerating.
Obama Can't Tell The Truth

I thought that was stock-in-trade for the vast majority of politicians regardless of political persuasion.

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