Obama Campaign Says GOP Blocking Jobs Bill--After Reid Blocks Jobs Bill


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama stuck his foot in his mouth again.

The Obama campaign sent out an email today asking supporters to urge Congress to at least vote on the president’s jobs bill almost immediately after Democratic majority leader Harry Reid blocked a vote on the bill in the Senate.

On the Senate floor today, Republican leader Mitch McConnell asked for unanimous consent to proceed on voting on the bill. Reid, who has struggled to find enough votes for the bill in the Democratic caucus, objected to the motion and killed the opportunity for a vote.

About ten minutes later, Jim Messina, Obama’s 2012 campaign manager, emailed this message to supporters:

President Obama is in Dallas today urging Americans who support the American Jobs Act to demand that Congress pass it already.

Though it's been nearly a month since he laid out this plan, House Republicans haven't acted to pass it. And House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is out there actually bragging that they won't even put the jobs package up for a vote -- ever.

It's not clear which part of the bill they now object to: building roads, hiring teachers, getting veterans back to work. They're willing to block the American Jobs Act -- and they think you won't do anything about it.

But here's something you can do: Find Republican members of Congress on Twitter, call them out, and demand they pass this bill.

So will the Obama campaign be asking its supporters to "call out" Harry Reid and "demand" he and Senate Democrats pass the bill?

Obama Campaign Says GOP Blocking Jobs Bill--After Reid Blocks Jobs Bill | The Weekly Standard

The Liar in Chief is at it again. I wonder how many people will believe his bullshit this time?
Of course it's a SET UP..

Obama isn't a President, I think he is actually a robot who can be programmed to be a IDIOT, I guess he figures the People haven't figured him out yet and CAN'T SEE through his BS.

He takes us people for FOOLS.
Of course it's a SET UP..

Obama isn't a President, I think he is actually a robot who can be programmed to be a IDIOT, I guess he figures the People haven't figured him out yet and CAN'T SEE through his BS.

He takes us people for FOOLS.

Obama is the President for people who don't want to be decent, honest, fair, or responsible. Some people love him because in their minds he fucks with the GOP. That's a good thing to them.

According to Obama and his followers the facts are simply a matter of opinion. :eusa_angel:


Obama seems to be getting fewer and fewer whites at these gatherings.

I remember the days when all he had behind him in his town halls was whites in the stands. Now it's almost all blacks.

Historically a majority of blacks will vote for a coked up butt-reaming shit-for-brains before they'll vote for someone of another race. It's a real shame...but they get the government they want in every case. Just ask Detroit and New Orleans.
R.I.P. - Obama jobs bill

Rick Moran

Not even Democrats are willing to advance this turkey of a bill.


President Barack Obama's job-creation package effectively fell to pieces on Monday as a top Republican lawmaker said the House of Representatives will only pass portions of the $447 billion measure.

As Obama continued to press lawmakers for a vote on his signature legislation, Representative Eric Cantor, the No. 2 House Republican, said that was not going to happen.

Asked if the bill as a complete package was dead, Cantor said: "Yes."

The bill appeared to be in trouble in the Democratic-controlled Senate as well, where aides from both parties said it will likely fail when it comes up for a vote later this month.

Monday's developments made plain what many analysts have believed for weeks -- that Washington is too divided to take any significant steps to lower the 9.1 percent unemployment rate before the 2012 congressional and presidential elections.

"At this point I think that Washington has become so dysfunctional that we've got to start focusing on the incremental progress we can make," Cantor said. "Both sides want to do the big, bold things -- the problem is they look vastly different."

"Nobody is all that excited about the president's jobs bill," said a senior Democratic aide. And that's the bottom line. The president has spent the last month barnstorming the country trying to whip up support for the bill and not even many in his own party are willing to walk the plank with him.

Missouri senator Claire McCaskill refused to be seen with Obama during a trip the president took to her state last week. She is in an uphill re-election fight and wisely decided to avoid contact with "Typhoid Barry." Expect more Democrats to follow suit as the campaign season wears on.

Blog: R.I.P. - Obama jobs bill
So the scenario is falling apart.......but Obama in his usual tone-deaf manner is continuing with the game plan as long as he can.

Maybe somebody will believe it he thinks. :cuckoo:
I notice the left is curiously absent from this thread.
I guess they have nithing to add.....even they see the irony in what Obama said when he mislead the audience watching him.
Reid: I Can't Get Unanimous Support From Dems To Use The Bathroom, Let Alone For Obama's Jobs Bill | TPMDC

He is doing his job by trying to get the votes he needs to pass it.

Unlike you guys some people are actually trying to get things done to help the American people

if one needs to "try to get the votes" then the bill itself needs to be revised.

Or do you believe the best way for our congress to work is to bribe congresspeople to vote for something they dont feel comfortable with?
Yep. Noticed that.

Barry has as much trouble with his Dems as the Reps. Took Pelosi and Reid 18 months to bribe and threaten the Dems to pass the HC bill. Hell. They had a SUPERMAJORITY and all.

Guess those Dems up for re-election are more concerned with their cushy jobs than Barry Boys agenda.

Wonder if Barry will be calling his Dems out like he calls out the Reps??

Kinda doubt it. Musn't showcase dissent in the ranks after all.
Obama's "Jobs Bill" was never anything more than a stage prop. We waited all that time for Barry to come out with his solution to the nation's unemployment problem and then he gave us something he knew had zero chance of being passed because it was simply a watered down version of his original "stimulus plan" that didn't create jobs two and a half years ago.

There are over 14 million people on unemployment right now (a number that in reality is WAY higher than that because so many have just given up even trying to find work) and Barack Obama is playing political games trying to keep his own job rather than admitting that his progressive policies are the reason this recession keeps dragging on.

You have a choice folks...you can vote for Barack Obama in 2012 and we'll continue on with another four years of stagnant economic growth and high unemployment...or you can vote for whoever the Republican nominee is and we can start to turn this situation around.
Barry potentially set himself and fellow Dimocrats up yesterday in Dallas, but he's too stupid to realize it. He not only called out Eric Cantor but challenged him to come to Texas to explain his actions to the people. So if Cantor wants to make them all look stupid all he has to do is release a statement or better yet call a news conference announcing he's more than willing to accept the president's challenge on the condition that Harry Reid too makes the journey since he's holding things up in the Senate.

If Cantor would do it I'd pay just about anything to hear the next conversation between Reid and Obama.
Reid: I Can't Get Unanimous Support From Dems To Use The Bathroom, Let Alone For Obama's Jobs Bill | TPMDC

He is doing his job by trying to get the votes he needs to pass it.

Unlike you guys some people are actually trying to get things done to help the American people

if one needs to "try to get the votes" then the bill itself needs to be revised.

Or do you believe the best way for our congress to work is to bribe congresspeople to vote for something they dont feel comfortable with?
They did it with the healthcare bill. Everything done to get that pos passed was questionable.
The left believes that if they keep lying the lie will eventually be believed as the truth. Eventually the public will come to believe republicans have obstructed the jobs bill.
The left believes that if they keep lying the lie will eventually be believed as the truth. Eventually the public will come to believe republicans have obstructed the jobs bill.
True, the lefts whole agenda is based on lies. Obamaturds whole presidency has been one big lie.
Reid: I Can't Get Unanimous Support From Dem's To Use The Bathroom, Let Alone For Obama's Jobs Bill | TPMDC

He is doing his job by trying to get the votes he needs to pass it.

Unlike you guys some people are actually trying to get things done to help the American people

Are you serious? Doing his job?
The same Harry Reid that has held up the majority of the bills that have been passed all year by the House and he won't even bring them to the floor to be discussed let alone voted on?
That Harry Reid?
I don't call that doing his job. I call that being a dictator of the Senate.

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