Obama Bin Lying: "Blankets & Hugs for Ukraine, & Crimea for Putin!"

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
You want to boil this down to what this is all about? Obama was a scum bag and was a pawn and puppet of both Putin and Islamic Terrorists. Every action he took every dollar he spent, and every action he refused to take always benefited our enemies. The Record speaks for itself.

Compare The Ukraine being Extorted in to firing The Prosecutor Investigating The Democrats soliciting Foreign Countries to produce Propaganda to help them defeat Trump and also investigating Soros and Burisma, and Obama in an open Mic moment inferring to Russia that they could have The Crimea and that he'd do nothing to help The Ukraine but send them blankets, prayers and hugs.

Yet President Trump knowing The Obama Administration was corrupt, and was dealing with Russian Puppets in The Ukraine who all fled to Russia when an Anti-Corruption Administration was elected is being crucified, for wanting to ensure Ukraine was going to clean itself of the Scum and Slime Russia and The Obama Administration left behind before giving them Javeline Missiles which are The DeFacto Russian Tank Killer.

Obama gave blankets and demanded extortion, and he and his cronies profitted from graft and bribery in the Ukraine. Everyone got rich: Pelosi, Kerry, Biden, and McCain.

Trump in contrast donates his salary to charity, his Company, handed over to his children have refused all Foreign Contracts since he was sworn in and he sent Tank Killers to The Ukraine to hold back Russia, while Obama got on his knees and invited them in to his bedroom, most likely to offer a quid pro quo to help him stop Orange Man Bad.

Trump is being harassed because he toppled The Left's False god.



Poroshenko asks Obama for weapons, obtains blankets
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We knew this chit a long time ago lol now add this to your mix too eheh.

Bombshell: Ukraine Indicts Burisma Holdings Owner, Demands Trump Open Probe Into Bidens, Dems

You want to boil this down to what this is all about? Obama was a scum bag and was a pawn and puppet of both Putin and Islamic Terrorists.

So dump's goal is to outdo Obama by kissing putin's ass in public while the Rupublicon party scrambles to get in line to do the same.

You want to boil this down to what this is all about? Obama was a scum bag and was a pawn and puppet of both Putin and Islamic Terrorists.

So dump's goal is to outdo Obama by kissing putin's ass in public while the Rupublicon party scrambles to get in line to do the same.

Yet Putin helped produce The Dirty Dossier to help take down President Trump, and did NOTHING against The Clinton Campaign.

We now know that Dossier was compiled in The Ukraine under the former corrupt Ukraine Government that Obama and his friends were dealing with and getting payments from.

And we know that That Corrupt Ukraine Government which were full of Russian Puppets wanted Clinton to become President.

We know that George Soros and The US Ukraine Embassy tried to interfere with the election of an ANTI-CORRUPTION Government in The Ukraine, and when they were unsuccessful, all of their former Ukrainian friends FLED TO RUSSIA to avoid Corruption Prosecutions.

And here we are 3 years later involved in a farce initiated by the very same corrupt bureaucrats who were involved in The Dirty Dossier and Ukraine Election Interference.
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You want to boil this down to what this is all about? Obama was a scum bag and was a pawn and puppet of both Putin and Islamic Terrorists. Every action he took every dollar he spent, and every action he refused to take always benefited our enemies. The Record speaks for itself.

Compare The Ukraine being Extorted in to firing The Prosecutor Investigating The Democrats soliciting Foreign Countries to produce Propaganda to help them defeat Trump and also investigating Soros and Burisma, and Obama in an open Mic moment inferring to Russia that they could have The Crimea and that he'd do nothing to help The Ukraine but send them blankets, prayers and hugs.

Yet President Trump knowing The Obama Administration was corrupt, and was dealing with Russian Puppets in The Ukraine who all fled to Russia when an Anti-Corruption Administration was elected is being crucified, for wanting to ensure Ukraine was going to clean itself of the Scum and Slime Russia and The Obama Administration left behind before giving them Javeline Missiles which are The DeFacto Russian Tank Killer.

Obama gave blankets and demanded extortion, and he and his cronies profitted from graft and bribery in the Ukraine. Everyone got rich: Pelosi, Kerry, Biden, and McCain.

Trump in contrast donates his salary to charity, his Company, handed over to his children have refused all Foreign Contracts since he was sworn in and he sent Tank Killers to The Ukraine to hold back Russia, while Obama got on his knees and invited them in to his bedroom, most likely to offer a quid pro quo to help him stop Orange Man Bad.

Trump is being harassed because he toppled The Left's False god.



Poroshenko asks Obama for weapons, obtains blankets
Oh my, that "other" party is corrupt as well? Must be an american value.
You want to boil this down to what this is all about? Obama was a scum bag and was a pawn and puppet of both Putin and Islamic Terrorists.

So dump's goal is to outdo Obama by kissing putin's ass in public while the Rupublicon party scrambles to get in line to do the same.

Yet Putin helped produce The Dirty Dossier to help take down President Trump, and did NOTHING against The Clinton Campaign.

We now know that Dossier was compiled in The Ukraine under the former corrupt Ukraine Government that Obama and his friends were dealing with and getting payments from.

And we know that That Corrupt Ukraine Government which were full of Russian Puppets wanted Clinton to become President.
We know we're in Reality America now.
You want to boil this down to what this is all about? Obama was a scum bag and was a pawn and puppet of both Putin and Islamic Terrorists. Every action he took every dollar he spent, and every action he refused to take always benefited our enemies. The Record speaks for itself.

Compare The Ukraine being Extorted in to firing The Prosecutor Investigating The Democrats soliciting Foreign Countries to produce Propaganda to help them defeat Trump and also investigating Soros and Burisma, and Obama in an open Mic moment inferring to Russia that they could have The Crimea and that he'd do nothing to help The Ukraine but send them blankets, prayers and hugs.

Yet President Trump knowing The Obama Administration was corrupt, and was dealing with Russian Puppets in The Ukraine who all fled to Russia when an Anti-Corruption Administration was elected is being crucified, for wanting to ensure Ukraine was going to clean itself of the Scum and Slime Russia and The Obama Administration left behind before giving them Javeline Missiles which are The DeFacto Russian Tank Killer.

Obama gave blankets and demanded extortion, and he and his cronies profitted from graft and bribery in the Ukraine. Everyone got rich: Pelosi, Kerry, Biden, and McCain.

Trump in contrast donates his salary to charity, his Company, handed over to his children have refused all Foreign Contracts since he was sworn in and he sent Tank Killers to The Ukraine to hold back Russia, while Obama got on his knees and invited them in to his bedroom, most likely to offer a quid pro quo to help him stop Orange Man Bad.

Trump is being harassed because he toppled The Left's False god.



Poroshenko asks Obama for weapons, obtains blankets
Oh my, that "other" party is corrupt as well? Must be an ameican value.
No, It's not "as well." The Trump Administration was brought in to END YOUR CORRUPTION.

Everyone expected that The Deep State Swamp was going to fight tooth and nail while they were being thrown out of Washington and that is what is happening now, and it is why America will make sure Trump gets a 2nd term to finish the job and restore America to Americans
I think if this gets to The Senate, Paul Manafort, Gates, and John Podesta should be forced to testify about What Joe, Hunter Biden, Clinton, and Obama were trying to do in The Ukraine, and why they opposed an Anti-Corruption Government.

I think Hunter and Joe Biden should testify, and so should Clinton and Obama, because honestly all of this for the last 3 years is all about what Obama, Clinton, and people like Brennan did in The Ukraine with The US Embassy, Soros and some NGOs and CIA Operatives trying to interfere in The Ukraine Election and our own.
This is just more fight or flight survival by The Democrats who have completely given themselves over to moral and ethical corruption same as The Russian Hoax Investigation.

The real crimes are right there in The Crimea and The Ukraine committed by The Obama Administration and so is The Evidence if we can get to it.

Lastly, the ONLY EVIDENCE in THE UKRAINE of a QUID PRO QUO is JOE BIDEN EXTORTING THE UKRAINE and DEMANDING they fire The Ukraine Prosecutor investigating Soros, Biden, and Burisma.

We knew this chit a long time ago lol now add this to your mix too eheh.
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One wonders when Adam Schiff will run out of "Intelligence Agents" who have ties to Brennan and Clapper to read off 50 page opening statements without being questioned on a single statement.
You want to boil this down to what this is all about? Obama was a scum bag and was a pawn and puppet of both Putin and Islamic Terrorists.

So dump's goal is to outdo Obama by kissing putin's ass in public while the Rupublicon party scrambles to get in line to do the same.

Yet Putin helped produce The Dirty Dossier to help take down President Trump, and did NOTHING against The Clinton Campaign.

We now know that Dossier was compiled in The Ukraine under the former corrupt Ukraine Government that Obama and his friends were dealing with and getting payments from.

And we know that That Corrupt Ukraine Government which were full of Russian Puppets wanted Clinton to become President.
We know we're in Reality America now.
It's going to get REALLY REAL after THE FISA ABUSE REPORT and THE CRIMINAL CASE that is going to come out of THE DURHAM REPORT! This all ties in to THE UKRAINE
~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this pathological liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

Trump is single handedly destroying the republican Party
Putin is dancing with glee​

Trump has told more lies in his first year in office than all the previous Presidents put together

T r u m p ’ s L i e s

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office. Updated: The president is still lying, so we've added to this list, taking it through Nov. 11, and provided links to the facts in each case.

Trump Told Public Lies or Falsehoods Every Day for His First 40 Days than all previous Presidents combined

Trump must be removed from office before he can do more harm. Our founding fathers gave us the tools we needed and now is the time to use them.

Impeach Trump NOW!!!
Last but not least, those here and elsewhere who back trump are traitors to American values and should be deported back to where they came from.
just a suggest from me to you

Then again you could always save yourself by seeing the light & doing the right thing, before it's too late.
~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this pathological liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

Trump is single handedly destroying the republican Party
Putin is dancing with glee​

Trump has told more lies in his first year in office than all the previous Presidents put together

T r u m p ’ s L i e s

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office. Updated: The president is still lying, so we've added to this list, taking it through Nov. 11, and provided links to the facts in each case.

Trump Told Public Lies or Falsehoods Every Day for His First 40 Days than all previous Presidents combined

Trump must be removed from office before he can do more harm. Our founding fathers gave us the tools we needed and now is the time to use them.

Impeach Trump NOW!!!
Last but not least, those here and elsewhere who back trump are traitors to American values and should be deported back to where they came from.
just a suggest from me to you

Then again you could always save yourself by seeing the light & doing the right thing, before it's too late.
The Left and the MSM like to claim Trump is a Nazi sympathizer. All the while they ignore what Ears and the She Devil did in their Ukraine coup, supporting pro Nazi forces.

Is it any wonder millions of Americans are clueless?

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