Obama Aplogizes to Terrorists AGAIN!


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
During the debacle of the 9/11/12 attacks by Muslim terrorists, the Obama administration compounded the problem by releasing a series of apologies to the Muslim world, expressing understanding for the violence perpetrated. The Cairo Embassy issued a long apology, followed by Obama apologizing on 9/12, with yet another apology by Obama's secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

The major media responded by running stories suggesting the Mitt Romney has bad breath and tortures kittens.

But here we are a week later and it is revealed that the Obama administration has launched a MAJOR apology campaign in Pakistan. Of course you won't see this reported by MSNBC, CNN, the NY Times or any of the other democratic party media outlets.

BBC News - Pakistani TV shows US ads condemning anti-Islam film

{Pakistani TV channels are airing an advert showing news clips of US President Barack Obama condemning an anti-Islam film made in the US.

The advert also features a statement from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a press conference rejecting the amateur film's message.

Unrest over the film, Innocence of Muslims, has claimed several lives. }

Obama, fucktard for the ages...
He did not apologize to terrorsts but to the Muslims. There is a difference. Terrorist killed the four and not Muslims. Fucktard. And the apology was for the fanatic ass wipe whose insults cause death and destruction and relationships with Muslims. All to discredit Obama because he was winning the election. Blood of the four all over him. Obama did the(And a long list of Bush apologies cont;)
Chris Weigant: Apology Derangement Syndrome

(And a long list of Bush apologies cont;)
Chris Weigant: Apology Derangement Syndrome
All these apologies are doing is attracting more attacks.

He did not apologize to terrorsts but to the Muslims. There is a difference. Terrorist killed the four and not Muslims. Fucktard. And the apology was for the fanatic ass wipe whose insults cause death and destruction and relationships with Muslims. All to discredit Obama because he was winning the election. Blood of the four all over him. Obama did the(And a long list of Bush apologies cont;)
Chris Weigant: Apology Derangement Syndrome

(And a long list of Bush apologies cont;)
Chris Weigant: Apology Derangement Syndrome

What alternate universe do you live in? The people that killed our people were and are muslims, you can paly word games all day and the facts won't change. Not all muslims are terrorist, but all terrorist are muslims in that part of the world. To muslims appoligies are a sign of weakness, and Maobama has shown plenty of that.
Wow you guys are completely unhinged. Condemnation has become apology aparently. Even your link doesn't call the statement an apology. In fact only you nutters do. You are a joke.
Condemnation isn't apology.

Nope....but it implies some responsibility.

Why should he have said anything?
What did he say?

He openly condemned the film. Why?
It implies a connection.

Why doesnt he openly condemn Palenstinian films about Jews eatring Palenstinian children? The answewr? Becuase he is not connected to the actions or the victims.

So why did he condemn the film? It implies he is somewhat connected to it.
And no, it doesn't imply responsibility. That's beyond stupid.

enough of your childish insults. I never cast insults at you...yet you continue to do it to me.

Whatever floats your boat.
I really wish I could see these apologies, rather than a link to a site that says they did.

Call me un-trusting but damnit... I want to see the evidence for myself. I don't want to be told they did it, and then not have any evidence that they did.
Wow you guys are completely unhinged. Condemnation has become apology aparently. Even your link doesn't call the statement an apology. In fact only you nutters do. You are a joke.

Since when has the government been in the business of condemning things that are said by individuals via media about certain groups? Did we have Reagan issuing condemnations to the Russians for the negative portrayal of the Russians in The Hunt for Red October? Maybe Bush should have condemned Sasha Baron Cohen's character Borat because Kazakhstanis fucking hate him for it?

What Obama should say is that in America, the right to free speech is protected because it's an important principle to our society. People may not like what others have to say but we respect their right to say it even if it'll hurt someone else's feelings.
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