DOJ IG Hammers FBI, Cites Numerous Issues W/FBI Mis-Management Of SECRET Sources


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DOJ IG Releases The 1st Of Several New Reports Coming Out Hammering the FBI

THIS Report exposes the FBI's failed mis-management of its SECRET SOURCES is uses to conduct investigations and operations...such as their criminal handling of foreign spy Steele and use of known false information he provided as the foundation for their exposed criminal investigation of and illegal spying on President Trump.

"Ineffective management and oversight of confidential sources can result in jeopardizing FBI operations and placing FBI agents, sources, subjects of investigation, and the public in harm's way," Horowitz said in a two-minute video."

Sound familiar? This should be considered 'foreshadowing' of what is to come in the US IG's soon-to-be-publicly-released FISA Court Abuse Report!

Evidence already released, leading to the US IG's and DOJ's (Durham's) investigations into FISA Court abuses and other criminal activity connected to the Obama administration's targeting and illegal spying on both candidate and President Trump, proves the FBI knew Steele would not vouch for the validity of what was in the Dossier, that the State Department testified it informed the FBI Steele was not a trustworthy source of information after lying to them in an interview and had an agenda to hurt Trump's election chances before they used the Dossier in FISA warrant requests, but that the FBI knowingly used the information anyway.

What the US IG cautiously refers to as 'Ineffective Management' is also a conscious choice to used known false data to defraud the FISA Court to illegally spy on candidate and later President Trump.

The US IG report / Horowitz makes it clear that Steele was NOT the ONLY source used by and which the FBI 'ineffectively managed' during the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia':

'Multiple confidential human sources were used in the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, including Cambridge professor Stefan Halper, who met with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos accompanied by a woman posing as his assistant, Azra Turk. Horowitz was looking into whether Halper, who made contact with other Trump campaign officials, exceeded his mandate.'

'British ex-spy Christopher Steele, whose salacious dossier on President Trump was used by the bureau to justify surveillance of the Trump campaign, was also a confidential human source to the FBI. Steele was cut off as an FBI source in November 2016, following the discovery that he had been improperly providing information to journalists while working with them, but he remained in contact with the bureau through a back channel facilitated by Justice Department official Bruce Ohr.'

Despite the State Department telling the FBI Steele was a liar and untrustworthy, despite officially (for show) being cut off as an FB Information source for breaking is contract with the FBI by leaking information to the press as part of his agenda to hurt Trump's election chances, and despite Steele telling the FBI himself that he could / would not stand behind the validity of the information in the Dossier, the FBI still kept him on as a source / operative through a back channel through Ohr and used the information they knew was not confirmed true in FISA Court Warrant Requests!
- Yeah, this was ILLEGAL.

DOJ inspector general finds 'numerous issues' with FBI management of secret sources

The US IG revealed the FBI had / has a 5-year backlog of long-term sources who they no longer knew if they could be trusted or not, who they were not sure who these individuals were working for, sources that needed to be vetted before trusting them to be reliable sources of information.

- Case in Point: Steele was supposed to be working for the FBI; however, Steel was being paid by Hillary Clinton to acquire dirt on Trump to use to affect the 2016 election. Steele was also 'working for himself' - the State Department warned the FBI that Steele was a liar and had a personal agenda of hurting Trump's election chances. Documents and further investigation reports also suggest Steele was 'working for the Russians' - knowingly or not - by providing the Russian-authored Dossier believed in part now to include Russian Counter-Intelligence propaganda that the FBI used as part of their foundation for their FISA Court warrants.

The US IG report states the FBI FAILED TO COMPLY with the US AG's guidelines for reviewing and vetting sources:

"Investigators found the FBI and the Justice Department's review committee failed to comply with attorney general guidelines requiring timely validation. "By not timely reviewing long-term CHSs for continued use, the FBI risks retaining active CHSs who should have been closed for cause," said a press release accompanying the audit."

FYI":The FBI spent an average $42 MILLION PER YEAR on their sources from 2012 - 2018.
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easyt65 how in the hell can get the TDS'ers to ever pay attention to this OP? If they read this it will scare the hell out of them, and they will run from this thread like a freight train passes a tramp...
The IG also found that FBI employees did not thoroughly validate all sources, and, in some cases, FBI employees were DISCOURAGED FROM DOCUMENTING concerning / dis-qualifying issues.

** Again, this is documented in multiple reports od how the State Department conducted an interview with Christopher Steele, one in which he lied to the investigator and exposed his agenda to hurt Trump's election chances. Despite the State Department reporting this to the FBI, the FBI disregarded the State Department's finding and chose both to keep Steele as a source and use his Dossier they KNEW not to be verified, in some cases confirmed false.

'Investigators also uncovered issues with FBI employees who conducted validation reviews, noting they did not "review the full scope" of a long-term source's work for the FBI. "Moreover, FBI employees conducting CHS validation reviews told us they were discouraged from documenting conclusions and recommendations arising from the validation process," Horowitz's team said.'
DOJ IG Releases The 1st Of Several New Reports Coming Out Hammering the FBI

THIS Report exposes the FBI's failed mis-management of its SECRET SOURCES is uses to conduct investigations and operations...such as their criminal handling of foreign spy Steele and use of known false information he provided as the foundation for their exposed criminal investigation of and illegal spying on President Trump.

"Ineffective management and oversight of confidential sources can result in jeopardizing FBI operations and placing FBI agents, sources, subjects of investigation, and the public in harm's way," Horowitz said in a two-minute video."

Sound familiar? This should be considered 'foreshadowing' of what is to come in the US IG's soon-to-be-publicly-released FISA Court Abuse Report!

Evidence already released, leading to the US IG's and DOJ's (Durham's) investigations into FISA Court abuses and other criminal activity connected to the Obama administration's targeting and illegal spying on both candidate and President Trump, proves the FBI knew Steele would not vouch for the validity of what was in the Dossier, that the State Department testified it informed the FBI Steele was not a trustworthy source of information after lying to them in an interview and had an agenda to hurt Trump's election chances before they used the Dossier in FISA warrant requests, but that the FBI knowingly used the information anyway.

What the US IG cautiously refers to as 'Ineffective Management' is also a conscious choice to used known false data to defraud the FISA Court to illegally spy on candidate and later President Trump.

The US IG report / Horowitz makes it clear that Steele was NOT the ONLY source used by and which the FBI 'ineffectively managed' during the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia':

'Multiple confidential human sources were used in the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, including Cambridge professor Stefan Halper, who met with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos accompanied by a woman posing as his assistant, Azra Turk. Horowitz was looking into whether Halper, who made contact with other Trump campaign officials, exceeded his mandate.'

'British ex-spy Christopher Steele, whose salacious dossier on President Trump was used by the bureau to justify surveillance of the Trump campaign, was also a confidential human source to the FBI. Steele was cut off as an FBI source in November 2016, following the discovery that he had been improperly providing information to journalists while working with them, but he remained in contact with the bureau through a back channel facilitated by Justice Department official Bruce Ohr.'

Despite the State Department telling the FBI Steele was a liar and untrustworthy, despite officially (for show) being cut off as an FB Information source for breaking is contract with the FBI by leaking information to the press as part of his agenda to hurt Trump's election chances, and despite Steele telling the FBI himself that he could / would not stand behind the validity of the information in the Dossier, the FBI still kept him on as a source / operative through a back channel through Ohr and used the information they knew was not confirmed true in FISA Court Warrant Requests!
- Yeah, this was ILLEGAL.

DOJ inspector general finds 'numerous issues' with FBI management of secret sources

The Dems are Trapped RATS. This and Their Corruption in The Ukraine is all going to be completely exposed. They are just trying to get in their last parting shots before they drown with a sinking ship.
They want to put General Flynn in prison for lying to the FBI but the FBI gets away with mismanagement of secret sources and placing the public in harms way. WTF?
Local law enforcement all over the nation are increasingly Leary of the FBI...that should be a wake up call....
Still don't think there will be any criminal charges from the IG report. I predict the IG report and the Durham investigation will sound really bad identifying intentional corruption but no charges will result based on not finding enough evidence of intent and "all" those involved are no longer government employees.

fake FBI rhetoric is all they have .

They want to put General Flynn in prison for lying to the FBI but the FBI gets away with mismanagement of secret sources and placing the public in harms way. WTF?
Flynn didn't lie btw. Analysts looking at his testimony said he did not lie. It was when Comey, McCabe and Strozk got involved that they went after Flynn a 2nd time.

When they first ruined him financially, and then threatened to destroy his son, that's when Flynn threw in the towel.

Now he is fighting back, so I believe as I predicted 3 years ago, Flynn will end up a rich man despite it looking like he was losing everything.
Still don't think there will be any criminal charges from the IG report. I predict the IG report and the Durham investigation will sound really bad identifying intentional corruption but no charges will result based on not finding enough evidence of intent and "all" those involved are no longer government employees.
I think if that were true Trump would kind of know it and would be acting very differently than he is....but you do have history on your side....
This report, showing mis-management of information sources comes right before the much-anticipated US IG Report on FISA Court Abuses by the FBI and others in the Obama administration.

The President and WH believe the report will show crimes committed and improper actions taken by top FBI officials as well as other Obama Cabinet members / Agency Directors in their 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' coup attempt, but Democrats and the individuals involved believe the report will show no such crimes.

- Part of the reason Democrats and the co-conspirators believe this is because of the verbiage used in reports by the US IG, as seen in this report.

For example, the US IG calls the FBI being made aware that Christopher Steele is no longer considered trustworthy / a reliable source yet the FBI choosing not only to keep him as a source as 'Ineffective Management of Intel Sources'.

Ummm....willingly using a known Unreliable source and choosing to use information he provided that they can't verify or - worse - knew was false in FISA Warrant Requests goes well beyond 'Ineffective management'. Doing so was a willful act of deceit, deception, and criminal FISA Court Abuses.
The FBI's actions in this case were CRIMINAL!

This is reportedly why the US AG returned the US IG's FISA Court Report back to them. According to reports, the US AG asked the US IG to specifically list every criminal act, every specific law he believes was broken - how and by whom, and return it to him (the US AG for final release. The US AG wants to make this as simple for Americans to read and understand so what the report states can not be 'spun'.
Still don't think there will be any criminal charges from the IG report. I predict the IG report and the Durham investigation will sound really bad identifying intentional corruption but no charges will result based on not finding enough evidence of intent and "all" those involved are no longer government employees.
I think if that were true Trump would kind of know it and would be acting very differently than he is....but you do have history on your side....
He has not seen it.
If this revelation of FBI misconduct / improper management ...and illegal activity ... is just the 'teaser' / '1st course', I can't wait for the main course' - the FISA Court Abuse report...and Durhams findings in his now criminal investigation!
Still don't think there will be any criminal charges from the IG report. I predict the IG report and the Durham investigation will sound really bad identifying intentional corruption but no charges will result based on not finding enough evidence of intent and "all" those involved are no longer government employees.
I think if that were true Trump would kind of know it and would be acting very differently than he is....but you do have history on your side....
He has not seen it.

F'n RW morons have been hammering the FBI longer than I can remember - such a predictable pile of bs from you.

DOJ IG Releases The 1st Of Several New Reports Coming Out Hammering the FBI

THIS Report exposes the FBI's failed mis-management of its SECRET SOURCES is uses to conduct investigations and operations...such as their criminal handling of foreign spy Steele and use of known false information he provided as the foundation for their exposed criminal investigation of and illegal spying on President Trump.

"Ineffective management and oversight of confidential sources can result in jeopardizing FBI operations and placing FBI agents, sources, subjects of investigation, and the public in harm's way," Horowitz said in a two-minute video."

Sound familiar? This should be considered 'foreshadowing' of what is to come in the US IG's soon-to-be-publicly-released FISA Court Abuse Report!

Evidence already released, leading to the US IG's and DOJ's (Durham's) investigations into FISA Court abuses and other criminal activity connected to the Obama administration's targeting and illegal spying on both candidate and President Trump, proves the FBI knew Steele would not vouch for the validity of what was in the Dossier, that the State Department testified it informed the FBI Steele was not a trustworthy source of information after lying to them in an interview and had an agenda to hurt Trump's election chances before they used the Dossier in FISA warrant requests, but that the FBI knowingly used the information anyway.

What the US IG cautiously refers to as 'Ineffective Management' is also a conscious choice to used known false data to defraud the FISA Court to illegally spy on candidate and later President Trump.

The US IG report / Horowitz makes it clear that Steele was NOT the ONLY source used by and which the FBI 'ineffectively managed' during the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia':

'Multiple confidential human sources were used in the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, including Cambridge professor Stefan Halper, who met with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos accompanied by a woman posing as his assistant, Azra Turk. Horowitz was looking into whether Halper, who made contact with other Trump campaign officials, exceeded his mandate.'

'British ex-spy Christopher Steele, whose salacious dossier on President Trump was used by the bureau to justify surveillance of the Trump campaign, was also a confidential human source to the FBI. Steele was cut off as an FBI source in November 2016, following the discovery that he had been improperly providing information to journalists while working with them, but he remained in contact with the bureau through a back channel facilitated by Justice Department official Bruce Ohr.'

Despite the State Department telling the FBI Steele was a liar and untrustworthy, despite officially (for show) being cut off as an FB Information source for breaking is contract with the FBI by leaking information to the press as part of his agenda to hurt Trump's election chances, and despite Steele telling the FBI himself that he could / would not stand behind the validity of the information in the Dossier, the FBI still kept him on as a source / operative through a back channel through Ohr and used the information they knew was not confirmed true in FISA Court Warrant Requests!
- Yeah, this was ILLEGAL.

DOJ inspector general finds 'numerous issues' with FBI management of secret sources


So in other words, the IG found nothing he could charge anyone with. Nothing improper and nothing illegal.

I guess Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strozk can stop paying retainers to their lawyers for any upcoming criminal prosecutions. Talk about a "nothing burger".

Not even worthy of firing up my :popcorn: maker for. At least the impeachment hearings are keeping things entertaining.

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